
Passing on the torch Love is just in time| promote the headlines

Passing on the torch Love is just in time| promote the headlines

【Centenary of Party History, Daily Reading】

Endless Tian Han

Tian Han (1898.3.12 – 1968.12.10), also known as Shouchang, was a native of Changsha, Hunan. His life course has gone through several different periods of development in China in the 20th century, which can be divided into three stages: exploration (1912-1922), creation (1923-1962), and martyrdom (1963-1968). The transformation of different identities, such as the student army of the Xinhai Revolution, the artistic practitioners of the New Culture Movement, the leaders of the left-wing literary and art movements, the propagandists of the Anti-Japanese National Liberation War, the advocates of the cause of world peace, and the leaders of the reform of new Chinese opera, all deeply imprinted the mark of the times, and in 1968 he was martyred in the "Cultural Revolution" after suffering major persecution. Objectively speaking, Tian Han's life course contains the important value needed to study Chinese history in the 20th century.

Tian Han was born in a peasant family in Dongxiang, Changsha County, Hunan Province, at the age of five began to contact and interest in folk opera, lost his father at the age of nine, the family was poor, because of his talent and intelligence, he was sponsored by his uncle Yi Xiang, at the age of thirteen he was admitted to Changsha Xiuye Middle School, joined the Xinhai Revolution Student Army, was admitted to Changsha Normal School at the age of fourteen, published his debut opera script "New Godson", studied in Japan after graduating from Changsha Normal School at the age of eighteen, and entered the Tokyo Higher Normal School to learn English. Through extensive contact with and study of world literary and art theory and the works of representative poets and dramatists in major Western countries, and exchanges with a number of well-known cultural figures who devoted themselves to the new cultural movement, Tian Han established his literary and artistic ideas of enlightening the masses and then realizing the dream of a strong country, for which he chose the drama that was loved and accepted by the public as a career.

Video source: film and television works

There is an extremely precious thing in Tian Han that runs through his creative stage, that is, the unity of thought and practice. Tian Han is both an idealist—good at thinking, but also a realist—good at practical activities in combination with reality, and rarely wants to do nothing or simply retreat. Tian Han's successful resume and creative process in his life seem to be an interpretation of Wang Yangming's theory of "unity of knowledge and action". In order to put the ideal into practice, just one year after returning from Japan, Tian Han and his wife Yi Shuyu used their modest efforts to found the semi-monthly magazine "Nanguo" that had an impact on the history of Chinese literature and art in the 20th century, and created the Nanguo art movement, which Xu Zhimo praised as "the only living movement in the country's contemporary era"1. From the establishment of the "Nanguo" literary and art journal to the organization of the "Nanguo Film and Drama Society"; from the reorganization of the "Nanguo Society" to the establishment of the "Nanguo Art Academy"; and then to the expansion of the "Nanguo Society" and the holding of drama performances and a series of practical activities; so that the Nanguo art movement has cultivated dozens of first-class artistic talents in China's theater, film, music, fine arts and other art circles.


The era of fundraising business free may pass

Recently, a number of netizens broke the news that they donated money on the easy fundraising platform, but they were charged 3 yuan, and even 1 yuan was also charged 3 yuan. According to the understanding of netizens, this fee is a "handling fee" charged by the platform. "I just want to donate some money to the little angel (sick child), who has time to study the rules of the platform?" A donation netizen said.

Passing on the torch Love is just in time| promote the headlines

Image source: Philanthropy Forum

There is more than one company that charges a "handling fee", and the same situation exists in the peace of mind. When raising donations with peace of mind, the platform will check "Pay 3 yuan by default to 'Join the Peace of Mind Everyone Help'". The reporter noted that these platforms can only avoid deductions if they do not check the relevant options, and the fees can be refunded, but many people will not pay attention without careful study.

In addition, the reporter learned that since the middle of January this year, the water drop chip platform has been piloting service fees in Cities such as Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. In Xuzhou, the amount of the service fee is 3% of the actual fundraising amount, and the maximum will not exceed 5,000 yuan. Platform relevant personnel frankly said: "The free era may pass." ”

Draft National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2022

Strengthen external prevention and internal prevention and rebound, and normalize epidemic prevention and control in a strong and orderly manner. Adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, adhere to the "dynamic clearance" of accurate prevention and control of the whole chain, and maintain the dominant position of global epidemic prevention and control.

Passing on the torch Love is just in time| promote the headlines

Image source: Network

First, the zoning and grading prevention and control measures are precise and efficient. Strictly implement the same prevention measures for people, things and the environment, strengthen the capacity building of public health prevention, control and treatment, curb the spread of the epidemic through ports to the greatest extent, timely and effectively deal with the clustered epidemic situation in local areas, take multiple measures to grasp production, increase supply, strong monitoring, and smooth logistics, and strive to ensure that the supply of daily necessities in the epidemic-related areas is sufficient and the price is stable, ensuring the safety and health of the people, and maintaining the normal production and living order.

Second, vaccination and drug research and development are steadily advancing. By the end of 2021, the cumulative production of vaccines nationwide will exceed 5 billion doses, improving the adaptability of vaccines to mutated strains, promoting vaccination by region and age, accumulatively reporting 2.84 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines, completing more than 1.2 billion vaccinations, and achieving a full vaccination coverage rate of more than 85%. The mainland's first anti-coronavirus special drug was approved for marketing.

Third, international cooperation against the epidemic has achieved outstanding results. Actively carry out sample sharing, data sharing, and sharing response measures. In 2021, the mainland has provided more than 2 billion doses of vaccine to more than 120 countries and international organizations, becoming the country that provides the most COVID-19 vaccines in the world. Participate in and support COVID-19 vaccine implementation plans to improve access and affordability of vaccines in developing countries, where most of the vaccines they have received so far come from the mainland.

I want to have a legacy

We must first have the heart to pass on the world

On March 13, the famous tenor Li Guangxi died of illness in Beijing at the age of 93. Teacher Li Guangxi has always cared for and supported the work of the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association, participated in literary and art volunteer service activities for many times, and practiced the core values of the literary and art circles of "patriotism, for the people, reverence for morality and art" in his personal practice, and is a model for the majority of literary and artistic volunteers. Looking back on the past, we deeply remember Teacher Li Guangxi and remember the precious spiritual wealth he left us.

Passing on the torch Love is just in time| promote the headlines

Image source: Chinese literary and artistic producers

"If you want to have a work that will be passed down from generation to generation, you must first have the heart to pass it on." This is a sentence left by teacher Li Guangxi in September 2021 at the recording site of the "Fashion of the Times" - the special program of Chinese literary and art volunteers advocating virtue and shangyi. In that performance, he and the 87-year-old teacher Tao Yuling sang the song "Teenager", in the song "I am still the teenager before, the original intention has never changed", all the young and middle-aged literary and art workers who studied on the spot stood up and paid tribute to the two old artists.

He is still enthusiastic about literary and artistic volunteer service in his nineties, and has never bid farewell to his beloved stage. In May 2021, Teacher Li Guangxi made a special trip to Dandong, Liaoning Province, to participate in the recording of "Spiritual Might",a special program for Chinese literary and art volunteers to learn party history, pass on the spirit, and follow the party. Before the recording of the show, the 92-year-old, in a wheelchair, came to the Dandong Choir actors in the light rain to greet everyone and take a group photo with everyone. Not only that, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, he also participated in the online theme publicity activity of Chinese literary and art volunteers "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party", leading by example, taking the lead in setting an example, and using songs to tell his kindness to the party.

Whether it is in the recording studio or on the stage; whether it is on the performance road or on the performance site, Teacher Li Guangxi treats every stage and every singing carefully and carefully. Every word, every tone, strict requirements for themselves; every move, every word and deed, showing the style of art.

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