
470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

author:Douban movie

People living in a peaceful environment can easily forget the suffering that war has brought to mankind.

More than 70 years have passed since the end of World War II, and in less than a hundred years, the world has never achieved true peace.

World War II films are a mirror for us to reflect on history.

The part I want to talk about today is particularly special.

At this moment when it is not calm, it is very worth seeing -

Boy in striped pajamas

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Director: Mark Herman

Writers: John Bourne / Mark Herman

Starring: Asa Butterfield / Vera Famiga / Carla Hogan

Release: 2008-09-12 (UK) / 2008-11-07 (US)

Runtime: 94 minutes

470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

The film is based on the novel of the same name published by Irish author John Bourne in 2006.

The story is a special friendship, two positions "hostile", the child who should not have intersected became friends.

From the perspective of children's innocence, the absurdity and cruelty of war are even more shocking.

This film, which reflects World War II on the side, is not inferior to the same type of Hollywood blockbuster, with a Douban score of 9.2.

The story tells of Bruno, the son of a Nazi officer, who became friends with the Jewish boy Shmüll.

However, the friendship of the two children has led to tragedy in the context of war.

The "striped pajamas" in the title are actually the prison uniforms worn by Jews in concentration camps;

In the eyes of innocent children, they are mistaken for pajamas.

Many people who watched the film cried, the contrast between innocent friendship and brutal genocide, and the satire of the absurdity of war to the point.

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Most of the film is bright and fresh, just like the life of eight-year-old Bruno.

Although born during the war, he was fortunate to be the son of a German commander in a concentration camp.

So Bruno can have a spacious and warm home, delicious snacks, toy airplanes, fairy tale books...

Although separated from hell by a wall, it is well protected by Bruno.

The innocent Bruno knew little about war and was not interested in the ideal of the "Great Fuehrer" either.

His dream was to become an explorer.

With his father's promotion, the Bruno family moved to the Polish countryside.

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He didn't know that the Nazi concentration camp was next door, and his father was the commander of the camp.

At first, Bruno had a hard time adapting to his new life environment and soon got bored.

There were no peers to play with him, and his mother forbade him to walk around.

Most of the time, Bruno can only swing alone in the yard.

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Bruno soon discovered that something was unusual and confusing to him.

For example, there are many people in striped pajamas who work on a farm.

For example, his family also had a servant in striped pajamas who claimed to have been a doctor.

For example, there are several large chimneys on the farm that always emit pungent black smoke.

And his mother always strictly forbade him to go to the backyard.

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And everyone around him told him that the Jews were bad people, moths, and devils.

They were uncreative and only destroyed, and thousands of Germans were impoverished because of them.

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470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

The tutor even told Bruno —

If you find a good Jew, you must be the greatest explorer in the world.

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But the real Jews don't seem to be as bad as the adults say.

One day, while playing in the garden, Bruno accidentally fell and injured his knee.

Pavel, a Jew in striped pajamas who was working in the kitchen, rushed over to help him bandage his wounds.

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One day, the bored Bruno sneaked out of the backyard and through the woods to a farm with a large chimney.

He met a child of the same age on the grid, Shmur.

Chronic malnutrition has made Shmur exceptionally thin, wearing a dirty adult-sized "striped pajamas" that looks very different from the decent and healthy Bruno.

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Shmur heard that Bruno lived in a house not far away, and hurried to ask him if he had brought any food.

Shmur, who received a negative answer, was full of disappointment.

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Bruno envied Shmour, who could play with friends all day while he was stuck at home.

He thought the number plate on Shmour's chest was playing a game.

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Schmol told Bruno that it wasn't a game and that everyone on the grid had a number.

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Bruno asked the question he'd always had: Why do you wear striped pajamas all day?

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Shmur said reluctantly that he had to wear them because their clothes had been taken away.

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Bruno invited Shmur to play at home, but Shmur said no, because he couldn't get out.

Bruno asked again: Why? Have you committed any crime?

Shmur whispered, "Because I'm Jewish."

These three words seem to be original sin, the reason for imprisonment.

Hearing the word "Jew," Bruno was stunned.

Is this weak child of the same age in front of you a demonic Jew in the adult population?

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By chance, Shmur was sent to Bruno's house to wipe cups.

Just because he is a child, his hands are small enough to reach into delicate glasses.

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See Bruno of Shmur again and be pleasantly surprised.

But he still had a little concern, after all, the child in front of him was the enemy.

He asked Shmur politely: Is your father a good man? Are you proud of him?

Shmur nodded heavily.

Schmull then asked Bruno back, but Bruno could not answer for a moment.

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Looking at Shmour, who was visibly hungry, Bruno picked up the snack on the table and handed it to him.

Watching his new friend gobble up a snack, Bruno was also very happy.

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The officer who suddenly broke in, broke the momentary happiness.

The officer was furious at the sight of Shimur, who was eating a snack, and he asked the eight-year-old whether he had stolen it.

Shmur confessed to him that Bruno had given him because they were friends.

But the terrified Bruno lied, saying that he had just come in and seen Shimur eating.

And they weren't friends, he had never seen the Jewish kid.

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Back in his room, Bruno was ashamed and cried with his headache.

When he plucked up the courage to try to explain it, Shmur was no longer there.

For many days in a row, Shmur did not appear on the other side of the grid again.

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Bruno still went to the grid every day, and finally waited for Shmur a few days later.

The reappearing Shmur had a wounded face and one eye was swollen beyond opening.

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But instead of blaming Bruno, Shmur extended a hand of reconciliation to him.

470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

The two children talked across the grid and became more and more close.

Sometimes, they also play chess across the grid.

This unusual friendship has bound two young hearts together.

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But Bruno was unclear about Shmour's tragic situation.

From his father's fake propaganda film, he saw the happy life on the "farm".

There is delicious food and a variety of entertainment, and there is even a library.

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But every time they meet, the haggard Shmur is completely different from the children in the propaganda film.

Despite his doubts, Bruno believes that his father should not deceive people.

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Bruno's mother had a nervous breakdown when she learned the truth about the camp, and she insisted on taking Bruno and her sister to live with relatives.

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Bruno was reluctant to be separated from Shmur.

The previous betrayal of Shmur has always made Bruno feel guilty.

He hopes that before leaving, he can find his father who disappeared in the "farm" with Shimur.

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So before leaving, Bruno lied that he wanted to play on the swing and sneaked out of the house and went straight to the farm.

All he wanted was to help Shmur find his father, but he didn't know that this trip would mean a farewell...

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How to enter the "farm" that is powered on all sides is a problem,

Bruno found that the land near the grid was so soft that he could drill a hole under the grid.

Change into the same "striped pajamas" as Shmur, and no one will recognize him.

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Entering the "farm" of Bruno, he found that there were weak and weak people everywhere.

He asked Shmur where the little restaurant on the farm was seen in the promotional film.

Shmur wondered how there could be restaurants here.

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The two children went into the barracks to look for Shmur's father, when suddenly an order rang out and everyone in the barracks was driven by the soldiers to "take a bath".

Bruno and Shmur were also caught in the crowd and walked into the "bathroom".

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All were ordered to strip naked, and the two children were sandwiched between the naked crowd, waiting in horror for the impending tragedy.

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On the other side, Bruno's parents looked around anxiously for him.

As they traced along the backyard to near the power grid, all they saw were Bruno's clothes left on the ground.

The officer's father rushed into the camp in search of his son, but it was too late.

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The small window at the top of the "bathroom" opened, and the soldiers threw poison into the crowd, followed by a mournful wail.

Although the film does not give the picture of the "bathroom", it is not difficult to imagine what a hellish scene that moment was.

And the innocent Bruno and Shmour, the short and immature life is over.

470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work
470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

One of the most heart-wrenching scenes is when the two children hold each other's hands tightly until the last moment.

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Moments later, the "bathroom" returned to a dead silence.

Only the hysterical cries of the officer's father echoed through the camp.

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There is a saying in UNESCO Law that -

War originates in the minds of men, so it is necessary to build in them the defence of peace.

No matter how justified the reasons for provoking the war may be, one cannot ignore the fact that the essence of war is cruelty and the annihilation of humanity.

It is said that adults define good and evil by reason, and children perceive good and evil by nature.

Adults can easily be blinded by "reason", while children can judge good and evil from the perspective of returning to basics.

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" reflects the absurdity and cruelty of war from the perspective of a child, and behind the childlike filter, there is irony and serious accusations, which can be described as a weight.

In the beginning of man, nature is good.

Only when more and more people maintain good intentions will the tragedy of war truly distance themselves from mankind.

470,000 people rated 9.2 points, tearful Amway this film history god work

*This article is written by RAMA