
Elden Ring: The Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up, and the Soul Scientist is really powerful!

Foreword: Welcome to Steam Dragon #76, this issue shares the important updates to the new version of the Eldon Ring of Law game and the Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up!

Elden Ring: The Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up, and the Soul Scientist is really powerful!

On March 17th, The Eldon Law Ring is updated, and this update officially changes a lot of previous mainstream gameplay, such as bionic teardrops, frost stepping and so on. I am personally optimistic about this balance change, because it will make the game more and more interesting and more diverse. Of course, there are also some players who are indignant, especially the old cold leg family has been weakened in this balance adjustment.

The old cold leg was weakened miserably: first of all, the damage level of the old cold leg after the balance and the previous old cold leg damage were quite different; secondly, the control effect, the balanced old cold leg could not be stepped on continuously, and the player could not always be weird as before. After the old cold leg ate the knife of the old thief Miyazaki, it can be said that it is temporarily going to withdraw from the T1 stage, and many players even boldly predict that "the newcomer player is directly destroyed by half of the group", although this sentence is slightly exaggerated, but it also reflects the current situation of the newcomer playing the Eldon Law Ring, many of which are "The old man has no body, an old cold leg goes to the world". I personally think this knife is a second, because the original intention of Frost Landing should be to let the player give a vulnerable state when facing a wide range of enemies, and then use other tricks to output. Frost stomping can add both base damage and freezing damage, which is already very strong, so the original frost stomping ground is a bit outrageous, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bug.

In addition to the old cold legs, the damage of night and fire was also cut, I tested it, and the damage of the new version is almost 70% of the damage of the previous one. Before the night and fire let many mages slowly fall, when fighting, they don't even want to put spells, every day they know how to throw combat skills; after the revision, although the damage of night and fire is reduced, it will not be directly abolished, which can make players have more choices, which is very good.

In addition, the Blood Chop has also made some adjustments, which I feel may have been prepared to sense the rise of weapons. In fact, if the player has tested it, it will know, if the induction is high, the damage is really exaggerated.

Elden Ring: The Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up, and the Soul Scientist is really powerful!

Finally, here's the big shot: As a proud King of Eldon, you should all know the Neferi branch. This branch line was stuck in players all over the world before, and everyone was speculating about why this branch line suddenly stopped, was it that the official did not delete the clean or the trigger conditions were hidden deeper? This incident caused a shock in the soul science community, and soulologists from all over the world went out one after another to try to solve the puzzle.

Elden Ring: The Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up, and the Soul Scientist is really powerful!

After the new version update, the Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up! As shown in the image above, a new story has been added to the Elden Law Ring game, adding new stories from Janissant Gottock, Hyde, Neferi, and Diallos. To be honest, I did not expect that Miyazaki Thief actually added a new plot in the first version of the update, it seems that the official opening of the service may be to catch the ducks on the shelves did not do the complete, maybe the future update version will continue to add new plots. Emma was so excited to think of it. (Note: The Neferi branch line is similar to what the soul scientists speculate, and it has to be said that the soul scientist is really powerful)

Elden Ring: The Neferi branch line finally has a follow-up, and the Soul Scientist is really powerful!

Finally, this article posts some important version updates, in addition to some other updates, which will not be elaborated here. Well, that's all, if you think it's interesting, just like and follow it, Dragon Million is grateful. Well, that's all, if you think it's interesting, just like and follow it, Dragon Million is grateful.

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