
Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

Niu Aifang and Xiao Chunhua finally took the second child home in the voice of everyone's doubts, although everyone was clamoring to see the second child, but after seeing the second child, everyone found new problems.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

When Niu Aifang carried the child into the house, Xiao Chunhua saw that the child was very calm, and did not have a hurry or very much wanted to see it, it is reasonable to say that the mother and the child have not met for so many days, the first meeting will definitely be very exciting, and will be very happy.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

But Xiao Chunhua behaved very calmly after seeing the child, and she was not in a hurry to hold the child, but she had something to let Niu Aifang do, so she hugged the child.

When holding the child, the camera stays on the child's face, do not show everyone the child's face is fine, to show everyone but there is a problem, the baby's face is very round and shiny, generally speaking, just born less than a month of children, it is impossible to be so round.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

And this child is obviously a circle older than the newborn, not to mention, this child was born in the incubator, has not yet drunk breast milk, it is impossible to grow so well, this child looks at least a month old.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

And this time the video, filmed several rooms, each room does not have children's clothing supplies, not to mention no baby supplies, even the eldest son's supplies have not been seen, netizens have said: This child is indeed rented.

If there are children in the family, there will be toys, like Niu Aifang and Xiao Chunhua, the general toys will be on the ground, but the video is not photographed at all.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

I guess it's not that I didn't shoot it, but I didn't have it at all, and there were no children's products on the table in every room, not even for babies.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

At the same time, some netizens broke the news that this child is the cousin's, before in the hospital because Xiao Chunhua was sick to operate, and the cousin was indeed pregnant, in order to be able to hide from everyone, when the cousin gave birth, Xiao Chunhua just underwent surgery, so everything made sense.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

Such a small spring flower has a bright and upright reason to stay in the hospital, as for the birth permit and birth certificate, it may be a scene to find someone to shoot.

That said, until now, I don't know whether to believe netizens or believe Xiao Chunhua and his wife, after all, I feel that both sides are quite real, and I can't see which side is lying.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

Xiao Chunhua does have a lot of details that don't make sense, but she can't come up with actual evidence, she can't prove herself, but netizens broke the news, it's just a paragraph of text, there is no actual evidence, the two sides have been deadlocked, and they don't know who to believe.

Niu Aifang's second child face exposed! The small face is round and shiny, netizens: it is indeed rented

If Xiao Chunhua is lying here, then they will definitely show their feet, and if the child is really someone else's family, it will be revealed sooner or later.

Do you trust Xiao Chunhua or netizens? Leave a message in the comment area to discuss it!

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