
18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Baby calcium deficiency will not only affect bone development, but also physical development.

Although breast milk is rich in nutrients and is the most suitable food for the baby to absorb, because of the different physical qualities of different mothers, the nutritional elements contained in breast milk are also very different, and the impact on the baby is naturally different.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Among them, there are also many mothers who lack nutrition themselves, resulting in the same symptoms as the baby, after all, he has no other source of nutrition, and it is reasonable to "share happiness and suffering" with the mother.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones!

In Hehe Heilongjiang Province, a mother took the baby to the doctor because the baby had a persistent fever, and after the doctor made a preliminary judgment, found that the baby did not meet the flu symptoms, he suggested that the mother lead the baby to check the whole body.

Originally, I didn't think it was so troublesome, but looking at the doctor's serious look, Bao Ma still did it according to the doctor's requirements, but after the test results came out, Bao Ma was dumbfounded.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Because the cause of the baby's fever is not the inflammation caused by the cold, but the inflammation caused by the size of the body is 11 mm long, 5.9 mm wide, peanut-sized stones.

After repeated questioning by the doctor, it was learned that the culprit causing the stone was the recent calcium supplement. And this 18-month-old child does not have any symptoms of calcium deficiency, but the amount of calcium is too much, and the body does not absorb it to become a stone.

After seeing the test results, the mother wanted to cry without tears, it turned out that it was because of her own superfluous move, so that the baby suffered this pain in vain, I knew this earlier, it was better not to supplement additional calcium!

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

These pits for giving children calcium supplements leave people speechless

Parents are self-righteous little clever

Do parents need to give their babies calcium supplements, should not rely on the wishful thinking of parents, feel that their children are deficient in calcium, or there is no calcium deficiency at all, but isn't the more the better? I added it self-righteously.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Such an ignorant approach is actually harmful to children. One is that it is not clear about the actual physical condition of the child, and the other is that it will cause a serious burden on the child's body, just like this mother, so that the 18-month-old child will endure the torture of stones.

At this time, many parents will complain, obviously my mothers around me are giving their children calcium supplements, why is it that other people's children have no problem, and their babies have become like this?

This is related to the quality of the baby itself, and it is also directly related to the amount of calcium absorbed by the body, just like eating in an out-of-house restaurant, some people will have diarrhea, some people are safe and sound, the reason is the same.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Not all nutrients can be absorbed by children

When learning that the child is deficient in calcium, the mother's first reaction is to give the child calcium tablets or liquid calcium, so that it can be regarded as the right medicine, in order to save a lot of time and alleviate the related negative effects.

Nowadays, there are a variety of calcium supplementation products on the market, the principle is mostly calcium carbonate, this chemical element into the body can provide energy for the development of the body, but the younger baby's body organs can not be well absorbed.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

In this way, even if the baby replenishes more nutrients and does not eventually convert them into useful substances, the remaining things will become stones and accumulate in the child's body.

If after the relevant tests, it is determined that the child is really deficient in calcium, the mother can give priority to food supplements instead of medicine supplements, even if it is too much food supplementation, it will not cause any too obvious consequences, that is, it will take longer.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

When the baby is supplementing calcium, what should he pay attention to?

Dairy products are a good thing for calcium supplementation

If the baby simply drinks breast milk and produces a slight calcium deficiency, the mother can let the child eat some dairy products in between feedings: cheese sticks, milk beans, soufflé strips, etc.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Also, look at the ingredient list for these dairy products and choose those with simple ingredients whenever possible, especially the sugar content. After all, the food given to the baby will be too sweet to affect the growth of teeth, and the baby's teeth must not be problematic because of calcium supplementation.

Eat more acidic foods

According to the chemical reaction, calcium carbonate will react with acidic substances, which will become chemicals that are not important to the body, thereby reducing the burden caused by excessive intake of calcium carbonate on the baby's body.

18 months baby calcium supplement half a year suffering from stones! Give your child calcium supplements, these pit parents should be careful

Therefore, while the mother gives the baby calcium supplement, it is also necessary to eat more acidic foods as much as possible, such as sour fruits, lactic acid bacteria milk, etc., which can also be regarded as adding another layer of protection to the baby's body.

Today's Topic:

How old did your baby start taking calcium supplements? What do you choose to use to supplement calcium? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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