
Wenxi County Old Promotion Association Red Yang Lian Cultivation Passed on the Red Bloodline

author:Motherland Cultural Tourism

On March 8th, Chai Zhenmin, president of the Wenxi County Association for the Promotion of the Elderly in Shanxi Province, led the vice presidents Luo Chuangye, Ning Yanlong, Qiu Jingpeng, Guan Kanghong and five others into Sidi Village, Houcun Town, to investigate the culture of the Red Yanglian. It is a unique product of Chinese culture, which is concise and easy to spread, easy to accept by the masses, so that It has its unique cultural dissemination and penetration.

Wenxi County Old Promotion Association Red Yang Lian Cultivation Passed on the Red Bloodline

  In order to further broaden the publicity of the revolutionary history and culture of Wenxi County and present the red culture with the unique vision of The Yanglian, the Delegation of the Promotion of the Elderly came to the Sidi Village of the National Yuelian Cultural Village to conduct research and jointly agreed with the leaders of the Sidi Village on how to create high-quality red Yanglian. The purpose of expressing red culture in the form of the YangLian is to further set off a climax of learning red culture among the masses through the process of compiling, writing, reading, and sending the red culture, so that the broad masses of the people, especially the young people, have a deeper understanding and understanding of the red history and culture of our county, learn from the spirit of the ancestors, inherit the revolutionary traditions, and inspire the motivation to forge ahead.

Wenxi County Old Promotion Association Red Yang Lian Cultivation Passed on the Red Bloodline

  The delegation of the Association for the Promotion of the Elderly visited the Sidi Village Yanglian Cultural Wall, the Jiafeng Yanglian Corridor, the Cultural Auditorium, the "Stars Holding the Moon Style" Middle Hall, the "Dishu Lian" Ring Competition, the Lianmo Exhibition Room, the Village History Museum, the Cultural Activity Room and other venues. President Chai Zhenmin fully affirmed sidi village's practice of adhering to the guidance of party building, opening up the road and rejuvenating the village with culture, and spoke highly of the achievements made by Sidi village in benefiting the people with culture, culture, and culture.

Wenxi County Old Promotion Association Red Yang Lian Cultivation Passed on the Red Bloodline

  After the visit, a symposium was held to propose further cooperation with Sidi Village to jointly disseminate red culture and a book donation ceremony was held. (Zhang Defu, Cheng Dongjian)