
[Dongting Writer] Yi Shiqiu / Yi Gao speaks from afar

Speak high and self-explanatory

I read one of the "Records of Yueyang Lou"

Author: Yi Shiqiu

[Dongting Writer] Yi Shiqiu / Yi Gao speaks from afar

I think we Chinese probably the most elegant and intelligent population in the world, and once the government is in harmony, it is always a new or renovated pavilion with a modern park nature to commemorate it. It not only provides an ideal place for mass gatherings such as the self-cultivation and elegance of the Wine-Friends Poetry Association, but also knows the truth of the transmission of things in the text, and must be accompanied by wonderful poems to show its far-reaching artistic conception. Those who are themselves poets and politicians are self-righteous, even if they feel that their weight is not enough, they will do everything possible to invite famous giants, lay out the text, and write brilliantly to make a difference. As a result, not only are the pavilions and pavilions everywhere in the country, adding color to the rivers and mountains, but also the poems that record their events have their own advantages, becoming a unique scenery in the Cultural Grand View Garden. Like "Tengwang Pavilion Preface", "Drunken Pavilion Record", "Xiyu Pavilion Record", etc., it is even more popular among the population and is well-known at home and abroad. However, like the "Record of Yueyang Lou", it is indeed unique to create a famous building with an article, to create a famous city with a famous building, and then to become a spiritual coordinate, a model of personality, and a treasure house of thought. This short article of just over 360 words is not only uniquely conceived, elegantly written, fluent in writing, exquisite and exquisite, but also flashes with lofty moral brilliance and dazzling ideological brilliance, which not only attaches a significant regional label to Yueyang, but also internalizes it into an important part of the spirit of Yueyang and even the spirit of the Chinese nation.

However, I am ashamed to say that although I have heard about it earlier, I have not been able to read "Yueyang Lou" carefully throughout my student days. When I was in junior high school, it was the transition period from two years to three years, I was a high school that crossed the third year of junior high school, and "Yueyang Louji" was just in the sixth volume of the junior high school Language Textbook, and I was very sorry to lose it. It happened that among the language test questions I took the college entrance examination that year, there happened to be a fill-in-the-blank question about Fan Zhongyan and "Yueyang Louji", fortunately, the reputation of "worrying about the world before the world, and enjoying the happiness of the world after the world" was too prominent, and it was familiar that I was able to barely cope with the past. Although he was lucky to score points, as a Yueyang person, some guilt and loss naturally surged up in his heart. When I arrived at the university, because the text of "Yueyang Louji" was relatively simple, Fan Gong was not famous for prose, and we naturally did not have "Yueyang Louji" in the ancient literature anthologies of our Chinese profession. Time passed, and the guilt in my heart slowly faded.

Who knew that there was providence in the darkness, and I had to make up for this lesson, and after graduating from college, I was actually assigned to teach at Yueyang City No. 1 Middle School, which is less than 100 meters ahead of Yueyang Building. What is particularly interesting is that Mr. Wu Xiaoxia, the old principal of our school, is not only the first principal after the founding of New China, but also a veteran intellectual, and the head of the underground party in Yueyang before the founding of the People's Republic of China. Perhaps it is closely related to his mind, experience and personal cultivation, or perhaps he wants to implant a thick humanistic spirit in the school according to local conditions, in short, he especially likes and attaches importance to "Yueyang Louji". As a result, memorizing "Yueyang Louji" became a compulsory test for him to interview every new Chinese teacher who reported to school. It is said that one of my university brothers did not dare to report because of the unskilled memorization of "Yueyang Louji", and had to wait until he could cross the river and back the back before he could rest assured. Naturally, I was no exception, not only did I make up for this lesson, but with the deepening of my work, reading Yueyang Lou and "Yueyang Lou" became an indispensable and important part of my life and even my entire life.

In fact, according to authoritative records, the more consistent statement has always been that Fan Zhongyan has not been to Yueyang, let alone climbed the Yueyang Tower. The natural scenery of Yueyang Tower and Dongting Lake in his pen is just an artistic reality that he refined according to the charm of Taihu Lake in his hometown of Wu County, Suzhou, in his childhood and his life experience in Baihuazhou when he was a Zhizhou in Dengzhou, and the ideological basis is the spiritual totem created by his decades of world consciousness.

Fan Zhongyan's family was poor when he was a teenager, but he was studious and self-motivated, studying hard in the bitter cold environment of two meals of cold porridge, and even did not undress and go to bed for five years. The tempering of this hard life has made him always honest and self-disciplined, concerned about the people's livelihood and suffering, and never forgetting the worries of the world. When Xiucai was talented, he took the world as his own responsibility and had the name of speaking out. After becoming an official, he did not change his original intentions, and successively wrote to discuss the government of the dynasty, pinpointed the shortcomings of the times, and even wrote many times to criticize the prime minister of the dynasty, so that he was degraded three times, and the time when he wrote this article was degraded. Although he was famous all over the world and was an all-rounder in literature and martial arts, he not only led the famous "New Deal for celebrating the calendar", but also shocked the enemy when he was guarding the northwest frontier of the town, claiming that "there are tens of thousands of armored soldiers in his chest", and the local rumor is even more that "there is a model in the army, and the western thief is frightened and bold", but his fate is uncertain, and he finally died on the road of being degraded to Raozhou, and the situation is really sad.

However, Fan Zhongyan never cared about personal gains and losses, and was bent on the country and the nation, just as after his death, the famous politician and literary scholar Ouyang Xiu said in the inscription written for him, Fan Zhongyan had ambitions for the world since he was a child, and he had long recited from himself: "When a soldier worries about the world before the world, and the world is happy and happy after the world!" It can be seen from this that the sentiments expressed in Fan Zhongyan's article are by no means a whim, let alone self-proclaimed and political labels, but a lifelong code of conduct. If his good friend Teng Zijing asked him to write the record of Yueyang Lou was just a chance that triggered his thoughts to burst out, then the lofty state of "not being happy with things, not being sad with oneself", and the lofty realm of "worrying about the world before the world, and enjoying the world after the world" are the inevitable eruptions of his lifelong ideological accumulation. The reconstruction of Yueyang Tower, the achievements of Teng Zijing, and the victory of Baling County are only a lead in the author's heart, although the large-scale development, the literary atmosphere is longitudinal, the literary style is gorgeous, and the sentence-making is exquisite, but it is only a clever preparation of the mortal people's state of mind, and it is a realm that can also be achieved by the general article's clever hands. And that lofty intention, that broad embrace, and that painful and straight expression of the chest are the huazhang interpreted by the author with painstaking efforts and life, the height of thought and personality that ordinary people cannot reach, and the spiritual feast left by the author to Yueyang, to history, and to future generations.

Bloody articles written in blood. Words without thought, no matter how beautiful, can only be a pile of words, which will eventually dissolve in the time and space of history. Similarly, a soulless shell, no matter how luxurious, can only be a walking dead, and cannot walk out of the final ending of "a pile of grass in the desert". It is precisely the broad mind of "not rejoicing in things, not worrying with oneself" and the lofty realm of "worrying first and then enjoying" that have achieved the fame and aftershocks of Fan Zhongyan and "Yueyang Louji".

Meaning high and self-explanatory, Dan's heart is sweaty, although the Si people have passed away, there are still feelings for a thousand years. Sorrow and happiness close the world, sorrow and joy are Clean, Linwen often encourages himself, and he is worthy of Yueyang people. I think this should be the biggest life enlightenment left to me and all of us in Yueyang by reading Fan Zhongyan and "The Record of Yueyang Lou".

[Dongting Writer] Yi Shiqiu / Yi Gao speaks from afar

About the Author

Yi Shiqiu, a middle school Chinese teacher, is a person who measures his life with words all his life.

Image: Network

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