
How do astrology | look at their own charts and analyze their own constellations?

author:Ye Wen Yao ooo

Many friends know a lot about constellations, but they know very little about their own astrological charts. Today I will take you to understand the astrolabe and analyze your own astrolabe.

How do astrology | look at their own charts and analyze their own constellations?

Zodiac signs

First of all, the astrolabe is composed of the first breath of air time that each of us breathes at birth, and each person's astrolabe will be different due to the place of birth, the time of birth, etc., even the twins have a sequence, so everyone's astrolabe is independent.

So how do you look at your own astrolabe, and how do you analyze your own astrolabe?

First of all, there are many ways to view our own astrolabe, search for astrolabes through Baidu, and choose a more authoritative astrolabe query website.

The point is, when entering personal information, you must first understand the specific time of your birth to be accurate to the minute. Because small differences can also lead to the accuracy of the astrolabe.

So next, let's talk about how to analyze your own astrolabe.

We have analyzed a person's astrolabe into four parts, and today we will focus on the first part, that is, personal personality.

How do astrology | look at their own charts and analyze their own constellations?

Personal astrolabe

(A): Life Palace, Middle Heaven, Sun, Moon.

(B): Water, Gold, Fire

(C): Wood, earth

(D): Heaven, Sea, And Earth.

Looking at one's astrolabe, we discuss it from these 4 sections.

First of all, the most important part of observation is the part of (A), the point of life, the point of the middle sky, and the relationship between the sun and the moon.

The life point determines the role that a person will play in this life, and in a play, the life palace point determines your role,

The mid-heaven point is the symbol of achievement pursued in life, and the middle-sky point is what kind of character this character wants to develop.

Suppose you play Zhang Wuji, but the ending is to become a martial arts alliance master or become a small supporting role, just look at the quality of tiandian.

As for the sun and the moon, they are the basic characteristics of a person,

The sun is your external personality, the moon is your inner quality,

From a person's sun-moon relationship, it is possible to understand whether a person's expression of his personality and emotions is reconciled.

The quality of the landing position is as follows:

The House of Destiny and the Lord Star of Destiny

The fate point predicts the role you will play in this life, so the constellation where the life palace is located and the planet near the life house point are particularly important, he gives you a certain feature of this life, and the phase between the life house and other planets represents whether you can use your ability smoothly in this life, which is the key to whether your life is smooth or not.

Zhongtian and Zhongtian stars

Similarly, the Mid-Heaven Point can see what kind of development your highest point in life will become, so the constellation where the Middle Sky is located and the nearby planets hint at your life's achievements, and the phase of the Middle Sky and other planets can see whether a person can climb to the high point of life.

Day and month

The sun and the moon are the two most important stars in the astrolabe, they are the basic characteristics of a person, a person's sun is related to whether he can have enough energy to live in this life, whether he can shine in life is closely related to the sun, from the sun's constellation can see what kind of personality a person is, and the house where the sun is located can see that a person is suitable for showing his own field. The phase of the sun is good or bad, which can see whether the individual's performance is smooth, and whether a person can have enough energy to live.

The moon is in charge of a person's response to all energies, and whether a person's emotions can be well adjusted, so the constellation where the individual moon is located can see how a person's emotions react, and the house where the moon is located is the area that is most likely to provoke personal emotions.

The sun and moon also represent the way a person receives paternal and maternal love, so if a person's sun is not good, it usually means that he cannot successfully obtain or learn how to express the masculine energy of paternal love, just as if the moon is not good, it is that he cannot successfully obtain or learn to express the feminine power of maternal love.

If an individual's relationship between the sun and the moon is not good, then his parental relationship may have problems, or when he is married, his relationship between husband and wife is also prone to problems.

Then corresponding to their own sun, moon and day to analyze, you can get their own character analysis. I don't know if you have learned? If not, you can discuss it in the comment area or send me a private message

How do astrology | look at their own charts and analyze their own constellations?