
Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

author:Who family yard wood incense

Among the ancient poems, farewell poems account for a large proportion. In ancient times, when traveling with cars and horses, long-distance travel was extremely difficult. It is easy to see when it is difficult to see other times, and it is even more sad when parting. Because no one knows, after this separation, will we still see each other again in this life?

Sometimes, a wave, a look back, a smile, is clearly a simple and ordinary farewell, but in the blink of an eye it becomes a farewell. Here don't yan dan, strong men hair rush crown. Jing Ke bid farewell to Prince Dan, never returned, and calmly went to death.

Wang Wei bid farewell to his friend and personally delivered a glass of fine wine to send him off. The end of the world is a long road, where to go? Where is the homecoming? Friends told him that life is not satisfactory everywhere, and he wants to go to The South Mountain to retreat, which is his hometown and a destination where his soul can be moored. Wang Wei did not keep it, but told his friend: But go to Mo Fu to ask, when the white clouds are endless.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

Xiao Lai who is drunk with frost? Always away from people crying. Parting from love haunts the heart, and poets think about it and write countless poems full of true feelings. Among these farewell poems, Wang Guan's farewell words, using the word plate of Bu Operator, integrate the farewell spring with the farewell friend, with a unique intention, novel content, and particularly eye-catching.

Wang Guan was a famous lyricist during the Northern Song Dynasty. Qin Guan, one of the four scholars of Sumen, wrote his words so well, but he greatly praised Wang Guan, calling it: highly talented mechanics, incomparable.

Wang Guan has loved to read since childhood, and his thinking is quick. When he was sixteen years old, in order to study, he traveled thousands of miles and went through all kinds of hardships to come to Kaifeng. His sincerity and perseverance touched Hu Yan of the Guozijian, so he accepted him as a disciple and taught him carefully.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

Wang Guan's efforts for many years had borne fruit in the year when he was twenty-two years old, and he passed the jinshi examination. As a young and promising student, he is highly valued. Wang Guan served as a Hanlin scholar and a Dali Temple. In addition to writing and writing chapters, he was responsible for drafting edicts, but in addition to this, he spent his time reading and writing poetry. If Wang Guan's life continues along this road, I don't know how many miracles there will be?

However, the end of life is always unpredictable. Wang Guan, who was originally smooth sailing, was once given a "silver medallion for his "Yangzhou Fu" that made Long Yan very happy. Unexpectedly, the "Qing Ping Le" he made at the behest of the empress dowager made the empress dowager angry and demoted him to JiangduZhi County. Caizi is different, he gave himself a nickname, evicting guests. After being degraded, he was so self-deprecating, and the uniqueness of Wang Guan was evident.

Today, let's take a look at Wang Guan's farewell poem and experience the poet's different affection.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

Bu Operator sent Bao Haoran to Zhejiang East

Wang Guan (Song Dynasty)

The water is the eye wave, and the mountain is the eyebrow peak gathering. Where do pedestrians go? Eyebrows are shining.

Only then did he send the spring return, and then send the king back. If you go to Jiangnan to catch the spring, don't live with the spring.

In the upper part of the word, the poet does not explicitly write the resignation, but adopts the rhetorical technique of borrowing metaphors, and magically integrates the divorce with the landscape, implicitly euphemistically, and sincerely.

"Water is the eye wave, the mountain is the eyebrow peak gathering", the poet compares the water to the beauty of the eye wave, gentle and bright; the mountain is compared to the beauty of the eyebrow peak, slightly raised, endless. In ancient poetry, Qiushui is often used to describe the eye waves of the beauty Gu Pan Shenfei, here, the reverse use of the metaphor, not falling into the trap, is refreshing.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

The allusion of Meiyuan Mountain Eyebrow comes from Zhuo Wenjun, it is said that Zhuo Wenjun, who has a beautiful posture and extraordinary appearance, her eyebrows are shaped like a distant mountain, graceful and colorful. Later, women often imitated her makeup and used pens to draw her eyebrow shape, which gave the distant mountain eyebrows their names.

Everyone's thoughts will be silently written on their faces. The slightly raised eyebrows represent the sadness of the heart. The flowing eye waves convey the reluctant detachment; the undulating mountains are just like the raised eyebrows, and they are also sad for the departed.

The horizontal and juju in the poem are both verbs, and on the surface, the poet describes the dynamics of the flow of the eye waves, the undulating shapes of the distant mountains. In fact, it tells us that the landscape has feelings and feels sad for the pedestrians who are about to leave. In this way, it is even more exaggerated to part from sorrow. Not affectionate but deeply righteous, not sad but full of thoughts, overflowing in the heart.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

"If you want to ask pedestrians to go there, the eyebrows are full of eyebrows", the question in the poem, writes out the poet's concern and concern for friends, and also euphemistically tells the reader that the place where friends want to go is in the distant Jiangnan, where there are mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and desirable.

The charm of poetry lies in the fact that its artistic conception can only be understood and is difficult to express. It is difficult to translate the meaning of the poem perfectly in modern language, such as the eyebrows in the poem. Yingying, meaning beautiful, the eyebrows reflect the previous metaphor, representing mountains and water.

Sending a thousand miles to the king, there must be a farewell in the end. When the poet watches his friend go away, the friend's back gradually fades away and gradually disappears from sight. At this time, who can comfort a friend on behalf of the poet? The landscape that accompanies the poet along the way, with the care and concern of the poet, carries this parting feeling and escorts the poet's friend all the way.

In the next piece of the word, the poet opens the door to the mountain, directly expresses the chest, expresses the love for spring, the reluctance to friends, the scene blends, the words are fragrant, and it is very different from the divorce in other poems. Reading this poem, I don't feel refreshed and can't let go.

Wang Guan's farewell words, beautiful and graceful, integrate the parting attachment into a spring color

"Only before sending the spring return, and sending the king back", not only writes that the time of the farewell is in the late spring, but also writes the divorce. Spring is beautiful, but it is always too short. The flowers of the branches fall in the wind, making a final farewell to spring.

The footsteps of spring, no one can keep, spring is as deep as the sea has become the past, and now there are flowers on the ground, full of nostalgia for spring. The footsteps of pedestrians, the poet can not stay. He did not keep it, but silently sent his friend away and blessed him in his heart.

"If you go to Jiangnan to catch the spring, don't live with the spring", the metaphor here is novel and unique, romantic and beautiful. The poet sent away the spring, and also sent him to hope that his friends could catch up with the pace of spring, keep the footsteps of spring, and always be with spring, which is the poet's best wish to his friends.

Ordinary people send farewells, and the words are all parting ways. Wang Guan is different, he integrates parting affection and reluctance into a spring color, the word style is clear, the text is fresh, people are bright, and the mouth is fragrant.