
Wu Sheng Guan Gong Wei De was beyond the prejudgment of ordinary scholars

Wu Sheng Guan Gong Wei De was beyond the prejudgment of ordinary scholars

When it comes to "Guangong culture", we must first clarify its core connotation, that is, "Guan Gong's personality charm and moral conduct, the grandeur and righteousness of cleansing, and the spirit of loyalty, righteousness, benevolence and courage, and the far-reaching influence and folk beliefs on future generations." ”

Guan Gong is a real figure in history, a positive image, known as the embodiment of "justice and integrity", and he combines a variety of virtues. It is a very common cultural phenomenon to be deeply respected and loved by the general public, and even to build temples to make offerings. In the ancient Chinese cultural concept, there is a saying of "saints", and since Guan Gong became righteous in 200 AD, he has been repeatedly crowned by successive emperors, and in 1614 he was named a martial saint by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, with the holy title of "Emperor Voldemort of the Three Realms". It can be seen that the historical figure of Guan Gong can stand the verification of history, is not controversial, and is even more unquestionable, and has been decided for thousands of years. If Emperor Guan had flaws in his ability to do so, his prestige would never have been able to penetrate ancient and modern times. Therefore, our descendants should carry forward their spirit of loyalty and righteousness with reverence and a heart of imitation and learning! You should not deliberately look for His shortcomings to make negative comments, sensationalize, and rub heat to deceive traffic. In this way, it will deviate from the main axis of "Guangong spiritual culture" and will also run counter to the ideological connotation of Guangong culture.

Wu Sheng Guan Gong Wei De was beyond the prejudgment of ordinary scholars

If someone loves literary history and likes to talk about the past and the present and involve the figures of the Three Kingdoms, we will show our respect. But if you are referring to the saints alone, please do not associate with the sacred team of "Guan Gong Culture". "Guangong culture" is a treasure in China's excellent traditional culture, which is holy and pure, and is inviolable. Because its core character is a saint, a god and Buddha in the folk mind! This is a unique cultural field that is independent of other cultures. The spirit of Guan Gong is great, noble and sacred, and its virtue is like a mountain, and it must not be desecrated! This is the conclusion of 1,800 years. However, those who speak ill of others, deliberately viciously attack the attackers, or infringe upon and slander the image of Guan Gong, or even distort heresy. As a righteous person who carries forward the Culture of Guangong, he will certainly defend the majesty of the Martial Saint, safeguard the pure land of The Culture of Guangong, and stand up and boldly put forward a positive rebuttal. If there is a conflict between speech and judging scholars, this is by no means a personal attack, but only to clarify our views, correct and point out their mistakes, and lead to the correct direction of understanding, so as not to mislead the world.

Today, there are some people who think of themselves as scholars of Guan Gong or the Culture of the Three Kingdoms, who have written books and made lectures and opened the altar to give lectures, not with the purpose of carrying forward the spirit of Guan Gong as their starting point. Instead, it is a study, a judgment, and a special bias in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to discuss Guan Gong, many of which have commented on Guan Gong's shortcomings, shortcomings, and other languages, and even questioned Guan Gong's virtue of sanctification, which was innovative, without reverence, and believed in the horse and reins. Unaware that he was a mediocre man, pondering the realm of a saint. This foolish or crazy person will inevitably be disgraced by the benevolent in the end, laugh generously, and eventually be spurned by future generations.

Wu Sheng Guan Gong Wei De was beyond the prejudgment of ordinary scholars

A former university professor once said nonsense in the "Hundred Pulpits" that Guan Gong was not a saint enough. What qualifications do you have to say that? Guan Gong is known as a saint, which has been recommended by countless benevolent men, emperors and generals of successive dynasties, and the general public, and is a solemn and solemn historical conclusion, and is listed as a national ceremony. And you are just a small descendant, and you actually say so, what is your standard for sainthood? Aren't you afraid of what a thousand husbands point out and leave a stink for thousands of years? In a media interview, someone asked this scholar if young people blindly worship you and are misled by your "Three Kingdoms" family's words, are you responsible? He laughed and said: Since it is blind, what am I responsible for? It can be seen how unserious he is in his study of governance, how rash he is in his speech, and how devoid of the style of a teacher!

Another so-called senior scholar actually wrote a "biography" to Guan Gong, the articles all directly called Guan Gong's name, obviously there is no respect, the book is full of personal opinions, such as commenting on Guan Gong's low strategic thinking and character defects and other disrespectful words, all stand in their own position, with shallow thinking, the eyes of the frog at the bottom of the well, in the language of almost conclusion to guan Gong to position. Who are you and who gave you the mission to judge the ancient sages! Are you a cultural titan of the ancient and modern worlds? Or is it a model of high morals or a wise man with a clear mind? Shouldn't be! And out of reach! So, is it appropriate to evaluate Guan Gong at your level? Is Guan Gong an ordinary historical figure? If he is an ordinary warrior, can he be admired by all the worlds and respected by the three religions, and publicly promoted as a saint? And can thought become the mainstream and positive national spirit of today?

Wu Sheng Guan Gong Wei De was beyond the prejudgment of ordinary scholars

So what's the problem? One is that you overestimate your own knowledge, and the other is that you underestimate Guan Gong's personality and holy character, and even you don't understand the mysterious divinity and Buddha.' Therefore, I dare to write a book and make a statement, and I swear to make judgmental remarks. Of course, we do not think that you have any evil intentions or deliberately infringe on Guan Gongweide, but only conduct research from the academic point of view, which is understandable. However, it is best to examine it with a rigorous, objective, in-depth and humble attitude. As Huang Guozhang, dean of the Zhongyi Talent Cultivation College, described in the previous article "The Mystery of Guandi Culture Spreading Across the Five Continents of the World", when Guan Gong died, he was only a Tinghou warrior, but he could be repeatedly crowned by successive emperors, from Hou and Gong to Wang and Emperor and Emperor, and then to the holy Buddha. And by the three religions and hundreds of professions, faith throughout the five continents of the world, so warm worship, can be described as the first Chinese sage. Such a majestic achievement would not have been possible without the supreme virtue. From this, it can be deduced that there must be many things that the Guandi Shengde cannot understand in later generations. Therefore, we earnestly hope that scholars must be cautious and fair in their high opinions, so as not to mislead themselves and others, and that those negative remarks will not help society or the future.

Visiting Professor of Zhongyi Talent Cultivation College Liu Yi

Source: Hong Kong Business Daily Network

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