
Industry events | Highlights of the 2022 Two Sessions Property Proposal

author:Otaku looking for a house

1. Highlights of the property proposal of the two sessions in 2022

Recently, the two sessions of the National People's Congress were held in Beijing. What property-related suggestions have been put forward by NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members?

Industry events | Highlights of the 2022 Two Sessions Property Proposal

Recommendation 1: Establish a transparent and unified property management fee system

Zhang Zhilong, deputy to the National People's Congress and vice chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party, suggested exploring the establishment of a transparent and unified property management fee system and an assessment and evaluation mechanism with resident satisfaction as the core. Enhance the owner's awareness of the paid services of property management, improve the awareness of contract and the rule of law, and promote the benign linkage of property fee collection and improvement of property service level.

Recommendation 2: Amend the property management regulations to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of owners

Hu Chengzhong, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Delixi Group, suggested that "a new round of revision of the Property Management Regulations be initiated, the name of the Regulations will be changed, and the 'service' attribute will be highlighted." ”

At the same time, he suggested that it is necessary to strengthen the "contract" constraint on property enterprises, stipulating that during a contract period, property enterprises must not increase prices in the middle of the way, and if they really need to increase prices, they should organize other property companies to participate in bidding, "no competition, no price increases".

Recommendation 3: Build a smart city smart community

Lin Longan, a deputy to the National People's Congress of the Port District, suggested that we should promote the digital transformation of public facilities, create a number of digital demonstration application scenarios such as smart old-age care and smart communities, and provide efficient, high-quality and inexpensive public products and services such as property management functions, carpooling, rental housing, and express logistics.

Recommendation 4: Straighten out the relationship between property management and improve the effectiveness of grass-roots governance

Guan Xuebin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Tianjin Teda Real Estate Co., Ltd., said that to change the current problems in the property service industry, we must first straighten out the property management relationship. Raise property management to the highest level of government, so that grass-roots governments, enterprises, and owners can participate in community governance in an "orderly, effective and operational manner". The grass-roots government will be identified as the main responsible department for property service management, and the property management work will be included in its annual assessment.

(Source: Tencent)

2. The Suzhou Residential Area Property Management Regulations were officially implemented

From March 1, the newly revised Suzhou Residential Area Property Management Regulations came into effect. So, as a property service enterprise, what are the matters worth paying attention to in the new Regulations?

Industry events | Highlights of the 2022 Two Sessions Property Proposal

The following acts shall not be committed:

Stop power supply, water supply, heat supply, gas supply and other ways to urge the payment of property fees;

Selling, divulging, or illegally providing or using information about owners and property users;

Force owners and property users to use shared facilities and equipment through biometric means such as fingerprints and face recognition;

Fraudulently obtaining, misappropriating or embezzling special residential maintenance funds, public income and other common property of owners.

Collection of property fees

The collection of property fees shall follow the principles of reasonableness, openness and consistency of quality and price, distinguish the nature and characteristics of different properties, and implement government guidance prices or market-regulated prices in accordance with relevant national and provincial regulations.

Continued services can be paid upon request

After the termination of the property service contract, before the owner or the new property service provider selected by the owners' general meeting or the owner who decides to manage itself takes over, the original property service provider shall continue to deal with the property service matters, maintain the normal property management order, and may request the owner to pay the property fee for the period.

(Source: China Property News Network)

3. CR Vanguard Life acquired Yuzhou Property for 1.058 billion yuan

On the evening of March 8, CR Vientiane Life and Yuzhou Group successively issued announcements to introduce the latest progress in the acquisition of Yuzhou Property. According to the announcement, the transaction consideration finalized by the two parties is RMB1.058 billion.

Industry events | Highlights of the 2022 Two Sessions Property Proposal

In January 2022, the central enterprise property China Resources Vientiane Life twice in half a month wanted to acquire the residential properties of private real estate enterprises, first for 1.06 billion yuan to acquire Yuzhou Property, and then for 2.26 billion yuan to acquire Zhongnan Services. Subsequently, China Resources Land and China Resources Vientiane Life received a total of 23 billion yuan of financing from China Merchants Bank, which will be used for mergers and acquisitions.

At the beginning of 2021, CR Vientiane Life set a target of 400 million square meters of area under management by 2025. According to the data of Crus Vientiane Life's 2021 semi-annual report, its contract area is 162 million square meters, and the area under management is 122 million square meters. According to some institutional statistics, among the listed property management companies, the scale of CR Vientiane Life ranks 13th.

Today, through these two acquisitions, CR Vientiane Life has harvested more than 60 million square meters of area under management, and its scale has jumped to the top ten.

(Source: Cover News)

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