
This sign you don't understand: you know in your heart, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", you must insist on mixing it

Text/Ling Ting Seven Seven

In the face of some difficult things, perhaps some people will feel that since they can't do it, then change the way, some people will also feel that if there are other choices, you can also change a field, but in the eyes of some people, change is not an easy thing, change the plan is not a more appropriate choice, because they feel that there is a breakthrough, there is a problem, there is a problem, there is a problem, the solution is not a problem, and in our twelve zodiac signs, the kind of stubborn attitude, mainly the fixed palace sign, There are some decisions not to hit the south wall, and the first to bear the brunt is our Scorpio.

Scorpio as a daunting, but have to admire the group, always do unexpected things, sometimes even if it is wrong, they still have to be wrong to the end, because their polar ability to win is not ordinary people can feel and understand, so often also achieve the ambition and goal belonging to Scorpio, they are not willing to admit failure, nor allow themselves to fail, even if there will be helplessness in the end, this process can still see their efforts to maintain the process.

This issue, is a new round of constellation interpretation, before the advantages and disadvantages of the constellations to do some simple interpretation, many friends have a deeper interest in the constellations, if you like, continue to follow the seven seven to familiarize yourself with the astrological constellations, this period will have a certain number of planetary combinations of interpretation, today's first appearance is still Scorpio, of course, the constellations combined with it are random, but there will be a different state of Scorpio in the astrolabe.

This sign you don't understand: you know in your heart, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", you must insist on mixing it

Scorpio, there are countless grievances in the heart

In the world of Scorpio, many are gray or even black, it can be said that they have always had a keen sense of smell for these two colors, especially in the eyes of Venus Scorpio, it seems that they always maintain some low-key and cautious attitude in it, on the one hand, they will be more tolerant, on the other hand, there are some extreme levels of thoughts, will also affect their emotions, it can be said that they will have unbridled happiness, but also easy to have endless hardships.

Of course, if the golden Scorpio and the moon Scorpio and Saturn Scorpio to a relatively strong star connection, this aspect of the sense of substitution will be more intense, on the one hand, very much hope that they get the affirmation and attention of others, on the other hand, do not want to be excessive, but also feel that they must be careful, so as not to be flawed, and because of this, Scorpio often follow the rules of low-key behavior, they do not allow themselves to become the target of attack in the eyes of others, even if they themselves are not afraid of being regarded as opponents.

They always have a number in their hearts, they have a few pounds and a few pairs, they hate those who always mock themselves, look down on their own words and others, even relatives can't do it, when a Scorpio is facing the situation that the four planets of the Golden Moon and Earth Day are all in Scorpio, Scorpio is Scorpio, how cool Scorpio is, how cool they are, how bitter Scorpio is, how much suffering they will endure, it can be said that this series of astrolabe Scorpio is the part of Scorpio that is bent to the extreme.

They always hide their thoughts, but they long for others to understand and recognize their ideas, disobeying or being fooled and ridiculed, will arouse serious dissatisfaction in their hearts, so that there will be a situation of holding back, it will be fire, at this time the position of Mars and Mercury in the astrolabe will be extremely important, if Mars is a position that is easy to explode, Mercury is a location that does not like trouble, such as Mercury shooter, Mars shooter, then basically, their suffocation for a long time, They will find a platform for them through their own mitigation, find reasons, and comfort themselves, which is a kind of "self-deception" compromise.

This sign you don't understand: you know in your heart, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", you must insist on mixing it

But it is not that the Scorpio in this position has been holding back, after they have been suppressed for a long time, the counter-attack ability is super strong, as long as the anger rushes to the head of this part of the Scorpion, then what means or plans, they will do their homework, can be described as the type of first salute and then soldier.

What if Mercury Mars is in this part of Libra in Scorpio? This is not easy to say, this part of Scorpio sometimes has a jumping short circuit situation, on the one hand, they are not easy to provoke, but they will always hover on the edge of anger and harmony, so that they will become nervous, and even with a little word is not up to the state, it is very likely that some of the anger they arouse, when they show it, they do not know where the pain point is, which will make people inexplicable and feel a little unreasonable.

Of course, if this kind of Scorpio Mercury Mars is in Scorpio, it is really the Scorpio Buddha, and eventually you will sigh "your uncle or your uncle", because this part of Scorpio can not show the impact of the squirming, but they will secretly collect evidence, and even will stop at nothing to use the way of self-damage 1000 to counterattack, even if it only hurts the other party 800, it does not hurt, it is a more masochistic type of configuration, but if this part of Scorpio can find an exit, it will definitely do earth-shattering, After all, the influence of the fire scorpion will drive the entire group of scorpions to find a clearer direction, and there will be breath to come out.

Scorpio, the pursuit of the big guy level

Here to be listed separately is mercury, Mars, Venus, sun Scorpio this combination, often these several Scorpio planetary combinations, there will be a different style of performance, especially in the predicament to find a glimmer of life, the previous paragraph is about a kind of stubborn existence, that is the know that can not do the trend, is a willful, but also a stubborn, and this fragment to talk about another stubborn match, because in addition to the fixed house of Scorpio, there are Taurus, Aquarius in the astrolabe, Leo is in a fixed house constellation, of course, the combination of a fixed house and a basic house constellation also has a good impact.

If the stars Scorpio and these fixed houses, the basic house sign has a combination of astrolabes, and what kind of state will it be, this answer will basically give many Scorpio an exciting sense of solidity, because the combination of these house signs will often achieve the so-called big guy level Scorpio.

This sign you don't understand: you know in your heart, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", you must insist on mixing it

Maybe we are familiar with the Scorpio big guys, everyone just knows that they are Scorpio, or that they are the stars of Scorpio, but many people have ignored the other combination of content associated with it, if it is said that Venus Scorpio Mercury Scorpio Sun Scorpio and Moon Scorpio Mars are strategic tendencies, then Venus Mercury Sun Mars Scorpio and Moon Aquarius Mars Aquarius is an area of innovation, will also go deep into the high-tech industry, even if it is to give the technology industry a powerful seed player, if they can find a breakthrough, The influence on the cusp of the storm has nothing to do with it, but will become their driving force, even if it is the more they fight, the more they can achieve, and the more they counteract, the more brilliant they are.

And Scorpio and Libra, Aries this basic palace constellation of the astrolabe combination, is also a very interesting big guy level, it can be said that Libra is information-based, and the basic palace characteristics of Libra, will also let Scorpio's perseverance in the consulting to find a pioneering development space, find a suitable for their own elaboration and leading the trend of the direction, and Aries Capricorn This basic palace trait, is practical type, industrial type, so it will often be closer to the circle of life, more in line with the direction of basic needs.

Because of the Scorpio's stubborn nature, it often allows these other planetary energies in the astrolabe to have more room to exert, and because of the Scorpio's stubbornness and forbearance, it also achieves the insight and crisis awareness of the entire astrolabe, which can prevent problems before they occur, and can turn the impossible into possible, so it has achieved the level of the big guy who belongs to Scorpio.

Scorpio, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", must insist on blending in

Do not give up until the purpose, but also an indispensable potential condition in the body of Scorpio, although they are depressed, they are pessimistic factors too much, but they just have such a strong perseverance and perseverance, is the kind of perseverance that knows that the mountain has a tiger, biased towards the tiger mountain line, so often even if it is a sword mountain fire, they are not spared.

Some people actually do not understand Scorpio, they are already so miserable, why do they still clench their teeth, knowing that there are many difficulties, but also to go forward, how is there a kind of coffin does not shed tears, but no one knows, Scorpio is actually afraid, they are also afraid of the violent impact of failure, and they are just to make themselves not lose themselves when they fail, and always remind themselves that they must be strong and must be strong.

This sign you don't understand: you know in your heart, even if it is doomed to "tragedy", you must insist on mixing it

This is also one of the main reasons why Scorpio always likes to be cruel to themselves, because no one knows what they care about, and no one can find out where their real weaknesses are, for Scorpio, there is no emotional shackle, almost invincible and flawless, and after they screen the emotional shackles, they will use more powerful influence to fill themselves with protection, which is to paint themselves with a golden cover.

So even if there are many bumps in the road, they will insist on mixing it, even if many people in front of them feel that it is not feasible, it is a dead end, even if they also feel that it is difficult and the possibility of tragedy is very large, they will still do their best, because they know that the place where no one can go is the place where there is really life, and those who are trampled on are better off looking for sandbars in the desert.

Scorpio's "tragic characteristics" have also achieved a state unknown to others, a special group of people with black and gray power, but can render strange and colorful energy, they have always had the expectation of miracles, the achievements after setbacks, is the spark of their hearts, they will not stop, will continue to move forward, repeatedly, constantly subvert others, more subvert themselves, so even if they are doomed to "tragedy", they still insist on blending in.

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