
Lingstaro: Cancer's next 30-day fortune, calm down, this relationship is not over

Hello everyone, welcome to Lingstaro. What the teacher brings to everyone is the fortune of Cancer in the next 30 days.

Lingstaro: Cancer's next 30-day fortune, calm down, this relationship is not over

I think you've lost your way and don't know what the road ahead should go. You invest a lot of things in your feelings, and I think you have a lot of feelings, and it's easy to lose yourself in your feelings. Maybe once you get caught up in it, you will make some relatively big sacrifices. The other party is looking at this trait of yours, he thinks that you are brave and know how to tolerate, and he wants what you can give him at all costs. Sometimes the other party will have some ideas beyond reality, but you will not laugh at him, but will stand up with him, you have always maintained his dream world, he is grateful for this, and therefore feel inseparable from you.

Maybe it's because of fear of loss, I see his desire for control in the relationship getting stronger and stronger, he even treats you as his own private property, and once out of balance, the relationship has a separate energy. I have to say that you are all people who have invested a lot in this relationship, because you look too hard, so you are extra careful. The other person's feelings for you are like this, he cares too much, so he pays special attention to your every move, he wants you to always be in his control. I see that some friends may have broken up with each other, and I just feel that there is no way to stay in such a suffocating atmosphere.

Lingstaro: Cancer's next 30-day fortune, calm down, this relationship is not over

But the hope between you has not completely disappeared, because I said that you have invested a lot in the relationship, and the weight of the relationship has not been reduced, which makes you both think of each other in your hearts, and once the opportunity arises, you can easily reach each other's hearts. There will be a message here that you have not seen the opportunity to change now, and the state is still deadlocked, but don't be too disappointed in your heart. For some time to come, you can actually look out to the outside world, your friends or family, and I think there's energy there that can help you.

Why? I now see that your self-enclosed state is more obvious, in fact, you do not have the ability to digest this problem on your own, because you care too much, which will make you lose the basic judgment criteria. In the eyes of outsiders, you will be more objective and fair, which means that I think you need to come out and release from your own inner framework. You can expand your circle, let yourself go out and contact your friends more, listen to different voices, feel the relaxed state of being lost for a long time, the pressure may be released, and you will be inspired to be beneficial to yourself.

Lingstaro: Cancer's next 30-day fortune, calm down, this relationship is not over

I said that the relationship is not completely over, don't look at the problem with too pessimistic attitudes. Now is to calm you guys down and ask yourself do you really know this person? Do you know what he really thinks about the problem? Maybe you are still some distance away from each other's hearts, then you may wish to make up for this distance after adjusting yourself. Maybe as you get closer to him, he's already adjusted himself and started to get closer to you. Don't worry about a long time, as long as your energy is positive, you will not lose your gravity, try again?

Lingstaro: Cancer's next 30-day fortune, calm down, this relationship is not over

The teacher here is a mass energy, and the specific may still need to be looked at separately. Then the above is the message to Cancer friends, I hope everyone can live happily, the teacher here will also bless you Oh, we will see you next time, bye-bye.

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