
300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

The BBA is recognized by Chinese car owners as a luxury car, Lexus, Cadillac although the sales in China are high, but in the end can only be reduced to second-tier luxury cars. Many Chinese like to drive BMW to sit on Mercedes-Benz before and after, in fact, not all BBAs are high-end performance cars, and some entry-level BBAs are even inferior to second-tier luxury cars.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

Ms. Liu, a Guangdong car owner, bought a Mercedes-Benz C-Class with more than 300,000 yuan for commuting to and from work. Ms. Liu bought a door-level Mercedes-Benz mainly because of face, driving a Mercedes-Benz out of the door is particularly face-saving, Mercedes-Benz interior and configuration are not bad, daily control is very convenient.

Ms. Liu does not understand the car, nor does she understand the performance and configuration of the car, not long after buying the car, once he encountered an embarrassing scene when he drove the car out of the basement. There had been a light rain the day before, and on the second day the temperature plummeted, and a thin layer of ice had formed on the floor of the garage.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

When Ms. Liu drove the Mercedes out of the basement, she just walked to a slippery road, Ms. Liu slammed on the accelerator and rushed forward, but the ground was too slippery, and the 4 wheels of the Mercedes-Benz were idle in place, and the car could not take a step forward. At first, Ms. Liu thought that her stepping on the accelerator was too light, and the car did not respond, so she pressed the accelerator to the end, but the vehicle never took a step forward.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

Ms. Liu heard the roar of the engine, but the car never took a step forward, and he did not understand what was going on. Ms. Liu first released the throttle and then began to step on the accelerator again, she wanted to turn the steering wheel to make the car climb forward. Ms. Liu hit the steering wheel to the side, and the car drove forward for a while, but she did not expect to walk for a while and then began to slip.

Ms. Liu didn't understand what was wrong with her car, why did the 4 wheels slip at the same time, and even the slope could not go up? Ms. Liu did not go up the slope for a long time, and finally he could only find a security guard to help him see. The security guard told Ms. Liu that your car was a rear-drive car, and the ground was too slippery when going uphill.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

Under the guidance of the security guard, Ms. Liu first hit the steering wheel and then stepped on the accelerator, constantly adjusting the direction of the vehicle, and finally drove the car out. Many netizens said that Ms. Liu's car was bought, more than 300,000 Mercedes-Benz could not even go up the slope, and the Wuling Hongguang worth 50,000 could go uphill one step at a time.

What should I do if the rear-drive car is skidding uphill?

Rear-drive cars are easy to slip on slippery roads, and car owners are useless to step on the accelerator, and can only solve the problem with ingenuity. When the wheel is slipping, the owner should not continue to step on the accelerator, and the throttle will only make the wheel idle in place, and the road surface will be smoother, which is not conducive to the uphill.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

The owner can release the throttle, first reverse the car for a while, then lightly step on the accelerator, lightly hit the steering wheel during the acceleration process, and use the inertia and speed of the car itself to rush up the steep slope. Before climbing, it is recommended that the owner turn off the esp body stabilization function that comes with it, and the vehicle climbs more vigorously after turning off this function.

300,000 Mercedes-Benz uphill, the throttle step to the end does not move, dealers are eager to recover the high price

Editor's Comments:

The rear wheel is easy to slip when driving on ice and snow roads, and the owner needs to use skills to help the vehicle get out of trouble, and it is useless to just step on the accelerator. When the vehicle slips on the uphill section or is trapped in a bunker, the owner can put a plank at the rear wheel to get the wheel out of trouble with the friction of the plank.

I hope that everyone will be more rational when buying a car, although the entry-level BBA is also a luxury car, but there is a gap between the performance and quality of the high-end car, and some entry-level BBA is not as good as the performance of the B-class car.

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