
Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


As the last cabinet master of the Lingxi Pavilion, Princess Love was often complained that she had no sense of responsibility, because she could not always see her at key moments. When Mandora brought Xin Ling to attack the LingXi Pavilion, Yan Jue immediately opened the Lingxian Candle Fire to summon the Cabinet Lords, but the Princess of Love did not come.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively

The power of the Love Princess was also very strong among the many cabinet lords, and if she was there, Li Ash might not be so rampant. It is precisely because Li Gray knows that the love princess is not easy to deal with, so he also coaxed the love princess to play in his own black hole in advance, he is very aware of the love princess's playful and mischievous personality, so in order to prevent the love princess from spoiling his and Mandora's good deeds, he quickly took her away. Because of the absence of the love princess, Yan Jue was also a little dissatisfied, and this love was really greedy. However, everyone always says that the princess is naughty, in fact, the destructive power of Yan Jue Pangzun's poisonous Xi Qi is even stronger!

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


The love princess messed up the peacock's wardrobe

The personality of the love princess is very clear to everyone, she is a very lively and cheerful girl, and at the same time a little naughty. When you encounter something fun and interesting, you will not be able to control yourself, and your self-control will suddenly become very poor. When the love princess and the blue peacock and others returned to the fairyland, the love princess was also stunned to see the peacock's jewel nest, and the peacock's residence, the love princess had heard about it earlier, and heard that there were many beautiful clothes here, which was the temple of all girls' dreams, so the love princess went in and turned over herself as soon as she arrived at the peacock's jewel nest.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively

The love princess's playful and active temperament no one can control, peacock saw the love princess make a mess of her wardrobe, suddenly very angry, gritted her teeth and shouted the love princess to stop, and then she slipped up all the dresses. The love princess couldn't help but want to pick one to try on when she saw the beautiful clothes, so she made a mess of the things in the peacock wardrobe.

Although the peacock is very angry about the behavior of the love princess, she still takes the initiative to dress up the love princess, and under a magic, she also changes the love princess into a very kawaii costume, which satisfies the requirements of the love princess, so she is also settled. Although everyone always said that the princess was naughty and loved to do things, the destructive power of the other cabinet masters of the Lingxi Pavilion was not bad, they were Yan Jue Pang Zun and Poison Xi Qi.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


Yan Jue scribbled in SiSi's house

As the emcee of the Lingxi Pavilion, We have always felt that he should be a role model and role model for other cabinet masters. However, this Yan Fox is greedy and playful, and he does not lose love to the princess. After Yan Jue came to the Si Si family in the human world, in order to test whether his strength had recovered, he also held an ink pen and scribbled on the wall of the Si Si family, Liang Cai wanted to forcibly pull him away, this Yan fox was also very naughty, and this destructive force was also leveraged.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


Heartache si si home wall

The Lord of the Lingxi Pavilion visited Si Si's house, and in order to save the Spirit Princess and the Princess of Time, she also went to the Wonderland with Peacock and others, so she also asked Jianpeng to come to the house to take care of this group of Cabinet Lords. Jianpeng wants to greet this group of cabinet owners well, and as a result, people only want to do things, and a young man with jianpeng so much energy can't play this group of cabinet owners, so Jianpeng also quickly called Mo Sha to help. However, after the wall of Si SiJia was painted by Yan Jue on a few large characters for a visit here, I don't know if I can wash it off, and I am inexplicably distressed about the wall of Si Si Family.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


Pang Zun made Jianpeng a black man

After Pang Zun lost more than half of his strength, he came to the human world and vowed to quickly restore his strength, and then seek revenge on Li Gray and Mandora. Therefore, after Pang Zun stepped into Si Si's home, he began to look around for electricity that could be absorbed, and the socket of Si Si's house was not spared, although the power was very subtle, he was also willing to eat this power.

After sucking up the electricity, Pang Zun did not forget to complain that his power was still too weak, in order to test the electricity, he also specially electrified Jianpeng, and suddenly blew him into a black man, and his heart hurt Jianpeng for five seconds. Pang Zun's destructive power is more powerful than that of the love princess, the love princess is just messing up people's wardrobes, Pang Zun is stronger, Jianpeng must die.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively


Poison Xi tossed takeaway

After the Lingxi Pavilion Lord came to the human world, he also had to go into the countryside, although the human takeaway was not necessarily in line with their appetite, but out of courtesy, Jianpeng also gave these a few big takeaways, but poison Xi qi was very disgusted with the takeaway of Jianpeng point, thinking that the toxins were too much, so she refused to eat takeaway.

Poison Xi Qi did not eat it, even if it was not, when she saw Yan Jue Pang Zun making trouble, she also used magic to take four takeaways in circles there, tossing and turning here and there, Jianpeng only had two hands, naturally she could not get these cabinet masters.

Everyone always said that the princess was naughty, in fact, Yan Jue Pangzun poisoned Xi Qi more destructively

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Although the title of the Lingxi Pavilion Lord sounds very serious, but their personalities and titles do not match quite, this group of Cabinet Lords is too capable of tossing, everyone's destructive power is very strong, Jianpeng in the Sisi family has finally seen their strength, although the princess is very skinny, but Yan Jue Pang Zun poison Xi Qi is not much better.

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