
Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Eggplant is rich in vitamins, is a lot of people love an ingredient, our family likes to eat eggplant, but every time I fry eggplant, eggplant is always easy to blacken, but also very absorbent. The eggplant fried in this way is not only not good-looking, but also greasy to eat. Later, my friend taught me a trick, so that the eggplant is not black and does not absorb oil, eat more than 2 bowls of rice at a meal, let's learn it with me below

Ingredients: 2 long eggplant, diced pork, minced garlic, millet pepper, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce, starch, sugar, water.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

We cut off the head and tail of the eggplant and cut it into long strips. Then soak the eggplant in water, and when you soak it, you can pour a little white vinegar and salt in it, which can prevent the eggplant from oxidizing and turning black, and you can soak it for about 10 minutes.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

While the eggplant is soaking, we can mix a sauce: 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, a little starch, 1 spoonful of sugar, the right amount of water, and then stir them well. Such a stir-fried eggplant sauce is prepared.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

The eggplant soaking time is almost over, we squeeze the eggplant dry and fish it out, then put it in a large bowl, pour starch into it, grasp and mix evenly, add starch to lock the moisture inside the eggplant, but also make the eggplant not absorb oil.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

Stir the eggplant directly into the pot, turn on the low heat to fry it dry, at this time there is no need to add oil, the eggplant can be fried soft can be put out.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

Now let's start sautéing the eggplant, pouring oil in a pan, stir-frying the chopped meat, adding the minced garlic and millet pepper. Stir-fry the flavor, pour the eggplant in, continue to stir-fry, and then pour the sauce in, stir-fry until each piece of eggplant is glued to the sauce can be turned off the heat and served.

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal

Such a delicious eggplant is fried, with this method of frying the eggplant is not black nor absorbent, special rice, like friends you also try it ~ If you have better methods and suggestions, welcome to leave a message below!

Teach you a trick, the fried eggplant does not blacken and does not absorb oil, and eat more than 2 bowls of rice in one meal