
House cat to find a house research institute | From March 5 to March 11, the property market is hot in the week

author:Otaku looking for a house
House cat to find a house research institute | From March 5 to March 11, the property market is hot in the week

Weekly industry observation

On March 5, the opening of the annual "two sessions", Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made a government work report, reiterating the positioning of "housing and not speculation", because the city's policies promote the healthy development and virtuous circle of the real estate industry. This year's government work report on real estate continues the policy caliber since the end of last year, compared with previous years, the expression of "virtuous circle" and "supporting the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of home buyers" has been added, and the real estate tax is not mentioned in the government work report, and the pilot work in key cities may be postponed. In addition, policy dividends are still released in promoting the sustained recovery of consumption and improving the quality of new urbanization.

Weekly news spotlight

1. Macro

The government work report sets the tone for this year's property market

On March 5, the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress opened, premier Li Keqiang of the State Council delivered a government work report to the conference on behalf of the State Council, which included mentions of real estate, including housing and housing not speculation, the "three stability" goal, the city's policies, a virtuous circle, meeting reasonable housing needs, accelerating the development of the long-term rental housing market, and orderly promoting urban renewal, but did not mention real estate tax.

Housing prices rose year-on-year in February

On March 9, the National Bureau of Statistics released the National Consumer Price Index (CPI) for February 2022. The data showed that the national consumer price rose by 0.9% year-on-year in February, the same as in January; up 0.6% month-on-month. Among them, in terms of housing prices, it rose by 1.4% year-on-year and 0.1% month-on-month.

2. Policies

Zhengzhou issued opinions on affordable rental housing

The General Office of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government recently issued the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Affordable Rental Housing, which clarifies that affordable rental housing mainly solves the housing difficulties of eligible new citizens, young people and other groups. In principle, there are no household registration and income restrictions on guaranteed rental housing for social supply.

Zhengzhou: Vigorously promote the monetization and resettlement of shantytown reform

On March 8, the Zhengzhou Municipal Government issued the Implementation Opinions on Actively Promoting the Monetization and Resettlement of Large ShantyTown Renovation Projects. The "Opinions" proposes that combined with the three-year offensive action of resettlement housing construction, we will concentrate on using 3 years to vigorously promote monetized resettlement and ensure that the resettlement of the masses will be completed in 2024.

Jimo cancels the 5-year limit policy

Recently, the Qingdao Jimo District Real Estate Registration Center confirmed that Jimo canceled the 5-year restriction policy, and the new house was changed from five years to five years after the online signature, and the second-hand house could be traded after two years, which has been implemented. This is currently the first city to cancel the restriction.

3. Urban construction

From January to February, Beijing's land area ranked first in the country

Institutional statistics show that in February 2022, the total amount of land taken by 50 representative housing enterprises fell by 67.0% year-on-year. From the perspective of land area, from January to February 2022, among the 50 representative housing enterprises, Beijing ranked first with 875,000 square meters, and Ningbo ranked second with 522,000 square meters.

Longgang Buji key renewal plan was released

Recently, the Buji Subdistrict Office of Longgang District, Shenzhen issued a notice of "Work Plan for Key Renewal Units in Buji New Town". The research area is about 3.6 square kilometers, and the proposed demolition area is about 1.5 square kilometers. The proposed renewal direction of the project is residential, commercial and other functions (the final update direction approved by the government shall prevail).

The Tianjin Metro Line 10 train is coming

A few days ago, the first train of the first phase of Tianjin Metro Line 10 successfully arrived and entered the Liyuantou depot, taking a solid and powerful step towards the upcoming commissioning of the key section trains. Not long ago, the left line of the first phase of metro line 10 successfully achieved short-track penetration, paving the way for the upcoming train to be commissioned.

Two major projects in Linyi were launched

Not long ago, linyi technician college new campus, Beijing Road Park two major projects launched. The new campus of Linyi Technician College is located in Hedong District, with a total estimated investment of 3.151 billion yuan. The construction scope of Beijing Road Park is east to Planning 17th Road, west to Qihang Road, north to Beijing East Road, and south to Dongyi Avenue.

4. Data

More than 70% of women agree to buy a house before marriage

The data shows that in the transaction data of 38 cities in 2021, the proportion of female consumers reached 48.65%, compared with 45.54% five years ago, 3.11 percentage points higher. 74.6% of the women surveyed believe that they need to have their own house before marriage, and the younger the woman, the stronger the concept.

In 2021, the transaction volume of commercial housing in Shandong Province ranked first in the country

Recently, the Shandong Real Estate Association released the "2021 Shandong Real Estate Industry Development Report", which reviews and summarizes the real estate development of Shandong Province in the past year from multiple perspectives such as policies, markets, cities and enterprises. In 2021, the transaction volume of commercial housing in Shandong ranked first in the country, and the online signing area of newly built commercial housing maintained a steady increase. The sales amount and sales area of the full-brand development enterprises were stable, and the local housing enterprises showed a strong momentum, accounting for a further increase in the ranking of the top 100 housing enterprises.

In February, Guangzhou's second-hand residential network signed more than 400,000 square meters

According to the data of Guangzhou Real Estate Intermediaries Association, in February (statistical period: January 26, 2022 to February 25, 2022), a total of 4176 second-hand residential buildings in Guangzhou were signed online (with a construction area of 400,600 square meters), of which 53.47% were mortgage purchases. The average price of second-hand online signatures in the month was 25770 yuan / square meter.

The average price of second-hand houses in Guangzhou fell in the 10th week

The average price of the second-hand residential market in Guangzhou in the 10th week of 2022 was 34485 yuan / square meter, down 0.19% from the previous month. Last week, the average price of the 3 urban areas in Guangzhou fell, and the 8 urban areas rose month-on-month. Among them, the average price of the Conghua market ranked first month-on-month, up 2.05% last week; Huangpu fell the first, down 0.69% month-on-month.

The average price of second-hand houses in Qingdao rose in the 10th week

The average price of Qingdao's second-hand residential market in the 10th week of 2022 was 20,303 yuan / square meter, up 0.28% month-on-month. Last week, the average price of qingdao's 3 urban areas fell, and the 7 urban areas rose month-on-month. Among them, the average price of Jiaonan market ranked first in the month-on-month increase, with an increase of 0.28% last week; Laoshan fell the first, down 0.57% month-on-month.

In the 10th week, Beijing second-hand residential network signed 3354 units

According to the statistics released by the website of the Housing and Construction Commission, last week (February 28 to March 6), the number of second-hand residential online signatures in Beijing was 3354 sets, an increase of 8% month-on-month, and the second-hand residential buildings in Beijing rose for four consecutive weeks. Last week, the average daily online signature was 626 sets, compared with the previous week's weekday average of 562 sets of online signatures, an increase of 11.4%.

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