
Use picture books to help babies talk early, but also develop reading habits, are you doing it right?

Use picture books to help babies talk early, but also develop reading habits, are you doing it right?

Many parents hope that the baby can develop a good habit of loving reading, but they do not know how to cultivate and when to cultivate.

Regarding the cultivation of good habits of reading for babies, many parents have done it wrong

1, most parents are waiting for the baby to learn to speak, there is a certain vocabulary accumulation, before starting to take the baby to read books.

2, and many parents said that the baby can not read books, tearing books is a set, interest is not at all in the picture book, the left ear listens to the right ear. Some babies only look at pictures, and what the mother says is completely unconcerned, not on a channel at all.

3, many parents have no patience, after trying several times, think that the baby naturally does not like to read, they gave up.

To train babies to read, we must understand these problems.

What is the purpose of raising your baby to read?

Why develop this habit early?

The baby can't even speak, can't understand, is it meaningful to read?

The habit of reading should be cultivated from the pre-language stage

Use picture books to help babies talk early, but also develop reading habits, are you doing it right?

In fact, all these seemingly "reading" parent-child interactions around the baby are the enlightenment of early language and cognition, allowing the baby to quickly grasp the language symbols and promote the development of thinking and intelligence.

The newborn baby is a blank piece of paper, and it is a white piece of paper that is easy to copy and paste. Parents are easy to scribble and portray.

The innate ability to imitate and the talent for language learning are the most valuable assets at this age. Be sure to use this opportunity to cultivate early reading habits in an orderly manner.

0-6 months

At this stage, it is the imitation period of the baby's voice, the ability to listen to the sound and distinguish the sound is very strong, do not be afraid that the baby cannot understand, the more you listen, the higher the recognition of the speech, and the stronger the perception of the prosody and rhythm of the voice.

So, what do 0-6 months old need the most? It is the mother's rich expression reading, and when reading, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound and emotion, depression and frustration, so that it is easy to attract the baby's attention and cultivate interest in reading.

Use picture books to help babies talk early, but also develop reading habits, are you doing it right?

6-12 months

At this time, it is necessary to add content and carriers, such as reading simple picture books, cards, and so on.

Babies of different ages have suitable picture books, and mothers should make full use of the baby's visual and auditory sensory systems when reading with their babies. Choose a set of colorful and simple picture books, and teach your baby to recognize the objects and names in the picture when reading aloud for your baby. For example, point to the puppy in the picture book and tell the baby how the dog barks? "Whoops" and then guides your baby to imitate the pronunciation. So the baby connected the puppy with "Wang".

Use picture books to help babies talk early, but also develop reading habits, are you doing it right?

After the age of 1

In addition to picture books, hold the baby around the house, know the daily life things, you can also look at the photo album for the baby, so that the baby knows the father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother in the photo.

After 11 months, many babies can speak a lot of meaningful language, at this time, cultivate the baby's reading habits, you can officially enter the learning mode. In order to improve your baby's active language ability, increase vocabulary, cognitive level, etc., you can add picture books with words, but you still have to choose to use pictures. Moms guide their babies to learn words, and it's important to connect words with spoken words.

After the age of 3

The baby's vocabulary has officially entered the peak period, this extreme, the vocabulary has unexpected leaps and bounds every day, it will increase from hundreds to thousands, the baby's reading content must choose to have a plot, there is a story of the content, so that the baby recognizes the internal logic of the language. When choosing a story, be sure to trigger your baby's interests and preferences. At the same time, we must also pay attention to giving the baby more right to speak, so that the baby can improve the desire to express actively.

Seeing this, everyone should understand that reading is not a homework that only begins in kindergarten, but begins to prepare from language enlightenment.

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