
Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

I believe that recently the old iron has not complained about the performance of Manchester United's horse aircraft carrier.

Yes, in addition to the weakness of manchester United, the defensive line also lacks domineering, which is difficult to gain a foothold in the Premier League.

Varane is a technical centre-back, and he does need a murderous iron-blooded centre-back to really complement each other, neither Maguire nor Lindelof is such a role.

According to Turkish media outlet Fanatik, United are very interested in former Juventus centre-back De Miral, who has lent out to Atalanta this season.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

The 1.90m centre-back, who has worked with Cristiano Ronaldo in Juve for two seasons and has made deep friendships, came to his house last season when De Miral officially announced his departure from Juve.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

This season's prison breaker, who has secured his starting centre-back position in Atalanta, has been quite eye-catching in the Champions League group stage against Manchester United, and can complete key interceptions every time the camera captures him.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

Compared to Maguire, the prison breaker is superior in addition to the frontal defense ability.

More importantly, his absolute speed can often complete the good play of chasing back key steals.

There is also the true color of iron blood, which makes people see the shadow of Vidic.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

The only thing that has been criticized is his glass attributes, but this season he has gradually matured, and has not been affected by injuries, and has been elected the best player in the last round of the Europa League.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

Real Madrid, whose defence is also fraught with problems, is also deeply interested in the Turkish iron-blooded centre-back.

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

With his outstanding performances in real blue and black Serie A and European games this season, the 24-year-old De Miral, who is in the current year, is bound to receive more attention from European giants.

Since Vidic, Manchester United and predatory centre-backs have been inseparable, and Will De Miral, who has always regarded Vidic as an idol, replicate the former's path as he wishes?

Tough guy! The Red Devils want to sign Ronaldo's former teammate, and Vidic is his idol

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