
Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

In the elf dream leaf Lori anime, Yan Jue and ice princess are recognized by fans as a pair, and the official also takes care of the feelings of the friends, and really lets Yan Jue guard the ice princess for the second half of her life. It's just that although love can make people feel happy, it can't really solve things, and if you want to really solve the problem that the Ice Princess is afraid of disappearing, you must show real action.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

Because the Ice Princess is always a Holy Grade Grand Immortal no matter how weak she is, there are many people who are jealous of her, among which Mandora and Princess Dream are the most representative figures. Mandora also instigated the Ice Princess to freeze the entire human world in order to save herself, but in the end, Yan Jue finally made her change her mind, and saw in Wang Mo that humans were gradually improving the environment.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

It's just that for Mandora and the Dream Princess, the Ice Princess who is extremely weak at this time is the fish on the chopping board, after all, no one thought that Mandora would actually unite with the Dream Princess to take a shot at the Ice Princess's dream. In fact, these two people seem to have no connection, in fact, trapping the Ice Princess in the dream forever can achieve the common goal, after all, the Dream Princess once made a very vicious magic trick with the Ice Princess.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

Mandora, on the other hand, uses those Saint Princesses to save the Ice Princess's heart, taking advantage of this opportunity to defeat more Saint Fairy, so that it is only necessary to erase the Ice Princess's memory, and then give it to the Dream Princess to re-establish the memory on the Ice Princess consciousness that has lost her memory, so that double protection can be achieved, even if the Dream Princess fails in the end, it has helped Mandora to buy a lot of time.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

Of course, during this time, Mandora also successfully disintegrated the entire Spirit Rhino Pavilion, and obtained the power of the Spirit Rhino as desired, and sure enough, Princess Dream was not the opponent of the alliance of the major saint-level fairies after all, and finally let the Ice Princess recover her memory and wake up. Unfortunately, at this time, Ah Bing was only the deepest dream of waking up, in fact, when she just woke up, she returned to the dream when she was frozen.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

And Yan Jue tried his best to just break the dream kingdom created by the Dream Princess, as for this time, the Ice Princess was still sealed by her own ice crystals, and it was always a good thing to see the Ice Princess return unharmed. However, such a self-frozen Ah Bing is very dangerous, so Yan Jue took this opportunity to protect her in a special way, and also took the opportunity to confess.

Ye Luoli: What is the meaning of a blood-colored thorny rose? Yan Jue confessed the Ice Princess in a special way

In general, when Yan Jue gave the sleeping Ice Princess a bloody rose, it meant that his life had come to an end, at this time Yan Jue used the last bit of strength to create a boundary for the Ice Princess, but he no longer had the strength to maintain the soul out of the sheath, so the meaning of this blood red rose is to identify the Ice Princess as the favorite of his life.

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