
Strike hard, illegal construction must be demolished! The school chair town vigorously promoted the "two violations" demolition work

author:Hengzhou release

In order to effectively crack down on illegal land use and illegal construction, further increase the intensity of "two violations" rectification. In accordance with the "eight prohibitions" of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the "eight prohibitions" of rural indiscriminate occupation of arable land and the construction of houses, and the relevant requirements of Hengzhou City on doing a good job in rectifying the "two violations" of safe production, on March 15, the people's government of The School Chair Town took the lead in organizing a working group of more than 120 people from the town's rural construction comprehensive service center, agricultural water station, health and family planning institute and other departments to go deep into Dongwei Street to carry out the special rectification action of "two violations" in accordance with the law.

Strike hard, illegal construction must be demolished! The school chair town vigorously promoted the "two violations" demolition work

Carefully deployed, strictly waiting

According to the non-case filing map of illegal land use in the fourth quarter of 2021, after preliminary mapping, it was determined that 5 households such as Xie Mou, Dongxu Street, School Chair Town, were built with illegal land. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the demolition operation, as early as early March, the school chair town set up a special working group for the "two violations" to communicate and mobilize the heads of the "two violations" households and formulate a special work plan for the "two violations" demolition. "Today's work requirements are strict law enforcement, pay attention to safety, and everyone must abide by discipline and act in a unified manner when working." At 7:00 a.m. on March 15, Chen Changwei, chairman of the town people's congress, clearly emphasized the division of labor, goals, and requirements of the entire demolition work one by one.

Strike hard, illegal construction must be demolished! The school chair town vigorously promoted the "two violations" demolition work

Strict law enforcement, strong demolition

At the demolition site, the town working group advanced rapidly and orderly in four ways. Along the way, the "Mass Ideological Education Group" is responsible for conducting ideological education for the heads of "two violations", assisting the heads of households to move away from the demolition site, and ensuring the safety of the environment at the demolition site. The Erlu "Order Maintenance Group" was responsible for hanging cordons and propaganda banners, and advising unrelated personnel to evacuate the scene. The "Item Counting Group" of the three roads quickly carried out the object inventory operation, and counted, registered and photographed all the objects in the illegal building. The four-way "demolition and on-site maintenance team" demolishes the "two violations" building, is responsible for maintaining the order outside the demolition point, and sorts out and moves the demolished buildings. A total of 4 hook machines were dispatched, 6 mud trucks were removed, 5 illegal buildings were demolished, and the cultivated land area was restored to 2.38 mu. The demolition work was guaranteed to be in place and carried out in an orderly manner, and the expected goal was achieved.

Strike hard, illegal construction must be demolished! The school chair town vigorously promoted the "two violations" demolition work

The "two violations" rectification is aimed at long-term effectiveness

In the next step, the school chair town will continue to promote the "two violations" demolition work with a tough attitude of "demolishing according to law, demolishing when it appears, and demolishing it to the end", firmly adhere to the red line of cultivated land with the firm determination of "zero tolerance", and gradually form a high-pressure situation of not wanting to violate construction, not daring to violate construction, and not violating construction by increasing the intensity of demolition and punishment according to law, and making long-term achievements, long-term rectification, and resolutely curbing the behavior of arbitrarily occupying cultivated land and building houses in rural areas.


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