
The 2-year-old child has strong language expression ability, only because I insist on doing 3 things, the method is simple and can be used as a reference

Some time ago, the first grade began, the teacher arranged a parent-teacher meeting in the first week of school, mainly to summarize the work of the last semester and the deployment of this semester's work, so that parents and the school together to promote the child's learning, I sat next to several parents, everyone chatted together.

A parent said: "The teacher always said that our daughter's expression ability is poor, what is the situation in your family, I have a headache to die, is our daughter really stupid", and several other parents have said that their children also have this phenomenon.

The 2-year-old child has strong language expression ability, only because I insist on doing 3 things, the method is simple and can be used as a reference

Children in the first grade, poor language expression ability, which makes many parents headaches, after all, not many parents will feel that their children are stupid, but is the child's poor language expression ability really stupid?

We can often see that some children can only say simple words at the age of two, or stumble, some children can say sentences at the age of two, and even hum children's songs, in fact, the child's poor language expression ability is not because the child is stupid, but because in the language sensitive period, parents have not created a good enough language environment for their children.

Many children with poor language expression ability, parents do not like to talk or are brought up by grandparents, in the thinking of grandparents, there is no need to cultivate the child's language expression ability this awareness, which leads to the child's poor language expression ability, as we all know, 0 to 3 years old is the golden period of children's brain development and language development, if you miss this period, the child's brain and language development may lag behind other children, so parents must seize this period to cultivate children's language expression ability, After all, people with good language expression skills are very popular wherever they are.

The 2-year-old child has strong language expression ability, only because I insist on doing 3 things, the method is simple and can be used as a reference

As mentioned above, our daughter Guo Guo is now in the first grade, Guo Guo's language expression ability is very good, she can say some sentences intact when she is more than two years old, and also knows many things in life, after going to kindergarten, kindergarten teachers often praise Guo Guo's language expression ability, and the first-grade teachers do not praise her language expression ability.

Many parents will ask me: Why do you usually bring a baby, I see that you are not a full-time mother, how can you teach the baby's language expression ability so strong?

I shared with them some of my experiences with children and insisted on these 3 things every day:

First, communicate more with children

When I was a child, my husband and I used to tease her, talk to her, and talk to her after work, even though she might not understand what we were saying, and hardly let her watch TV or be alone.

Later, slowly, she can understand some sentences, we will tell her stories, she likes to listen to a story repeatedly, we will read the story to her over and over again, after reading the story, ask her some questions, let her answer.

Chatting with children, reading stories to children, and taking children to sing nursery rhymes can all exercise children's language expression skills.

The 2-year-old child has strong language expression ability, only because I insist on doing 3 things, the method is simple and can be used as a reference

Second, explain more things to your children

I belong to the people who like to go out and play, I often take the fruit out to play, explain some things to her, increase her vocabulary, such as: traffic lights, cherry blossom trees, big trucks, cars, etc., explain more things in life to children can increase the child's vocabulary.

When at home, you can also explain some things to your child to increase your child's vocabulary reserves, and only when you know how to say words, your child can say them.

The 2-year-old child has strong language expression ability, only because I insist on doing 3 things, the method is simple and can be used as a reference

3. Take your child to read

Reading with children is also a good way to increase children's vocabulary, after all, parents are not professional teachers, the ability to teach children is limited, you can prepare some suitable reading books for children to read with children, when children are young, parents can take children to read, in the process of reading and children to communicate and interact, some parents may ask: choose what books to give to children? There are actually a lot of books in the house, but the children don't like them.

Language expression ability is very important for children, which is also to be cultivated from an early age, parents must pay attention to children's language expression ability.

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