
Zero contact for epidemic prevention, many car companies have launched "self-service pick-up" services

Recently, there has been an outbreak of clustered epidemics in many parts of the country, and many measures have been taken to strengthen epidemic prevention and control in various places, and all walks of life are also launching "small tricks" for epidemic prevention. In the field of car purchase, Tesla promotes the "self-service pick-up" service, reduces the frequency of contact between people, and greatly shortens the pick-up time, which has been launched in delivery centers in Beijing, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Tianjin and other cities. Previously, Volvo's new energy brand Polar Star Automobile, as well as the Guazi used car website, have also launched services such as "contactless car pick-up" and "contactless car purchase".

Zero contact for epidemic prevention, many car companies have launched "self-service pick-up" services

At the Tesla Crab Island Delivery Center, Mr. Zhang, a car buyer, came to the store, first went to the car cabinet to get the certificate, license plate, car keys and other items, and then came to the vehicle parking place, and completed the pick-up in about 20 minutes. "Didn't expect it to be so fast! And the whole time was contactless and safe. Mr. Zhang said.

Compared with the traditional process of consumers going to marketing stores to pay, handle formalities, and pick up cars, Tesla provides car owners with "full self-service" and "semi-self-service" self-service pick-up methods in its directly operated stores, and car owners can choose according to their own needs.

"Full self-service pick-up", only need to pay the balance online, handle insurance and temporary license plates in advance, and send the documents to the local delivery center, you can go directly to the store on the day of delivery. After arriving at the store, the owner uses the pick-up code provided by the staff to open the self-service car cabinet, get the certificate, license plate and car keys and other items, you can directly follow the guidance to the vehicle parking place, the fastest 20 minutes can complete the pick-up. Car owners who choose "semi-self-service pick-up" only need to increase the steps of carrying documents to the scene for temporary license plates, and the whole process can be completed in about 40 minutes at the earliest.

Zero contact for epidemic prevention, many car companies have launched "self-service pick-up" services

The reporter noted that Polar Star, Melon Seed used car websites, etc. have also launched services such as "contactless car pick-up". With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, contactless car purchase and car pick-up will also be adopted by more car companies or dealers.

Image source: Tesla

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