
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

[Aika car shopping guide original]

Automobiles have been developed for more than a hundred years, and the automotive industry has been growing rapidly ever since Karl Benz built the first three-wheeled car. Nowadays, with the development of industrialization and electrification, the homogenization of automobiles is becoming more and more serious, and it is more and more lacking in personality. I have to let car lovers start to miss the classic cars that were once full of personality.

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

In the past, European cars emphasized delicate and beautiful aestheticism; American cars were dominated by muscle sense and large displacement of extravagant genres; while German cars have always emphasized details and rigorous craftsmanship, and each genre of models has a strong regional color and outstanding characteristics. Although the history of automobiles continues to evolve, no matter how the times change, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, there are always new stars will rise, but there are some classics that will never be extinguished, and we will count some very representative classic cars today.

●Mercedes-Benz 300 SL

● The first gull-wing door sports car in history

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

Model summary: This model with elegant Euro wing doors is a 300 SL manufactured by Mercedes-Benz, which is not only a landmark artwork in the history of the car, but also a high popularity in the collection industry, and the "SL" series that has continued from the 300SL to the present is also loved by a large number of Mercedes-Benz fans.

● Lamborghini Miura

●The forerunner of the mid-mounted rear drive

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

Model Summary: The success of Lamborghini can be said to be very much related to the emergence of Miura models, if there is no Miura, Lamborghini may not be able to develop to the current scale, Miura's importance and extraordinary status for the automotive industry, there is no need to repeat.

●Volvo P1800

● A classic of Nordic design

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

Model Summary: The Volvo P1800 can be called a classic of the Volvo family, not only because of its excellent shape design, nor just because it was selected as the car of Simon Templer, a hero played by Roger Moore in the famous British TV series "Saints", or because a car owner from the United States drove this model for more than 5.23 million kilometers, breaking the Guinness World Record for the highest mileage of a single car. With these, the P1800 has successfully enhanced Volvo's brand image and shaped Volvo into a brand with excellent product quality.

German craftsmanship & European aestheticism

●Ferrari F40

● Enzo's legacy

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

It's a time when it's hard to agree on everyone, but to pick the greatest car of the last century, almost everyone will vote for the Ferrari F40.

●Ford GT40

● Defeat Ferrari to dominate Le Mans

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

Model summary: It can be said that the Ford GT40 has achieved the glory of American racing in Le Mans, and has become a generation of classics. At an auction in 2012, a Ford GT40 fetched a whopping $11 million, making it one of the most expensive cars in the world at the time.

● Chevrolet Corvette

● The spiritual leader of the American sports car

Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars
Classic indelible How much do you know about the stories of these cars

Model summary: Chevrolet Corvette is a bright pearl in the history of sports cars, from 1953 to the present, The Corvette model has a history of 69 years, so far there have been 8 generations of models, from the original first generation of models to become the United States national treasure sports car brand, Corvette has experienced a good development process.

Editor's comments: After watching so many classic models, which one impressed you the most? In fact, the emergence of each classic model has greatly promoted the development of the automobile industry, whether it is the appearance and technology, each classic model is worthy of our respect and commemoration. Paying tribute to the classic models that have appeared in the long river of history, in the current "fast food era", we also look forward to more impressive models!

America's extravagant faction

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