
Bad news! The biggest nemesis of the Chinese women's volleyball team is back! Lang Ping couldn't do anything with her, and the Paris cycle added to the blockage

The Chinese women's volleyball team is currently training with head coach Cai Bin, and the coaching team will select a main lineup from 67 players to prepare for the 2022 Women's Volleyball World Championship. Just when the team was full of energy and vowed to raise its eyebrows this season, a move by the old rival american women's volleyball team made the Chinese women's volleyball team once again shocked. Since winning the Us women's volleyball team in Tokyo, the morale and spirit of the entire team have been renewed, and the world-famous second-pass Glass, which has previously announced farewell to the arena, unexpectedly chose to make a comeback again. If she can finally get the call-up of the American women's volleyball coach Kirari and enter the national team again, the originally well-formed American team will be like a tiger, but for the Chinese women's volleyball coaching team, it will be a headache.

Bad news! The biggest nemesis of the Chinese women's volleyball team is back! Lang Ping couldn't do anything with her, and the Paris cycle added to the blockage

Grasse was the best second pass at the Rio Olympics, and his proud passing speed and concealment techniques were superb, so the outside world called it "lightspeed two passes". For Glass's comeback again, some fans joked, "Perhaps seeing the U.S. women's volleyball team break the spell of no title at the Tokyo Olympics, in the case of their own physical condition, Grass also wants to taste the Taste of the Olympic Champion in Paris, France." European and American players have a longer career life than Asian players, which is already an indisputable fact in the world women's volleyball arena, the most typical is the Serbian women's volleyball second setter Ojenianovic, she and the Chinese women's volleyball team meritorious second pass Wei Qiuyue is a player of the same era.

Bad news! The biggest nemesis of the Chinese women's volleyball team is back! Lang Ping couldn't do anything with her, and the Paris cycle added to the blockage

Wei Qiuyue retired due to injury after the Rio Olympics, while Odenianovic is still active on the field, and the comprehensive strength can almost "beat" the second pass of other teams. The second pass of the American women's volleyball team, Glass, who has made a comeback again, is now 34 years old, and in the European and American sports world, this age may be their golden age. The Former Main Attack Tom and Deputy Scott of the American Women's Volleyball Team can be regarded as the "elders" of the World Women's Volleyball Arena in the London Olympic Cycle, but their strength and competitive status are not affected at all.

Bad news! The biggest nemesis of the Chinese women's volleyball team is back! Lang Ping couldn't do anything with her, and the Paris cycle added to the blockage

Therefore, after returning to the field, as long as the physical conditions permit, Grass, who is experienced, delicate in technology and fast in passing, is very likely to be favored and reused by the head coach of the American women's volleyball team, Killari. Once the "second pass at the speed of light" joins the American women's volleyball team and accompanies the team to participate in the World Championships, World Cup and Olympic Games in the Paris Olympic cycle, it is another huge challenge for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Glass single-handedly helped the U.S. women's volleyball team win the 2014 World Championships and the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Bad news! The biggest nemesis of the Chinese women's volleyball team is back! Lang Ping couldn't do anything with her, and the Paris cycle added to the blockage

In the entire Rio cycle, as long as Glass starts, the Chinese women's volleyball team has never won the American women's volleyball team. Even lang ping, the former head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, said in an interview that the second pass speed is too fast, and our secondary attack can not keep up with the rhythm at all. In the Paris Olympic cycle, the American women's volleyball team has strong strength in all positions, and if Glass returns, they will become the biggest favorite to win the championship. And the Head Coach of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team, Cai Bin, whether he can find a strategy to deal with the "speed of light" play of the American women's volleyball team has become an unknown. Some fans also said, "Glass has returned, so do we chinese women's volleyball team also have to invite Wei Qiuyue"?

(Luo Treasurer)

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