
The 2024 National Reading Season will be launched soon

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station
The 2024 National Reading Season will be launched soon

In order to continue to carry out in-depth national reading activities, the 2024 National Reading Season with the theme of "Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Building a Scholarly Shanxi" will be held from July to September.

The activity will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the first National Reading Conference, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Propaganda Department's "Opinions on Promoting National Reading" and "Shanxi Provincial Regulations on the Promotion of National Reading", give full play to the positive role of reading in disseminating ideology and culture, inheriting the national spirit, and improving moral literacy, expand the participation, radiation and influence of national reading activities, and create a love of reading in the whole society. A strong atmosphere of reading good books and being good at reading. The event includes the following 10 key elements:

1 Thematic Publication Reading Activities

With the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as the main line, and the "July 1st" Party birthday, "August 1st" Army Day, National Day and other time nodes as an opportunity, actively organize and carry out various forms of theme reading activities with the theme of learning Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Widely carry out reading activities for key publications such as the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, and promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

2 Thematic Reading Action for Adolescent Students

Promote the implementation of the "Shanxi Provincial Action Plan for Promoting Reading for Adolescent Students", continue to carry out the theme activity of "learning new ideas and being a good successor", and carry out the fifth Shanxi Provincial "Happy Reading, Reasoning, and Practice" youth patriotic reading education activities, etc., to educate and guide the majority of young students to cultivate their feelings for the family and country, and to aspire to become talents for the party and contribute to the country. Implement the reading action with the theme of "learning science, loving science, and using science", strengthen science education, stimulate students' interest in advocating science and exploring the unknown, and cultivate the quality of exploratory and innovative thinking. Implement the "Let's Read Popular Science Together" reading activity to strengthen the popularization of scientific knowledge. Implement the "Shine China" theme reading action, strengthen the reading of traditional Chinese classics, red classics and contemporary classics, and guide young students to love Chinese culture and enhance cultural self-confidence. In the province's vocational schools, we will continue to carry out the "Sanjin Future Craftsman" reading action, and build a number of "brand activities", "scholarly campuses", "scholarly classes" and "reading pacesetters" to further enhance the attractiveness and appeal of the reading action.

3 The 6th Chinese Classics Recitation and Writing Competition

Actively organize teachers and students to participate in the 6th Chinese Classics Recitation and Writing Contest organized by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission. According to the event arrangement, organize the work of each sub-competition in the Shanxi Division. Through the four sub-competitions of "Reading China" Classic Recitation Contest, "Poetry Teaching China" Poetry Explanation Contest, "Pen and Ink China" Chinese Character Writing Competition, and "Imprint China" Teacher and Student Seal Carving Competition, the public and teachers and students are encouraged to learn the classics, and create an atmosphere in the province to understand the connotation of excellent Chinese culture, enrich cultural thought and practice, improve language and cultural literacy, and stimulate cultural self-confidence and self-improvement.

4. Reading and propaganda activities for teenagers

Build and make good use of the youth lecturer group and the red scarf lecture tour, mobilize the youth representatives of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, the winners of the Youth May Fourth Medal and other outstanding youth models, and the students of the "Qingma Project". Focusing on young people's ideological confusion, growth needs, hot concerns, etc., increase the publicity and recommendation of excellent books, widely produce and disseminate micro-videos, live broadcasts, MOOCs, animation animations, long-picture posters and other publicity and cultural products that young people like to see, and guide young people to cherish their time, devote themselves to reading, and let youth bloom in the fragrance of books.

5 2024 "Rural Reading Season in the New Era" activity

Focusing on the theme of "Learning to Use New Ideas and Striving for a New Journey", the Rural Bookstore has launched themed publication reading, "You Read, I Pay" rural digital reading action, "100 Books Loved by Farmers" recommendation, "Discover Rural Reading Role Models", "Image Reading Village" short video exhibition, "Hand in Hand for Revitalization" book donation, "Rural Reading" financial media promotion, Rural Reading Season main event and other reading activities that farmers like to see, so as to help improve the quality and efficiency of Rural Bookstore and promote the revitalization of rural culture. We should speed up the pace of agricultural and rural modernization and create a vivid situation in which the vast number of peasants follow the party closely, love to read, and work hard to revitalize the country.

6. Activities to improve the service quality of reading venues

Increase investment in public libraries and other reading facilities, improve the reading environment, and improve the quality of reading services. We will continue to build cultural platforms for public libraries such as the "Wenyuan Forum", and promote excellent traditional culture, disseminate scientific and cultural concepts, and enrich the cultural life of citizens through lectures, exhibitions, skills training and other forms. Carry out the "100 stores and 1,000 games" reading activities of Xinhua Bookstore in depth, create and operate brand outlets such as "Campus Bookstore", "Rural Outlets", "Organ Study", "Community Bookstore", "Park Bookstore" and "Smart Bookstore" as a whole, unify and optimize the design, and gradually form a national reading brand matrix of Xinhua Bookstore. In stations, banks and other outlets, "Literary Volunteer Reading Station" was established to promote literature to the public. Through the construction of hardware facilities, the supply of high-quality content, and the development of digital reading, we will improve and improve the service functions of reading places such as rural bookstores, staff bookstores, urban bookstores, and community bookstores, so as to continuously meet the reading needs of the masses.

7. Reading content is provided with high quality activities

Carry out Shanxi Province's key publication topic selection support awards, 2024 special inspection of book quality, and "Scholarly Fragrance, National Defense Season, National Day Season" book recommendation activities. Participated in the 3rd National Press and Publication Book Design Skills Competition. We will continue to promote the revitalization plan of Jinban, adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, adhere to the concept of publishing good books for the people, and launch more excellent works that enhance the spiritual strength of the people. Give full play to the important role of publishers in the promotion of national reading, and continuously expand the social influence of excellent publications through various forms of reading activities with rich content, such as forums and lectures, book reviews and recommendations, high-quality reading guides, and famous book signings. Improve the quality and level of digital reading, and make use of existing digital cultural resources to provide newer, better, and more convenient digital cultural experiences for the general public.

8 Reading for All Brand Promotion Campaign

Give full play to the exemplary and leading role of "excellent reading brand", "excellent reading promoter", "excellent reading promotion organization" and "the most beautiful reader" in Shanxi Province, and continue to strengthen the activity brands of "New Era Writers Lecture Hall", "Publishing Jinjun Joy Reading Shanxi", "Reading Classic and Good Books, Striving to Be a Craftsman of the Times". Organize and carry out brand activities such as "I am your eyes" and "Classic Shanxi". Carry out reading activities such as "Writers on Campus", "Literature into Creativity", and "Little Writers' Growth Camp". Organize and carry out parent-child practice activities such as "Scholarly Fragrance Floating in Sanjin" and "Science Popularization into Ten Thousand Homes" to guide and drive more families to develop a reading fashion, so that a good family style can achieve good children.

9 National Reading "Seven Advances" Activity

Vigorously promote the introduction of reading by the whole people into enterprises, rural areas, government organs, campuses, communities, military camps, and the Internet, so that reading activities can truly penetrate into the grassroots and among the masses, and expand the coverage of reading for the whole people. Party and government organs, enterprises, and institutions at all levels should, in light of their own business and study conditions, extensively carry out reading activities with rich content and various forms such as theoretical lectures, knowledge contests, speeches, and essays, so as to cultivate the good habits and brand-new atmosphere of cadres and workers advocating reading and consciously reading, and enhance cultural self-confidence. All grassroots organizations should combine the nationwide reading activities with the creation of harmonious communities, organize and carry out various forms of grassroots reading activities, and further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents. Pay attention to the situation of reading services for left-behind children in rural areas, families in difficulty, orphaned and disabled children, dyslexia, and special groups, and provide a good reading environment for persons serving sentences for drug rehabilitation and community corrections subjects.

10. Carry out a variety of national reading activities in various localities

Cities and counties in the province have actively organized and carried out nationwide reading activities in accordance with local conditions. Taiyuan City carried out high-quality book exhibitions and held "online + offline" reading activities. Datong City organized a series of activities of "Datong Reading Season". Shuozhou City has carried out national reading promotion activities with traditional culture and local culture as the core. Xinzhou City launched the classic recitation competition of "Reading Red Classics and Inheriting the Revolutionary Spirit", the military-civilian reading activity of "Reading to Promote Double Support and the Fragrance of Books in the Barracks", and the theme reading month activity of "Reading and Enjoying the Mid-Autumn Festival and Reading the Harvest". Yangquan City has built a number of national reading brands such as "Taohe Lecture Hall", "Picture Book Magic Story Meeting for Young Children", "Student Forum" and "Cultural Tourism Research Tour". Lvliang City continues to promote the construction of "scholarly Lvliang". Jinzhong City makes every effort to build a cultural brand of "Scholarly Jinzhong" and promotes the extension of high-quality cultural resources to the grassroots. Changzhi City has carried out ten activities, including the Rural Bookstore Knowledge Competition, the Chinese Classics Reading Competition, and the "Monthly Book List and Good Book Recommendation". Jincheng City continues to polish the cultural business card of "Scholarly Jincheng". Focusing on the themes of "Love Linfen, Win the Future" and "Scholarly Linfen Reading for All", Linfen City has deepened five thematic reading activities. Yuncheng City carried out the "Scholarly Hedong Cultural Yuncheng" national reading season activities.

Source: Shanxi Daily

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