
Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

author:Russian bugs
Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

Russian female bodyguard

Bodyguards are an ancient profession, and the practitioners of bodyguards in the traditional sense are men. A strong man in a black suit and sunglasses is an inherent image of the profession. However, over the past few years, more and more women have also entered the industry of bodyguards. They are able to confuse the intruder and then knock them down with a few punches. Female bodyguards in Russia are known for their beauty and fierceness. The founder of Russia's first female bodyguard school was Nadezhda Mikhailova, who told us about the difficulties and pleasures of working as a female bodyguard.

In her youth, Nadezhda Mikhailova enjoyed sports, skiing, athletics, and chess, and often competed in sports. Mikhailova also loves judo and has attended karate training classes underground. In 1992, she came to a monastery in China to study martial arts. Mikhailova gained recognition in the national security apparatus in the 1990s and then worked in the field of personal protection for seven years.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

Mikhailova personally demonstrated her martial arts skills to the Academy

Mikhailova said women can be good bodyguards and are very capable of competing with men. Because women's minds are more meticulous, they will be more attentive, and they will not be distracted by situations that confuse strong bodyguards.

In Mikhailova's work, there was such a thing that highlighted the advantages of female bodyguards. Mikhailova stood in a courtyard with male bodyguards waiting for the arrival of customers. It was already very cold, and a scantily clad woman walked into the entrance of the courtyard, her dress was clearly inappropriate for the weather. However, no one cared. All the male bodyguards suddenly set their sights on the beautiful woman, moving with her steps. Luckily, Mikhailova stood in the line of bodyguards, and she told her fascinated colleagues that a car had quietly driven into the yard. It was later discovered that someone was going to intimidate the client and sent a sexy girl to distract the bodyguards. But because of Mikhailova's reaction, their ideas were frustrated.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

Another major feature of female bodyguards is ease of invisibility. They can impersonate relatives of customers or place them directly with ordinary employees who are close to customers. Even colleagues in the same company do not know that there are bodyguards next to the customer. This can be very convenient for the bodyguard's work.

One boss once used a female bodyguard as his secretary, a secret he didn't tell anyone. Whether at home or at work, everyone is blinded. But the boss's wife does not understand why there is a woman who is always with her husband and appears anytime and anywhere. So the boss's wife hired a private investigator to spy on her husband and try to figure out why. However, the bodyguard's vigilance was high, and he quickly subdued the unfortunate detective, and by this time the boss had to tell his wife the truth of the matter.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

Female bodyguards are still attractive, and physical data is also important. For example, the height is not less than 1 meter 7. In this industry, a strong male physique can exert greater power, and it is easier to hire men than to hire women. But female bodyguards also have their own advantages. Women are sweet-looking, feminine, and inconspicuous. It's a weapon for women.

Mikhailova once encountered an incident. She walked down the hallway of the client's office to check if it was safe. Suddenly there was a power outage and the siren sounded an alarm. A match was lit at the end of the corridor, and through the faint light of the fire two strangers could be seen standing there, while they also saw Mikhailova. But they didn't get attention, and it was impossible to even imagine that Mikhailova was a bodyguard. The match burned for only a few seconds, which was also enough for Mikhailova to judge the stranger's location and situation. After the match was extinguished, a series of accurate blows instantly put the two down.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

It is widely believed that women are inferior to men, so in fighting, women are not lethal to men. In fact, this is a wrong assertion. The martial arts of female bodyguards are taboo on the sports field, and they have a comprehensive study of the pain points of the human body. If possible, it only takes a second for the enemy's knees, fingers, noses to be broken, or injured to the eyes. This is enough to make people lose the ability to attack, and the demonstration of fighting with the enemy is a scene in the film and television drama, not a reality.

Can women aim well at the head of an enemy? Mikhailova explained that when shooting with a pistol, it is usually within a distance of 5-7 meters and is carried out in motion. In this case, there is no need to think at all about where the bullet will hit. In addition, some attackers are cautious about putting on body armor for their own safety. So, both male and female bodyguards will first try to shoot at the legs, arms, or heads. After firing, they take the customer out of a dangerous position. In a safe place, the bodyguards have the opportunity to aim and shoot.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

The nature of the bodyguard's job is very special, and sometimes have to work overtime or travel with customers in the field. This is the nature of the bodyguard's work, so starting a family is a bit contradictory for the bodyguard, and more bodyguards remain single. Are they always close to the client and sometimes have a non-working relationship?

Having a non-working relationship with a client is considered impolite in the bodyguard world. They have only a relationship of trust with their customers, nothing more. Clients who hire bodyguards are generally the upper echelons of society, who earn high incomes and have their own social circles. For them, bodyguards are employees who must do their jobs. If the customer has a non-normal relationship with the bodyguard, which is also unpleasant for the customer, there may be blackmail. In addition, the bodyguard knows the daily life of his customers, the customer's lover, bad habits, etc., which is also the scope of the customer's consideration.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

During the G20 summit in China, she was praised by foreign media as the most beautiful female bodyguard in China

The training of professional female bodyguards takes an average of three years. In addition to martial arts and the use of various weapons, female bodyguards learn a full range of subjects such as law, moral foundations, foreign languages, first aid and extreme driving. Generally speaking, the more bodyguards understand, the greater the demand in the market.

"The average age of female bodyguards is 23-25 years, and sometimes people over 30 years old come to train." Mikhailova said, "Athletes often try to get into the industry, they think their physical fitness is competent. This is a point that has been misunderstood. "One indicator of the level of protection expertise is that nothing happened to the customer. If the customer has not been attacked for several years, then the customer's family will be at ease. This is the original intention of the bodyguard work. Bodyguards need to be analytical, working with their minds first, rather than following the client and waiting for him to be attacked before exercising.

Russian female bodyguard cultivation record

A lot of people who go to learn the skills of bodyguards may not be to enter the industry. They may be looking for excitement, or learning basic skills to protect themselves and their families, while others simply wish they could be the protectors of others. Of course, not everyone can grasp the art of security.

The first customers of female bodyguards are actually the wives and children of certain successful people. The most immediate impression is that female bodyguards can accompany them to anywhere, toilet or locker room, where men cannot enter. But, Mikhailova said, men's demand for female bodyguards has also increased over the past 10 years. Many of them are tired of the aggressive appearance of male bodyguards, as well as the smell of smoke on some male bodyguards. Female bodyguards with attractive appearances, no bad habits, customers will be more comfortable. More importantly, the protective ability of female bodyguards is not worse than that of male bodyguards!

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