
Evil does not prevail over good, and rampant will perish

author:Connected voices

In this complicated world, there are always some bad people who try to be arrogant with their evil deeds. They may seem omnipotent for a short period of time, trampling on justice and goodness. However, no matter how rampant they are at the moment, they cannot change their doomed tragic end.

Evil does not prevail over good, and rampant will perish

The rampant of the bad guys is nothing more than a bubble of bluff that bursts at the first poke. They think they can control everything by means of intrigue and violence, but they don't know that the balance of fate never tilts in favor of evil. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Those who do evil, every evil deed is a countdown to their lives.

They linger in the darkness, thinking they can escape punishment, but the wheels of cause and effect are mercilessly crushed. What they do is like digging their own graves, and every step is going into the abyss. Even if they temporarily avoid the eyes of the world, they cannot escape the condemnation of conscience and the judgment of fate.

Evil does not prevail over good, and rampant will perish

One day, when the dawn of justice pierces the darkness, the crimes of the bad guys will be hidden. Their fate will be firmly nailed to the pillar of shame and serve as a wake-up call for future generations. The power and wealth they seek will come to naught, and they themselves will go to the end of their lives in endless remorse.

No matter how much the bad guys show their teeth and claws, their lives will never be too long. Because the heavens are clear, the retribution is unpleasant. Their afterlife, as always, is to suffer in hell and pay a heavy price for their crimes. And justice and kindness will always stand tall and illuminate every corner of this world.

Evil does not prevail over good, and rampant will perish

Let us firmly believe that evil will not prevail over good, and rampant will perish! Under the banner of justice, we will jointly protect this beautiful world, so that the bad guys have nothing to hide, and the good can be served.

Author: Connected Voices