
The autonomous region's political coordination and research team went to Hengzhou City to conduct research

author:Hengzhou release

On March 16, the Autonomous Region's CPPCC Research Group, headed by Zhao Bo, director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the Autonomous Regional CPPCC Committee, went to Hengzhou City to conduct special consultations and research on the topic of "Improving the Competitiveness of the 'GuiZi' Brand and Helping Rural Revitalization". Wei Fengjun, vice chairman of the Nanning Municipal CPPCC Committee, and Chen Minxiao, vice chairman of the Hengzhou Municipal CPPCC Committee, accompanied the investigation.

The autonomous region's political coordination and research team went to Hengzhou City to conduct research
The autonomous region's political coordination and research team went to Hengzhou City to conduct research

In the afternoon of the same day, the research team successively went to the Liangxi Veterinary Technology Center, The Liangxi Farm Guangxi Nongken Yongxin Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. and the Jasmine Jicui Garden to investigate the development of animal husbandry and jasmine and other industries in Hengzhou City. During the investigation, the research team watched the video and on-site inspection to understand the pig breeding, pig farm construction, pig industry planning, as well as the history of jasmine planting in Hengzhou City, planting area, deep processing, industrial extension, jasmine tea sales, drinking, etc., and listened carefully to the report of Hengzhou City on rural revitalization planning, industrial development and other related situations, and exchanged and discussed on further grasping the rural revitalization work.

The autonomous region's political coordination and research team went to Hengzhou City to conduct research

The research team fully affirmed the implementation of the policy of stable production and supply of pigs in Hengzhou. The research group hopes that Hengzhou City will further enhance its sense of responsibility and urgency, shoulder its responsibilities, implement policies, and effectively do a good job in ensuring the stable production and supply of pigs; under the premise of grasping the prevention and control of major animal epidemics, it is necessary to strictly control all aspects of the work to ensure the stable production and supply of pigs. At the same time, based on long-term development, we must do everything possible to extend the industrial chain, do a good job in the deep processing of characteristic industrial products, improve the added value of products, and help rural revitalization with the development of characteristic industries.