
Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

Subtitle: Tesla's Secret

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Guan.

As the saying goes, "Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you are not afraid to go all over the world." "Today, Brother Guan will talk to you about some advanced, that is, the mathematical mysteries in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Before that, let's introduce you to a crucial character, Nikolai. tesla. Tesla is recognized as one of the greatest inventors in the world, the inventor of alternating current. We are now able to use electricity without restraint, and Tesla has done a great job. In addition to Tesla's great contributions, there are many secrets in him.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

Because in the many exhibits displayed in the Tesla Museum, people did not find any special data, but found a mathematical vortex in the manuscript of his posthumous work. Tesla divided the numbers into 12 outward-expanding branches, and he also interwoven the branches into a network with horizontally intersecting lines, and finally found that these intertwining points were the rules of multiplication, and the entire mathematical vortex resembled the earth intertwined by longitude and latitude lines. What does he want to illustrate through the mathematical vortex? Is it the law that exists between mathematics and the Earth?

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

In a way, the secret of this mathematical vortex coincides with Tesla's quirks. Tesla is a lifelong advocate of the Rule of 369. He is as small as napkins, hotel room numbers, and large house buildings must use numbers related to 3. Some people say that this is because Tesla has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. In fact, because there is a very strange phenomenon in the scientific community, many scientists will turn to theological research in their later years, and Tesla is no exception. Tesla focused on the invention of the talking device in his later years, of course, this device is not for people, but for the soul, and he tries to talk to the soul through telecommunications. Of course, we don't know if it was realized, but he left behind the sentence "If you know the secrets of 3, 6, and 9, you know the key to the universe". So what is the meaning of Tesla's lifelong obsession with 3, 6, and 9?

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

Subtitle: The 369 Rule of the Human Body

Mathematics was not invented by humans but discovered by humans. Mathematics itself is a specific language and law, no matter how it changes, no matter what the universe is like, one plus one equals two is a specific law, and the whole world follows this law. So under such laws, how do we, as parts of the universe, follow these mathematical mysteries?

Take us in nature. We all develop from a cell, but from the cell to the final development of the human body, in fact, has been following a binary counting law. How can this be explained? Because cell division is from one to two cells, two to four cells and so on.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

From 1, 2, 4, 8.16, 32... The whole process is binary. However, if these numbers are all added by adding individual digits, then a number loop of 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 is obtained, but the number loop is missing the three numbers of 3, 6, and 9. I believe that everyone is very familiar with the word three, six, nine, etc., at first Guan Ge did not know why there is such a word to divide the hierarchy, and now Guan Ge seems to have found the reason for it. Because the ancients believed that these ten natural numbers were not equal. The natural numbers 12, 45, and 78 are the lowest, the 3 and 6 levels are higher than them, and the highest is the number 9, so this number can form a numerical pyramid from top to bottom. Coupled with the fact that there are no three numbers of 3, 6, and 9 in the cycle of numbers that make up the human body, is it not revealing that people are the lowest civilizations in the universe, and there are higher civilizations besides the earth?

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

In fact, there are not only the laws of 3, 6, and 9 in the composition of the human body, but also in the rhythm of life. I don't know if you will notice a strange phenomenon when you walk on the beach, that is, the rhythm of our breathing will unconsciously follow the rhythm of the waves, because it will make people feel very comfortable. In fact, some scientists have specifically studied this phenomenon, according to the results, a person's breathing is about 18 times per minute, and the waves are also 18 times per minute, so when the two rhythms are the same, they will feel inexplicably comfortable and quiet. According to the cycle of numbers, 1 and 8 add up to 9, and it seems that it is really difficult to escape the three numbers of 3, 6, and 9 in life, so it is reasonable to think that Tesla is so obsessed with these three numbers.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

At this time, some people may say that the 3, 6, and 9 that the human body follows are only personal phenomena, so what is the world like? Like and pay attention, your support is the biggest motivation for Guan Ge to create. Let's move on!

Subtitle: The World Coincides

There are too many countries in the world, each with its own different political system, different culture, and even different physical specialities, but if you look closely, the world is also following the 369 rule in some aspects. Where does this manifest itself?

First of all, it is the time we have to look at countless times a day. The world unanimously divided the year into 12 months, and the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds. Although we generally use decimal in our lives, we inexplicably use 12 and 60 for time, and these are multiples of 3.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

Second, there is our nightmare geometry. Once upon a time, geometry had always been a nightmare for Guan Ge, and a geometry problem could only be solved to show his respect. Yet even geometry has universal universal laws. We all know that triangles are the smallest polygons, but any other polygon can be divided by triangles and even come up with a general mathematical rule that n polygon = n-2 triangles. And there is also such a law in the circle, take a circle is 360 degrees, itself is a number 9, and after the circle is divided equally, you will find that whether it is 30 degrees, or 60 degrees or 45 degrees, it is inseparable from the three numbers of 3, 6, 9, so in fact, we unconsciously follow the law of 3, 6, 9.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

This phenomenon is not only explainable now, but also reasonably exists in Chinese Taoism and even in the religious beliefs of many countries. So how does the 3, 6, and 9 rule manifest itself in these ways?

Subtitle: The Taoist 369 Rule

If 124578 is likened to the human form, then 3, 6, 9 has always been considered the human mind and spirit. So 3 is considered creation, 6 is considered emotion, and 9 is considered wisdom, and many ancient civilizations in the world have also applied these three numbers.

Chinese Taoism has always followed the principle of three talents, six realms and nine days. The three talents refer to heaven, earth, and man. The six realms are divided into gods, demons, immortals, demons, ghosts, and people according to desire. As for the Nine Heavens, it refers to the transformation of the Three Realms into nine, which are divided into Juntian, Cangtian, Changtian, Xuantian, Youtian, Haotian, Zhutian, Yantian, and Yangtian. In fact, not only in Taoism, but also in Buddhism, Buddhism is divided into three realms, six paths, and nine places.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

According to the degree of desire and color, it is divided into the three worlds of desire, color and colorlessness. It also divides the sentient beings living in the realm of desire into the six paths of hell, evil spirits, beasts, asuras, human beings, and heavenly beings. The places where sentient beings are reincarnated are divided into nine places, of which the realm of desire is one, the color realm is four, and the colorless realm is four. Because the color realm and the colorless realm are considered heavenly and humane, their number of nine lands is also equal. In addition, in the I Ching Bagua, the number of yao (yao two sounds) is also three, the yang is nine, and the yin is six. So in Chinese religions the 3, 6, 9 laws have long been applied. Of course, this is not only the case in China, but also in the religious cultures of other countries.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

I believe that everyone grew up watching cartoons of ancient Greek mythology, and now, the image of Zeus can still appear in Guan Ge's mind. In fact, the ancient Greek realm of gods was also divided into three equal parts. The whole world is divided into three parts: heaven, ocean, and underworld, and the three brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are in charge. Not only ancient Greek mythology but also Catholicism and Christianity speak of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, religious beliefs from ancient times to the present also follow this inexplicable law. It is said that the number of frequencies of Japanese radio frequencies is also 9 after the sum of the frequency numbers, because Japan believes that 3, 6, 9 represent Maitreya Buddha, and these three numbers are full of infinite wisdom.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

Guan Ge believes that Japan can think of this way and has a lot to do with China, after all, China has a very important influence on the transmission of Japanese culture. In addition, there are also Chinese officials divided into nine products, China's Three Character Classic, etc., in fact, many people now play cards also have a way of playing called 3, 6, 9 playing. If you think about it, the laws of 3, 6, and 9 are pervasive.

Whether it's religion or culture, whether it's ancient or modern, tesla isn't the only one who clings to the 3, 6, and 9 laws, we follow them in every way. Perhaps this law can really be a key to revealing the universe and helping us to uncover the mysteries of the universe. But for now, it may take a while to reveal.

Tesla's pre-death warning: The number 369 is the ultimate law of the universe, no object can escape?

So the close connection between all things is unimaginable to us, and I hope that we can pass these laws as soon as possible to better understand the entire civilization of the universe. Well, do you think that the laws of 3, 6, and 9 are the keys to the universe? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and finally like the pipe brother article do not forget to like the attention, we will see you in the next issue!

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