
Baby eczema is always repeated, and these factors are related

If you want to rank the most common skin problems in your child, eczema is definitely a well-deserved number one.

Over and over again, looking good after a few days and then recurring, it seems that it is always not curable, making people irritable and helpless.

Eczema is a chronic, repetitive itchy inflammation of the skin, so it's normal to have a recurring situation.

Baby eczema is always repeated, and these factors are related

The reason why I feel that eczema cannot be cured is because the appearance of eczema is related to a variety of factors, maybe you prevent this, do not pay attention to prevent that, the child will be exposed to the source of stimulation again, so that repeatedly do not see the improvement.

Therefore, we must first figure out what factors the occurrence of eczema is related to.

Genetic factors

This is what we often call "allergic constitution". If one parent has a specificity, 50% of the children are specific, and if both parents are atopic, 70% of the children may be atopic.

Therefore, allergies are inherited, if there is an allergy in parents, the possibility of children's allergies will increase, then the incidence of eczema will also increase.

Mental factors

If the child's stress is too large, excessive fatigue, mental tension, it is easy to lead to the occurrence of eczema, so children's mental health is also crucial for the prevention and treatment of eczema.

Food factors

Food allergies are a very common factor in the development of eczema.

Baby eczema is always repeated, and these factors are related

True food allergies are when the body reacts to proteins in food, with symptoms that vary and can be life-threatening when severe. Like what:

Skin symptoms: skin flushing, itchy rash, urticaria, edema;

Respiratory symptoms: sneezing, stridor, laryngeal edema;

Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

Circulatory symptoms: pale skin, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

So, which of the common foods are easy to cause children to have allergies?

Includes milk, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts, soybeans, wheat, fish, and crustaceans such as shrimp, crab, and lobster.

If your child has a food allergy, then you need to stop eating allergic foods, and if parents can't tell which foods your child is causing allergies, you can go to the hospital for allergen screening.

It is important to note that if a child develops a food allergy, his immune system will amplify the protein response to foods that are not actually sensitive.

That is to say, if a child has a food allergy, parents should try to minimize or stop the intake of some foods that are easy to cause allergies, even if the child is not allergic when eating these foods.

Inhalants and living environmental factors

Common inhalants that cause eczema are: pollen grass seeds, dust mites, microorganisms, etc.;

Common living environment factors lead to eczema are: second-hand smoke, third-hand smoke, jewelry and so on.

Baby eczema is always repeated, and these factors are related

These substances, some are invincible, such as dust mites, microorganisms, etc., we can only try to create a clean and tidy living environment for children.

Second-hand smoke, third-hand smoke these can be prevented, the family does not smoke, at least in the house and in front of the child do not smoke, after smoking washed hands to change clothes and then hold the child. Try not to wear jewelry when holding your child, avoid irritating your child's delicate skin, and so on.

Contact factors

Children who are exposed to substances that are prone to allergies can also cause eczema. There are many types of contact materials, such as animal fur, various chemicals, some topical drugs, etc.

Animal fur such as: cat hair, dog hair, insect hair, etc.;

Common chemicals in life are: prickly heat powder, clothing dyes, plastic toys, color mud or clay, soap, toothpaste or some flavorings or additives in mouthwash.

Topical drugs such as: antibiotic ointment, alcohol, cool oil, potassium permanganate, iodine wine, etc.

The above are the causes of eczema that are easy to cause in children, and we must try to help children find allergens and actively prevent them.

Therefore, if the child's eczema is always repeated, parents should not be too anxious, find out the cause, prevent what can be prevented, and do a good job of nursing if it cannot be prevented. Most of the eczema will basically get better after the child is 1-2 years old, and there will be no sequelae, no other effects, and there is really no need to worry too much.

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