
The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

author:Colorful Qin'an

Shakespeare said:

"One would rather listen to a hundred beautiful lies than a blunt truth."

In life, when we interact with others, we are happy to accept some words even if we know that they are false flattery.

And for those objective truths, we are very resistant.

As everyone knows, if we continue like this for a long time, our lives will become worse and worse as we can't hear the truth.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

If you don't listen to the truth, you don't dare to look directly at your own shortcomings

The famous screenwriter Li Bihua said: "The truth is the worst, and the truth is the worst." ”

You know, although false words are good, they may not really be useful to us; although the truth is against the ear, it can make us face up to our own shortcomings.

In other words, blindly rejecting the truth is actually deliberately avoiding one's own shortcomings.

I once watched a personal experience shared by a netizen.

She said that because of a word, her best friend and she blushed.

It all started with her kind advice.

Her friend runs a restaurant that specializes in special bacon sausages, which are delicious and are called "net red sausages" by netizens.

In order to maximize the profits, her friend secretly replaced the pork belly that should have been used to make bacon sausages with other meats with slightly lower prices.

Once, she pulled several colleagues over to taste, and the colleagues said while eating:

"'Net red' is like this, the taste is really good, but the meat eats a lot of wood."

After she tasted it, she found that the taste was slightly different from what she had eaten before.

Although it didn't have much impact, she was still worried that her friends would mess up the reputation she had accumulated for half a year.

So, that night, she called a friend and asked, "How do you feel that the taste of the sausage in the store has changed a little recently?" ”

After the friend listened, he foolishly said:

"Oh, no, I'm busy, we'll meet and talk another day."

Before she could call back, the phone hung up.

The next day, the two met for dinner.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

Image source: Panorama Vision

She kindly mentioned the problem of meat sausage to her friend, saying:

"The taste of meat sausages is worse than some time ago, you didn't change the material, but don't smash the signboard because of this."

After the friend listened, his face immediately sank, and he frowned and retorted: "What are you talking about, how can so many people buy it when it is not delicious, do I use you to teach me to do business?" ”

From there, the relationship between the two people was much lighter because of a kind reminder.

Zhou Dunyi, a northern Song Dynasty philosopher, once sighed:

"Today's people have had, but they don't like people's rules, such as hiding diseases and avoiding medical treatment, preferring to destroy their bodies without enlightenment."

In fact, many people do not really like to listen to the truth, but do not dare to look directly at their own shortcomings, so they deliberately avoid.

Good words are heard by everyone, but only the truth is really beneficial to us.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

If you don't listen to the truth, you will let yourself be surrounded by villains

Actor Betty once said:

"If everyone doesn't listen to lies, the liars will disappear."

Just like if we don't listen to the truth, those friends who dare to tell the truth will gradually leave us.

Instead, a group of people who love to tell lies surround us.

They have no position, they do not distinguish between events, and their mouths are always like honey, deliberately saying what we love to hear.

The more false words you hear, the less truth you will have.

My cousin Wang Yun once complained to me that her father was surrounded by a group of flattering friends.

Her father is a medical device salesman, willing to endure hardships, can do things, signed a lot of big customers for the company.

Due to his excellent performance, he rose from a low-level employee to a vice president of the company.

Standing in the ceiling position of the company's employees, the treatment of "one person under ten thousand people" made him begin to get carried away.

When meeting with subordinates, anyone who disagrees with him or proposes changes will be scolded by him.

Even, because some employees pointed out shortcomings to his plan, he demoted people.

Once, he invited two old employees who had come all the way with him to dinner, and the two of them talked about his management problem of "only flattering villains is used" for the sake of his future.

Unexpectedly, he blushed at that time, disgusted with people's nonsense, and the meal was not happy.

Since then, fewer and fewer people have dared to tell him the truth, silent silence, departures, and the company has a bunch of employees who can speak well and sweetly:

"Mr. Wang, things are like gods!"

"How could I not have imagined such a great idea?"

"Working with a leader like you, I'm always confident."

Soon after, there was no one around him who dared to point out his shortcomings, it was all the sounds of some sneaking horses.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

In the Disciple Rules, it is preached:

"Smell anger, smell pleasure, lose friends, benefit friends."

This means that if you are not happy to hear others say that you have done your wrongs, and if you hear others praise you, you will be overjoyed, and soon those who are obedient and obedient and cover up your faults will come close to you, and the real friends will stay away from you.

The hypocrisy of the scene will never be able to withstand the outspoken sincerity.

If people are always unable to hear the truth, those who tell you the truth will inevitably gradually leave, and all that will remain will be those who love to tell lies.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

Those who dare to tell the truth are the most worth cherishing

Remember the philosopher Bacon said:

"It is a blessing and a blessing to be able to hear others tell the truth to themselves, to make fewer or no detours, to make fewer mistakes or not to make big mistakes."

Faithfulness can save people.

Those who dare to speak out about our shortcomings are the most worthy of cherishing.

Gongzhu is a proud protégé of Grandmaster Mozi, and although he is a disciple, he is always scolded by Mozi.

Once, Mozi once again scolded him in public because of his pride and complacency.

He asked disapprovingly, "Don't I have a better place than the others?" Why do you always scold me? ”

After Mozi listened, he did not answer directly and asked him:

"If I were to go up the Taihang Mountains and drive with a good horse or a good cow, would you whip the horse or spur the cow?"

"Of course I spur good horses." He replied.

Mozi asked again, "Why spur a good horse instead of the cow?" ”

Cultivator then replied, "A good horse is worth spurring." ”

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

Mozi smiled slightly and said:

"I also think you deserve a spur, that's why I'm more harsh on you and point out your shortcomings."

After listening to it, Gengzhu's heart suddenly became clear, and he no longer refused any "truth" from then on.

It was precisely because of this that he became a famous thinker in the Warring States period.

You know, those who look up to you and treat you well will risk being reprimanded by you to tell you the truth.

As the saying goes:

"People who are really good for you dare to tell you the truth, no matter how sharp that word is."

The truth, though hard to hear, can be good to me.

Those who speak out and discourage us from making mistakes point out our shortcomings and analyze the pros and cons for us.

They are our true nobles.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

A good life requires truth

The German poet Heine once said:

"Life cannot blossom from lies."

You know, when we can't hear the truth for a long time, our growth is bound to stagnate or even regress because of lies.

And when we can hear the truth and listen to the truth, life will move forward.

Before the founding of New China, when Mei Lanfang, a peking opera master, performed "Killing Pity" in the theater, there was a lot of applause from the stage, and the cheers were endless.

Only one old man shook his head and shouted, "Not good! Not good! ”

As soon as the performance ended, Mei Lanfang did not have time to remove her makeup, so she rushed down to the stage to find the old man who shook his head.

After finding him, Mei Lanfang invited him to his home in a rickshaw and treated him as a guest of honor, asking him for advice with a very sincere attitude:

"Whoever says my son is my master."

"Sir said that I am not good, there will be high opinions, please do not hesitate to teach, the students are determined to make up for the dead sheep."

When the old man saw that he was so famous, he could sincerely ask himself for advice, so he said: "The steps upstairs and downstairs, according to the regulations of the pear garden, should be seven down eight, why is the doctor eight up and eight down?" ”

After Mei Lanfang listened, she suddenly realized that she even thanked her.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

Since then, whenever Mei Lanfang performs in the local area, she must invite the old man to come to the play and let the old man see if he still has deficiencies.

It is Mei Lanfang who is not conceited, not narrow-minded, and can listen to the truth, which has created his achievements in the Peking Opera circle and become a generation of famous artists.

Chen Jiru of the Ming Dynasty once said:

"Can be kind words, such as the city people seeking profits, accumulating inches and accumulating, becoming rich in their own."

Truth is like a mirror, it can always remind us of what we still have to do.

Once we open the door of our hearts and try to meet the real feedback from others, it is difficult to accept that it is only temporary.

Our thoughts will continue to expand with the impact, and our lives will gradually get better with listening and changing.

A good life should not only listen to the truth, but also listen to the truth.

The greatest weakness of human nature: not loving to listen to the truth

Author: Yu Feirang. Source: There are books, let the reading is no longer lonely, 20 million reading enthusiasts are paying attention to the public number.

Source: Readers