
Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

Apple started with the iPhone 12 series, canceling the random charger and headphones, giving the reason that "science and technology are environmentally friendly" to reduce the generation of electronic waste. The latest data from foreign experts shows that the contribution of this move to environmental protection is not clear, but it can help Apple save more than 40 billion yuan, which may be the real reason for Apple's cancellation of accessories.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

According to the British Daily Mail, experts analyzed the impact on cost and profit after Apple canceled mobile phone chargers and headphones, and finally concluded that the value of chargers and headphones was 19 pounds (about 157 yuan), and Apple reduced mass production, packaging and transportation costs for this purpose, so it actually reduced spending by 27 pounds (about 233 yuan). According to this calculation, since Apple decided to cancel chargers and headphones, the cumulative savings of 5 billion pounds (about 41.3 billion yuan) in expenses are very staggering.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

The above is just Apple's cost savings in reducing accessories, and consumers need to buy accessories separately at a more expensive price. Because Apple refused to release specific sales data for chargers and headphones, experts can only estimate that the above two accessories can bring 225 million pounds of revenue (about 1.86 billion yuan) per year. Combining the savings and new retail sales, Apple's total profit should be around 43 billion yuan, which is still a conservative estimate by experts based on publicly available data, and the real number may be even more amazing.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

In the face of professional analysis, Apple has not commented on this, still insisting that the cancellation of chargers and headphones is aimed at promoting "scientific and technological environmental protection". Apple believes that "technology environmental protection" will reduce carbon emissions by 2 million tons per year, which is equivalent to reducing 500,000 cars, and everyone should pay more attention to Apple's status as an environmental leader in the industry and affirm this, rather than pay attention to other surrounding effects.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

Critics believe that Apple's cancellation of chargers and headphones is not "environmentally friendly" at all, on the contrary, this move has greatly increased the burden on consumers and environmental pollution. Because there is no charger and headphones in the box, new users need to buy separately to use, separately packaged chargers and headphones greatly increase the packaging, transportation, sales links, which creates more garbage and increases carbon emissions.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

In the past year and a half since these criticisms, Apple has refused to respond to them, refusing to explain whether individually packaged chargers and headphones will increase garbage generation, but instead adopting another form of reply. Apple believes that after the iPhone 12 series, more brands in the industry have adopted the same approach, and Samsung, Huawei, etc. have also cancelled chargers, which is enough to show that Apple's approach is correct.

Cancel chargers and headphones, Apple saves more than 40 billion dollars, or says it is for environmental protection?

At present, Brazil's consumer protection agency said that it has issued two fines for Apple's behavior, the first penalty of 2 million US dollars (about 13 million yuan), and the second time has not yet announced the specific amount. In the face of a huge income of more than 40 billion yuan, these fines are only a dime, even if the penalty will not have much impact every year, and the cancellation of chargers must be the general trend of the industry led by Apple.

Topic: Do you think Apple is eliminating chargers and headphones to be environmentally friendly, or is it to make money? I heard that people who pay attention to me will make a fortune and learn more new things, so you can also click on it!

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