
The Chinese women's volleyball team signed! The top 8 of the World Championships are expected, and the Olympic champions are expected to enter the death zone

The results of the 2022 Women's Volleyball World Championship Group Draw were announced, compared with the grouping of the previous World Championships, the Chinese women's volleyball team at this year's World Championships is a "upper draw", although it is in the same group as the Olympic runner-up Brazilian women's volleyball team, and it is also in the same half of the region as the Italian women's volleyball team, the champion of the New Science European Championship, but successfully avoided the Olympic champion American women's volleyball team and the defending champion Serbian women's volleyball team, and the European emerging Turkish women's volleyball team, the Polish women's volleyball team that has made rapid progress in recent years, is not in the lower half of the same region as the Chinese women's volleyball team. In general, the Chinese women's volleyball team has drawn a "good sign" at this year's World Championships, depending on whether the young Chinese women's volleyball team can bring surprises to the Chinese people in the golden autumn of October this year, after all, the newly formed Chinese women's volleyball team is still very young, and it is unrealistic to have too many unrealistic expectations for them.

The Chinese women's volleyball team signed! The top 8 of the World Championships are expected, and the Olympic champions are expected to enter the death zone

The specific draw groups of the 2022 Women's Volleyball World Championship are as follows:

Group A: Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Puerto Rico, Cameroon, Kenya

Group B: Poland, Turkey, Dominica, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Croatia

Group C: United States, Serbia, Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, Kazakhstan

Group D: China, Brazil, Japan, Colombia, Argentina, Czech Republic

Group stage Chinese women's volleyball team will fight with Brazil, Japan, Colombia, Argentina and the Czech Republic women's volleyball team, the main competitors of the group stage are Brazil and Japan women's volleyball team, the Brazilian women's volleyball team won the runner-up in the Tokyo Olympic Games, although the argument about the decline of the Brazilian women's volleyball team in the past decade has never stopped, but the Brazilian women's volleyball team is still a strong team in the world volleyball world is an ironclad fact, the Brazilian women's volleyball team in the Tokyo Olympic Games only lost to the American women's volleyball team a ball, and finally won the runner-up, compared to China, Serbia, Italy's so-called hot teams, the Brazilian women's volleyball team performed more smoothly, and the final results were better. The results of the confrontation between the Chinese women's volleyball team and the Brazilian women's volleyball team determine the first place in the group, and because the group stage results are brought into the second stage of the rematch, this game is of great importance to the Chinese women's volleyball team. Although the Japanese women's volleyball team has emerged many young players with strength in recent years, the overall performance of the team is average, as long as the Chinese women's volleyball team plays normally, the victory over the Japanese women's volleyball team should not be a problem, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is expected to enter the second stage of the rematch with the top two in the group.

The Chinese women's volleyball team signed! The top 8 of the World Championships are expected, and the Olympic champions are expected to enter the death zone

According to the regulations, the top four of Group D, where the Chinese women's volleyball team is located, compete with the top four of Group A for the top four of Group E after the merger of two groups, that is, the top eight of the World Championships. Group A competitive teams are Italy, the Netherlands and belgium women's volleyball team, the strongest of these three teams is the Italian women's volleyball team, followed by the host Dutch women's volleyball team, the Belgian women's volleyball team also has a certain competitiveness, the Dutch women's volleyball team currently shows an upward trend, but the team players are relatively young, the Chinese women's volleyball team against the Dutch women's volleyball team still has a certain advantage, and the Belgian women's volleyball team has made significant progress in recent years, but the team still lacks heat, and the probability of the Chinese women's volleyball team defeating these two teams is very large. As long as it is guaranteed that the second stage of the competition can achieve two more victories, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the top four places in Group E, that is, the quarterfinals of this World Championship, which is actually not very difficult.

The Chinese women's volleyball team signed! The top 8 of the World Championships are expected, and the Olympic champions are expected to enter the death zone

According to the relevant regulations of this World Championship, the quarter-final is not a group cross-elimination match, but another contest between the same group of teams in the rematch stage, that is, the first place in Group E is against the fourth place, and the second place is against the third place. If you can not get the first place in the rematch group, then the opponent of the Chinese women's volleyball team's eight-in-four competition is not Brazil or Italy, although the Italian women's volleyball team was once the "bitter lord" of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but since the last World Championship, the Chinese women's volleyball team has never lost to the Italian women's volleyball team, and the Chinese women's volleyball team also has a certain psychological advantage against the Brazilian women's volleyball team. In the last Olympic cycle, the Chinese women's volleyball team won more or lost less against these two teams, and if they can let go of a fight, there is also great hope for reaching the top four.

The Chinese women's volleyball team signed! The top 8 of the World Championships are expected, and the Olympic champions are expected to enter the death zone

In contrast, the Olympic champion American women's volleyball team is not good, the group stage will be with the defending champion Serbian women's volleyball team, The European powerhouse German women's volleyball team and the Bulgarian women's volleyball team, these three teams are not fuel-saving lamps, Bulgaria once forced the American women's volleyball team into a desperate situation in the Olympic qualifiers, this group also has the Canadian women's volleyball team, the Canadian women's volleyball team has improved rapidly in the past two years, and the last World Championships have brought a lot of trouble to the Chinese women's volleyball team. Of course, as an Olympic champion, the United States women's volleyball team is not a problem, but after the resumption, their test comes, Turkey, Poland, Dominica, etc. are not fuel-saving lamps, plus the group results brought into the rematch, the United States women's volleyball team to enter the quarterfinals encountered many strong team challenges. After entering the 1/4 final, the test of the American women's volleyball team really began, according to the rules, the top four of the C group where the American women's volleyball team is located and the top four of group B merged into group F, the top four of the rematch entered the quarterfinals, and the opponent of the American women's volleyball team was still in the F group, the opponent was Serbia, Poland, Turkey, Germany, and dominica, no team was easy to deal with, it can be said that the American women's volleyball team's bad luck this time can be called entering the "death half zone".

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