
After last night's tweet, I answered the question of "baby eczema medication" in 39 message areas in one breath

Pushed last night (baby eczema, how to take the drug?) After that, he answered the "baby eczema medication" question in 39 message areas, and shared it with parents tonight.

1, four and a half years old, eczema for many years, there are doctors diagnosing atopic dermatitis, rubbing drugs repeatedly is not good, what is the way?

A: Three points of treatment and seven points of care. You need to add more daily medication and daily care information, so that I can make a complete and comprehensive assessment, and with a comprehensive assessment, I can give specific and feasible recommendations.

2. How to judge whether a child is eczema or dermatitis?

A: Eczema belongs to the category of dermatitis, which is typically characterized by dryness, itching, erythema, and severe exudates and crusting. Specific diagnosis should be made with a child or dermatologist.

3, Hello, the baby is one year old, where the finger eczema can always use Uzoll once a day?

A: Three points of treatment, seven points of care. Do a good job of moisturizing, with a moisturizer that does not irritate the skin, a hand sanitizer that does not irritate. Avoid physical friction, avoid irritation of chemical toiletries, etc. The use of hormone ointment can be used once a day for several weeks to control symptoms, and after the symptoms have stabilized, the dose is gradually reduced and discontinued. Therefore, if necessary, Uzoll can be upgraded to acetonide and discontinued once a day after maintenance therapy for a period of time.

4. Eczema has not been good, will it lead to allergic rhinitis?

A: Eczema is caused by skin barrier dysfunction, and allergic rhinitis is usually caused by allergens such as dust mites and pollen in the air. There is no causal relationship in nature. However, children who are allergic to the constitution and have eczema when they are young will be more likely to suffer from allergic rhinitis as they grow older.

5. Is atopic dermatitis the basis for healing?

A: Atopic dermatitis cannot be cured for the time being, but it can be controlled, and it can not occur for a long time after being controlled, and moisturizing is the basis for controlling atopic dermatitis.

6, the baby's red neck, repeatedly not good, only with a strong hormone ointment can feel better, tangled how to deal with.

A: Red neck should see a doctor to assess whether it is intermittent abrasions, and if so, in addition to applying hormone ointment, it may be necessary to use an antifungal ointment.

7. If the eczema on the face is repeated, can I use Elosson?

A: When eczema on the face is more severe, it is okay to use it for a short period of 3-5 days, or intermittently. Try not to use it continuously on the face for a long time.

8. How to alternate between hormone ointment and moisturizer?

A: Moisturizers are not drugs and cannot be explained by alternating with hormonal ointments. Moisturizers are used throughout the process, and should be applied frequently. On the basis of the moisturizer, apply the hormonal ointment once or twice a day.

9. Can you recommend some moisturizers for children?

A: Stauff, Avène, Vaseline, Avino, Yu Meijing (if the milk is not allergic), Euselin, etc., regular manufacturers produce moisturizing effects, non-irritating skin moisturizers can be.

10, hormone ointment used for a week has not seen good, how long is it safe to use?

A: For children's commonly used mild hormone ointments such as deonidide and hydrocortisone butyrate, it is actually safe to apply it continuously for 2-3 months like the limbs, but it usually does not take so long.

The key to your use is that you haven't seen it well for a week, the first thing to see is which ointment is used, if it is a weak 0.05% de acede cream / ointment, it may need to be adjusted to moderate effect, such as 0.1% furoate mometasone cream or 0.1% hydrobutyrate corone cream as soon as possible to control eczema, if it is still ineffective, you need to see a doctor to assess whether the child is eczema.

11, rely on external moisturizer to restore the skin protective barrier, need long-term use, or eczema can be stopped?

A: If eczema persists, be sure to apply more for a long time, apply moisturizer frequently, and apply it every 3-4 hours. If the skin condition improves, the number of applications can be appropriately reduced. Once the eczema has stabilized, you can apply it 2 times a day as usual.

12. If the hormonal ointment is improved with one use, does it need to be strengthened for several consecutive days?

A: It is necessary to distinguish the degree of eczema, if it is mild, it is not necessary to use it once to improve, just use a moisturizer. If it is moderate, it may take 3-5 days or up to a week after the improvement. If it is severe, consolidation may be required for more than two weeks.

13. What is the difference between heat rash and eczema?

A: The heat rash is prickly heat, and the heat comes out. The environment and skin temperature cool down naturally subside, usually do not need to take medication, if necessary with calamine lotion to relieve itching.

Eczema is caused by impaired or skin barrier dysfunction, and often requires hormonal ointment + moisturizing to avoid recurrence. The commonality of both diseases is that both are afraid of heat, and cooling can alleviate symptoms.

14. Can tacrolimus 0.03% be used for a long time? A child's atopic dermatitis is good as soon as the drug is used, and it is committed as soon as it is stopped.

A: Tacrolimus is usually used in mucosal areas, eye area, oral area, genitals and other parts, usually 2-3 weeks, long-term continuous use is not recommended. It is also usually used intermittently during hormonal therapy, and can be used intermittently for long periods.

15, diaper rash and stubborn eczema on the neck use zinc oxide effect is very good, zinc oxide can be used for a long time?

A: These two areas are more likely to occur between abrasions, if the effect of zinc oxide is good, it can be used for a long time, which can block the irritation of moisture, urine, and sweat to the skin of the folds and diaper cover areas. It is a physical protective barrier measure and has a high level of security.

16, my eczema every year, is reflected on the fingers, but this year is more serious than ever, has involved the legs and arms, the ass also has ... Are there any good treatments?

A: Choose non-irritating or low-irritating skincare treatments, such as Stauffs. Avoid overheating, sun, hot baths and other thermal stimuli, avoid scratching and rubbing, when severe, you can use external hormone ointment, the choice of hormone ointment can be used in the acute period of strong, after remission replaced by weak effect. When the itch is severe, antiallergic drugs, such as chlorpheniramine, can be taken at the same time. The onset of eczema is also related to mental factors such as nervousness and anxiety, as well as excessive fatigue, lack of sleep and other factors, and it is necessary to learn to decompress and thus relieve the precipitating factors.

17, the child is 14 months, last year full of eczema, this year the back of the ear grew a little, she always scratched the ear, how to care?

A: Cut your fingernails short to avoid scratching. Cut your hair short at the same time, avoid overheating and sweating, avoid taking a hot bath, avoid physical irritations such as friction, and avoid contact with irritating toiletries. There is really no relief, you can use hormone ointment for a short time to relieve itching. But remember that cooling, irritating, and moisturizing skin care is the foundation, and doing a good job is more effective.

18, eczema repeatedly, the whole body round to grow one part of the good and another part and long, has been using Adelaide for 3 months, can Acetonide be used for a long time?

A: Denonide is a moderately weak strength hormone, small area short-term discontinuous use can be, not recommended for long-term continuous use, unless it is severe refractory eczema. The means to avoid long-term continuous use of hormones is to do a good job of basic care.

19, the child is more than 4 years old, in the morning there is acute urticaria, the doctor prescribed cetirizine drops, please pay attention to what usually? Your child has recently had a fever and a cold.

A: There are many triggers for urticaria, which may be related to the medication taken, may be related to infections such as cold viruses, may be related to inhaled substances, and may also be related to substances exposed, if you can know the triggers, try to avoid the triggers.

20, my baby boy began to grow eczema when more than 1 month, a period of time is particularly serious, after the medication treatment has been using moisturizing care, now almost three years old, but always sporadically longer, winter is fine, summer will grow more, children can not control the total grasp, please ask Dr. Ji how to care in the summer. In addition, the baby's milk and eggs are allergic, and they will be red and itchy when they touch it.

A: Babies with allergies should try to avoid contact with allergens. Summer weather sweltering hot skin temperature is high, so the incidence of eczema is high, the care as far as possible to avoid wearing too much sweating, wear pure cotton loose breathable clothes, avoid the sun, the room temperature adjusted to cool and comfortable. At the same time, do a good job of moisturizing skin care to moisturize the skin.

21, hello, please ask my baby hospital diagnosed as "atopic dermatitis" usually scratched badly, especially the skin at the joint folds, the whole body has like countless small sand, the doctor gave the prescribed Karetam, silicone oil, tacrolimus, triamcin acetonides, please ask you what else do we need to pay attention to? Can this disease be cured?

A: Usually do a good job of moisturizing skin care, avoid the basic care of irritation, and take medication in a timely manner according to the doctor's instructions. This disease cannot be cured, but if it is well cared for and treated, recurrence can be controlled, and most babies can be controlled with age.

22. Diagnostic criteria and treatment methods of eczema in children, thank you.

A: Diagnosis requires a specialist pediatrician or dermatologist, and the treatment method should be specific to the specific condition.

23, trouble ask, 28 days of baby face eczema for 1 week, to apply the baby skin expert ointment for 2 days, skin redness obviously improved, that is, the rash on the skin has not disappeared, this time can stop the drug? Thanks, also, do not know the teacher about baby skin expert ointment knows? Are the side effects big? Thank you!

A: Baby skin expert ointment I have not used, just checked on the Internet, does not belong to the drug, belongs to the approval number of the product of the certificate, such products are not strictly regulated by the state, usually I do not recommend the use of the elimination of the number of products to treat eczema, it is recommended to use drugs with a regular drug approval number.

24, my child went to the hospital to see that it was atopic dermatitis, is it eczema? Always over and over again, look at her and she scratch, the body is so rough, how should I take care of it?

A: Recurrent eczema is medically known as atopic dermatitis, and the treatment and care are the same, avoid physical and chemical irritants, do a good job of moisturizing skin care, and take medication in time if necessary.

25, the child is almost six years old, last year began to have eczema behind the ear, has been using Acetonide cream, well and repeatedly can not break the root, and then more and more, and then went to Chongqing Children's Hospital to find the director to see, said that it is atopic dermatitis, because all parts of the body have eczema, the doctor said to rub moisturizing milk, and then came to him grammus and morisone furoate cream, the former with a month of rubbing at night, the latter in the morning with rubbing for two weeks, but after stopping the drug or some places repeated, very headache, has not known how to use the drug, And afraid of excessive medication has side effects, I hope to get your reply, thank you.

A: For the treatment of chronic eczema, the withdrawal of drugs needs to be gradually reduced and stopped, not suddenly stopped, and at the same time with daily careful care, three points of treatment, seven points of care, nursing is the foundation.

26, teacher I have had neurodermatitis since I was a child, and now I have it during lactation, what ointment can I rub?

A: Hormonal ointments such as Uzoll, Elosone, and Denonide can be used in a short-term small area during lactation, and do not let the baby's skin be directly exposed. Pay attention to more rest to relieve stress.

27, how to deal with eczema caused by mosquito bites, thank you.

A: Eczema after mosquito bites and eczema induced by other causes are no different in treatment and care, the time is a little long, have patience and careful care and treatment, the time to get better will not be so fast, but if the nursing treatment is proper, it will always be controlled for a long time.

28, the daughter's thighs, elbows and ankles of dry eczema has been repeated, with Yuzhule is good, stop the drug for a period of time to recur. The itching of dry eczema made her scratch her arms and legs and bleed, especially after bathing. Is the Uthol and Staf Moisturizer 1:2 Blend correct? Can Uzoll be used for a long time? Thank you.

A: Eczema is a chronic disease that recurs. Pay attention to the daily care of moisturizing, apply more low-sensitivity moisturizer, 4-6 times a day. With short-term use of 7-14 days, Youzoll does not have to worry too much about side effects. But remember that nursing is the foundation, the bath water should be lower than the body temperature, it is recommended to be at 32-27 degrees Celsius, the bath time is controlled within 10 minutes, and the moisturizer is applied immediately after washing.

29, children eczema is because of heat, not because of allergies, is this the case?

A: The exact cause of eczema has not yet been identified, and it is now believed that related to genetic allergies, heat will induce eczema to worsen, so the focus of care measures is to avoid too high skin temperature and avoid sweating.

30, when the baby is three months old, a small piece of fingernail-sized eczema burst into yellow water, coated with erythromycin and baby treasure, there is relief but not good, intermittent medication for a month after no water breakage, only use skin cream. Is it now possible to use only anti-allergic moisturizers (such as Baby Calendula California Cream)? Will the previous intermittent use of Baby Baby and Erythromycin Ointment have a negative impact on the child's skin?

A: Intermittent use of baby treasure and erythromycin should not be a big problem. In the future, pay attention to skin care, try to avoid the use of baby treasure, because it is not a drug, the uncontrollable risk of illegal addition of hormones is large.

31, the child has specific dermatitis, with a lot of drugs is not good, and finally the skin hospital prescribed tacrolimus, used to control, now basically a week to apply once or twice on it, this drug can be used for a long time?

A: It's okay for you to use this for a long time only once or twice a week.

32. There are some atopic dermatitis in children's face, including around the eyes, how to choose medication and care?

A: It is possible to apply a thin layer of hormone ointment denade to the face for a short period of 3-5 days, while moisturizing and avoiding irritating factors.

33, hormone ointment is not to be used down the ladder, then 5-7 days how is enough?

A: Whether or not to descend depends on the severity of the condition. Light, medium and heavy courses of treatment are not the same, usually said that parents can use it for 5-7 days, still not good to see a doctor, can not be used by parents at home for a long time, because the condition may change, may not be eczema, afraid that parents do not go to the doctor. After seeing a doctor with a clear diagnosis, you can continue to use hormone ointment under the guidance of a doctor.

34, the large area of eczema on my baby has been good, that is, the eczema of the chin area around the mouth is still very serious, and it is currently necessary to apply 0.03% of tacrolimus every night, more than two days without rubbing the medicine will start, but can he grammus be used for a long time?

A: It cannot be used continuously for a long time, and it can be used intermittently. You put a little more effort into the care, strengthen skin care and moisturizing, avoid the stimulation of toiletries, avoid the stimulation of scrubbing hard, and avoid the stimulation of clothing friction.

35, 9-year-old girls have eczema on their hands, the season is obvious, the finger seams are, please also use the recommended hormone ointment can be?

A: Yes. At the same time pay attention to moisturizing and avoid irritating factors.

36. Can I apply hormone ointment if I have eczema on my scalp?

A: Yes, weak-acting hormone ointments such as deonidine can be used in the short term.

37. What about polysulfonic acid mucopolysaccharide cream? The five-month-old baby doctor gave the match, and there was also a strong word.

A: There is no clear efficacy of mucopolysaccharides, and under the premise that moisturizing and nursing are in place, the use of denonide can be used.

38, the more stubborn on the legs now smear hormones are not very effective, how to use the drug.

A: Consider increasing the number of moisturizers on the legs, reducing the friction and stuffiness of the pants, keeping the skin temperature of the lesions low, cool and breathable, while keeping the skin moisturized. In severe cases, increase the number of hormones, reduce the dose for a period of time after it is good, or continue to maintain the treatment for two consecutive days on weekends every week.

39, please ask the baby's face eczema, often red through, drooling stage. The doctor said to pay attention to moisturizing, but the moisturizer has been smeared many times a day, or there will be a little rash, and it should be ok to use Yuzhuo.

A: Try deonid first, ineffective and then escalate to hydrocortisone butyrate for short-term use, and then switch back to weak deonide after symptom control.

Tomorrow night, from 8:15 to 10:15, I will answer the questions of allergic rhinitis medication and care for children in the live broadcast room, and you are welcome to come to the live broadcast room with your questions to find me.

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