
"e car" Venucia big V dark horse edition official map released

author:e car

Recently, Venucia officially released the official map of venucia big V dark horse version, the new car is upgraded on the basis of the aidou version, and is expected to be officially listed on March 25.

"e car" Venucia big V dark horse edition official map released

In addition to the calipers, the other parts of the Venucia Big V Dark Horse Edition are all painted in black, which looks quite young, and it is worth saying that the official name of this black paint is "not afraid of black", which to a certain extent echoes the name of the vehicle.

"e car" Venucia big V dark horse edition official map released

In order to better create a sense of sport, the vehicle is also quite careful in the details, such as the wheel arch and the lower surround using carbon fiber pattern trim panels, and the appearance value is upgraded.

"e car" Venucia big V dark horse edition official map released

In terms of interior, venucia big V dark horse version also changed to red and black color matching, double color steering wheel with integrated seats, sports atmosphere is good, in the door panel details, the vehicle also seems to use carbon fiber pattern decoration.

"e car" Venucia big V dark horse edition official map released

In terms of power, the new car continues to use a 1.5T engine modeled A415TD, with a maximum power of 190 horsepower and a peak torque of 260 N·m, matching a 7-speed dry dual-clutch transmission.