
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the

author:California Sunshine

[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] 】

Ben is born from the same root, and it is too urgent to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs!

What is a Slav? What is their history? 

The Slavic peoples are one of the largest ethnic and linguistic groups in Europe, with 340 million people. It is mainly distributed in Eastern and Central Europe, and the language belongs to the Slavic language family. The Slavs originated in the upper vistula of present-day southeastern Poland and began to migrate outward in the first century, and around the sixth century, the Slavs appeared on the plains of Eastern Europe, between nomadic and agrarian peoples, and sometimes by plundering. The expansion of the sixth century led to their settlements throughout central and eastern Europe. In modern times, with the expansion of Russia's territory, the Slavs also migrated to Siberia and Central Asia.

A state with the Slavs as the dominant ethnic group, Yugoslavia separated by Hungary and Romania and east and west Slavs 

Slavs are usually divided into East Slavs, West Slavs and Yugoslavs.

East Slavs: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Lusenians (Ruthenians)

West Slavs: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Sobs, Pomeranians

Yugoslavs: Serbs, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Croats, Slovenes, Montenegrins, Macedonians

Dark green: predominantly Slavic country, light green: A country where the Slavic minority makes up more than 10% of the country's population

This use of the Slavs first appeared in the writings of the Byzantine scholar Procopius in the 6th century AD. In his book, he uses different forms such as Sklaboi (Σκλάβι), Sklabēnoi (Σκλαβηνοί), Sklauenoi (Σκλαυηνοί), Sthlabenoi (Σθλαβηνοί), Sklabinoi (Σκλαβῖνοι), to refer to Slavs. At the same time, there was also the use of the Latin Sclaveni by the Byzantine scholar Jordanes to refer to the Slavs.

The term Slověninъ is often thought to have originated from slovo ("vocabulary"), which originally meant "people who speak the same language, and the Ancient Slavs divided the people by language, calling those who spoke the same language as themselves "slova", which means "talking people"; and calling people who were different from their own language "nemoi", that is, "dumb" (which also became the name for Germany in many Slavic languages).

The word Slovo ("vocabulary") is also associated with slavea ("honor") and slukh ("listening"), both of which originate from the Old Indo-European word ḱlew- ("called, honor"), and are also cognate with the Ancient Greek word κλέος (kléos "prestige").

Important events in European history led to the cultural and religious division of the three Slavs. In 1054, the Great Schism between the East and the West Church of Christianity, the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church competed, and from then on the East Slavs belonged to the Byzantine cultural circle represented by the Orthodox Church, while the West Slavs belonged to the Latin cultural circle represented by the Catholic Church. As for the Yugoslavs, since the geographical boundaries of the two classifications crossed between them, they belonged to both sides. Serbs, Macedonians and Montenegrins belong to the Byzantine cultural circle, and Slovenes, Croats and Bosnians belong to the Latin cultural circle.

In addition, under the influence of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, a very small number of Slavs converted to Islam, such as Bosniaks, Bomacs, Tolbes and so on.

The three Slavic subgroups, West Slavs, East Slavs and Yugoslavs, each with a variety of backgrounds, reflected in the unique history, religion and culture of the individual subgroups. Archaeology of prehistoric cultures shows that there are significant cultural commonalities between subgroups in the Bronze and Iron Ages, but modern Slavic peoples have been genetically and culturally diverse and differentiated, the relationship between subgroups is different, and the sense of national identity is gradually weakening, and even evolving into political opposition. In terms of three subgroups, individual cultural differences are mainly derived from the evolution of the historical background.

After the emigration of East Germans from Central Europe, the West Slavs settled in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, where they mixed with Germans, Hungarians, Celts, Ancient Prussians, and Pannonian Avars, influenced by the culture of the Western Roman Empire and the Catholic Church.

East Slavs mixed and interacted with Finno-Ugric peoples and The Baltics in the early days, as well as with Antes and Iranians, and later under the influence of Khazarians and Vikings. The ethnic origins of the East Slavs can be traced back to the tribal confederation of the Kievan Rus' and Rus Khanates, beginning in the 10th century, influenced by Byzantine culture and Orthodoxy.

The Yugoslavs had many cultural and ancestral ties, including the indigenous tribes of the Balkans, the Celtic tribes, the Romans, and the invading East Germanic, Asian, and Caucasian tribes. Most of the Yugoslavs were once part of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, and belonged to the cultural spheres of Orthodoxy and Islam. But the Yugoslavs of Slovenia and Croatia were mainly influenced by the Western Roman Empire and were therefore long accepted by the Catholic Church.

Taken together by the Slavic people as a whole, the majority of the Slavs in the Christian faith population belong to the Orthodox Church, followed by Catholicism, and some are Protestant. Among the Muslim population, the Slavs mostly belong to the Hanafi school of law, a branch of Sunniism. By the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, some Slavs became interested in the local beliefs before the introduction of Christianity, triggering a re-emergence of native Slavic beliefs.

[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the
[Ben is born from the same root: the history of the Slavs from the Russo-Ukrainian War!] Ben is born from the same root, and he is too anxious to fry! Russians and Ukrainians are of the same race, Slavs! What the

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