
Live a good life and live your life

author:Lost Son Feather Faith
Live a good life and live your life

In fact, it is difficult to get a noble son out of the cold door, and the gap between the rural people and the city is very large, resources, education, family, economy and so on. Someone else's starting point may be the end of your life's struggle.

At that time, many people in the village went to college with loans, and after graduation, they began to repay the loans, and they also had to support the study and life of their younger siblings at home, while the students in the city had already bought a house and a car after graduation. Although it is generally possible to eat enough in China, the economic gap is still very large. Success is inseparable from their own efforts, but also inseparable from the support of their families, conditions are very important, efforts also need to be, without conditions to work harder to create. The values mentality should also be corrected. Anyway, once a person is born, he is destined to die one day and return to nature. No matter how rich and thrifty it is difficult to enter Forbes, rather than dying of exhaustion on the road, it is better to have fun in time.

Live a good life and live your life

Most people have thought about living their own ideas of dignity, freedom, and excitement, but most of us don't really insist on doing it that way. Because if you really do what you think, you will not be recognized by others and recognized by society. Over time, you may even find that what you originally thought of as dignity, freedom, and excitement seemed to most people in this society to be a pathological value.

Man is human not because of his natural attributes, but because of his social attributes. The meaning of this sentence is that man lives in this society, not alone, but with other people in society. If it is to be said more simply, it is that people living in this society will be kidnapped by this society, at least conceptually.

What I want to express may mean that you should not force yourself, do what you can, and the Tao fa is natural.

Live a good life and live your life

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