
Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

Faced with the warning of expulsion from the Olympic Games, how did the International Federation respond to the crisis?

Sadly, not only are they not correcting the problem, but they are also breaking the rules continuously!

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

On the evening of March 14, Beijing time, insidethegames revealed that since August last year, after the International Weightlifting Federation launched a new charter, it has more than one blatant violation!

In an interview with the media, Mike Ilani, interim president of the International Federation of Lifting, was critical of the IOC's description of the IAO as a "problem child".

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

Previously, the International Olympic Committee has determined that the weightlifting events and gold medal settings for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be further reduced, and weightlifting will be temporarily removed from the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games!

In the face of a huge crisis, Mike Ilani, interim president of the International Association, said: "We have made changes in accordance with the requirements of the International Olympic Committee, and we have seen a brighter future! ”

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

What are the facts?

The IOC has two main reasons for taking weightlifts.

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

One is the serious doping problem, just take the weightlifting events of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympic Games as an example, after reviewing 1243 samples, the International Lifting Federation announced that a total of 98 positive samples were found.

The number of doping positives in weightlifting is far ahead of all events, and the former president of the International Lifting Federation, Agen, was even more emboldened to ask for bribes directly from doping-positive athletes, a total of 40 athletes after sending him money, their doping positive reports were hidden, and they were allowed to continue to compete!

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

Another problem identified by the IOC was corruption, unclear accounts and opaqueness.

After deciding to change its mind, what did the International Association do?

Insidethegames revealed that in the past two years, the International Federation has not published any audited accounts. Even more exaggerated, the 2019 financial report of the International Federation of Juju was only published on its website two months ago. Moreover, before the release, the members of the International Federation requested consideration, but they were rejected.

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

According to the regulations, the meeting agenda, minutes, strategic planning, annual plan, system budget, etc. of the Executive Committee of the International Federation should all be made public, but all of the International Federation should be operated in the dark.

Even the minutes of the last two most important meetings have not been made public, Fiji and other Member States have asked to see them, and the International Federation has said that it will send mails, but in fact it has done nothing!

Previously, the IOC had been furious about the IBA's more than $10 million in funding, where it was going, and now all the accounts are hidden.

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

Insidethegames analysis believes that according to the current trend, the expulsion of weightlifting from the Olympic Games is already a high probability event!

If the weightlifter is expelled from the Olympics, the biggest loss will naturally be the Chinese delegation. At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese team competed in full attendance, and 8 athletes won 7 gold and 1 silver, which was proud of the crowd.

Continue the violation! China's second-largest gold-winning event was hit hard, ignoring the olympic warnings and making a faint move

In the history of China's participation in the Olympic Games, weightlifting contributed a total of 31 gold medals, surpassing table tennis after diving, and was the second largest gold medalist for the Chinese team.

It is not known whether after being kicked by the media and blowing up the illegal operation, the International Juju Federation will really reflect on it, save the situation, and strive to continue to stay in the Olympic family.

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