
The second part of "Zhizhen Says" 17| it seems that Li Bai also likes rabbits

The second part of "Zhizhen Says" 17| it seems that Li Bai also likes rabbits

□ Spring Steps

Chapter II The Kashikawa Universal Convention

What is?

In the provincial first township division, the first time he met Cao Yongtao, Niu Lanzhi had a bit of that impression of him.

He's a rabbit lip.

Cao Yongtao has thick black hair, is not tall, and is in the same class as his younger brother Niu Lanzhu. Although it is a rabbit lip, it is very speakable. That day, he drew a small white rabbit with two ears bouncing and two thin whiskers. He pointed to the rabbit lips on the painting, and then pointed to his own rabbit lips, and deliberately made a pinch, staring at Niu Lanzhi and asking: "Like it?" ”

Niu Lanzhi was embarrassed to be asked. Cao Yongtao pointed to a finger painting, and then pointed to his mouth: "Born, no way, I don't want to rabbit lips." I want to be like you, but I think again, why should I be like you! Come to the human world once, why are they all exactly the same, I am me! I was a rabbit in my previous life! ”

The strange thing is that when Cao Yongtao said this, Niu Lanzhi did not feel that his rabbit lips were awkward, but felt very characteristic. He was so frank that he brought out the flaws on the first side. Self-deprecation is natural.

"I am Kanji!" Cao Yongtao said.

The old newspaper people have a good memory, niu Lanzhi is also, vivid details, let her talk about the colorful, I listened to it fascinated. She said: "Do you know the 'cum'? It is one son and two rooms. Yu Fan, a master of Pu Xue in the Qing Dynasty, said that one son and two qi, to put it bluntly, is to carry the incense of two families on one shoulder. Quyuan in Suzhou and Yu Lou in Hangzhou, that's Yu Fan's family. Qu Yuan took the meaning of Lao Tzu's 'Qu Ze Quan', and his great-grandson Yu Pingbo was a leader in red studies. ”

Following the old man's train of thought, Phennes led me and let my thoughts fill the campus of the Provincial First Township Division more than eighty years ago. The school building of this school is surrounded by lotus ponds, and as soon as you leave the school gate, it is an endless lotus field, and within a few miles of the neighborhood, it is simply the world of lotus flowers. Legend has it that a few years ago, a pair of snow-like cranes flew over this lotus field, and they were ready to settle down in this watery field with lotus fragrance, hiding in the pond and killing one of them with an earthen gun. The other one who was not shot saw that his lover was killed, and the bright red blood dripped on its white feathers, he plunged into the water and never came out again, and from then on, in this white lotus pond, there appeared a delicate red lotus, and this Zhuangzi was renamed Xianhe Zhuangzi... It was Niu Lanzhi, Niu Lanzhu and Cao Yongtao's alma mater. At the mention of the name of his alma mater, Niu Lanzhi had a shameful color.

On the stone table on campus, Cao Yongtao held a pencil and drew while saying, "My great-grandfather won the vice list, that is, the deputy lifter." In my lifetime, the Cao family has fallen. My great-grandfather and grandmother were childless and passed me over. Alas, my father also died long ago, leaving my mother, sister and me. I am a single seedling of the Cao family. I really responded to the old saying of the people of Zhizhi Town, I became 'a hair on the grasshopper', holding it in the palm of my hand for fear of breaking, holding it in my mouth for fear of melting, walking in the alley for fear of losing it. ”

Niu Lanzhi looked down at the stone table, and on the white paper a Japanese devil's bayonet carried two chickens across the street, and the two chickens seemed to be still fluttering, and the feathers of the chickens had fallen off a few times. The fierce light flashing in the devil's eyes was like a polished scale hook. Niu Lanzhi couldn't help but clap his hands and say that the painting was too graphic.

The master is around, and Niu Lanzhi, who has loved to write and love to draw since he was a child, will worship Cao Yongtao as a teacher. Cao Yongtao smiled and said, "My rabbit, is it okay?" Don't you hate it? ”

Niu Lanzhi shook his head in embarrassment. He was like that cheerful little white rabbit.

Cao Yongtao said, "I like rabbits, and I also like to collect poems about rabbits." For example, Li Bai's "Pseudo-Ancient" has sentences such as 'Moon Rabbit Empty Medicine, Fusang Has Become a Salary', "Asking Wine to the Moon" has sentences such as 'White Rabbit Pounding Medicine Autumn Revival Spring, Chang'e Lonely Perch and Whose Neighbor', it seems that he also likes rabbits! ”

Niu Lanzhu said, "My sister is a rabbit. ”

Niu Lanzhi punched his brother, and his face was covered with a red cloth.

Cao Yongtao paused: "There are many aliases for rabbits, such as 'Moon Essence', 'Moon Virtue', 'Bright Vision' and so on. My master Gongye Xiangren said that in the Han Dynasty of our town, there was a master of scripture called Zheng Xuan, who belonged to the rabbit, and his grandson also belonged to the rabbit, and the hand print was the same, and Zheng Xuan named his grandson Xiao Tong. Legend has it that the Zheng Xuan family's servants have learning, and the cattle they raise also have learning, the horns of the cows touch the wall, becoming a 'eight characters', and Bai Juyi composes a poem 'Zheng Niu reads and sighs'. ”

"No matter whose cow, when its horn hits the wall, it becomes the word 'eight.'" Niu Lanzhi retorted.

"Oh, too." Cao Yongtao's rabbit lips were red and trembled.

Cao Yongtao went down again: "Legend has it that Zheng Xuan had a large amount of wine, and Yuan Shao feasted three hundred guests, each of whom saluted Zheng Xuan with a cup of wine, and three hundred cups of wine, and Zheng Xuan was still calm and did not show drunkenness." ”

"Surely not Shiba Bar?" Three hundred cups, how many. Niu Lanzhi questioned.

"It was from Cao Yongtao's hands that I came into contact with books and periodicals such as "Iron Stream" and "The Young Guards General," and it was he who led me and my brother to a road." The old man Niu Lanzhi recalled to me, "His influence on me also came a little bit, and I remember that the first essay after entering school was "My Ideal School". I simply described the beautiful environment of the school, and at that time I thought I was writing very well, but the Language teacher approved a few words at the end of my composition: 'The words are smooth and the lyrics are beautiful, but the content is not profound, and the purpose is not clear enough', and only 75 points are given. I don't quite understand the words 'not profound' and 'purposefully unclear'. After class, I found Cao Yongtao and wanted to apologize for my grievances, but I didn't expect him to say, 'The compositions of your female classmates always describe the environment too much, and lack an ideal and courage.' The teacher said that it was not profound, but it was just a gentle criticism. In my opinion, since the theme is the ideal school, you have to write why you want to take this school. Is your ideal just the beautiful environment around the school? Composition, not only a simple description, but also the inclusion of one's own thoughts. As soon as I listened, I angrily snatched the composition and tore it. It was so childish at the time. ”

One point number old family reserved land

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