
Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

author:It's a simple jingle bell

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

On the rivers and lakes, there is an old saying: "Real people don't show their faces, and they don't show their faces." This sentence is used to describe Ma Yun, which could not be more appropriate. This former Internet legend has created one business miracle after another with his unique business wisdom and world-minded pattern. Recently, Mr. Zhou Wenqiang's words have made us re-examine the life trajectory of this master: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring.

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

1. Jack Ma's legendary life

When we think of Jack Ma, the first thing that comes to mind is Alibaba, a giant that has changed the e-commerce industry in China and even the world. However, Jack Ma's success did not happen overnight. He used to be an ordinary English teacher, and with his ingenuity and keen insight into the Internet, he reached the pinnacle of his career step by step.

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

In 1999, Jack Ma founded Alibaba, opening the door to the era of e-commerce. Subsequently, Alipay, Taobao, Tmall and other platforms came out one after another, allowing consumers in China and even around the world to enjoy unprecedented convenience. Jack Ma is also known as the "father of China's Internet".

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

Second, the rise of Alipay

Among Jack Ma's many masterpieces, Alipay is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. As a third-party payment platform, Alipay has risen in just a few years and has become the hegemon of the domestic payment market. Its emergence has completely changed our payment habits and made it possible to "go out without money".

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

However, Alipay's success is not based solely on technological innovation. Behind Alipay is Jack Ma's deep insight into the country's financial security. He knows that a country's financial system is the cornerstone of a country's development. Therefore, in the process of Alipay's development, Ma Yun has always regarded it as an important part of the country's financial security.

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

3. Jack Ma's mastery

In the process of Alipay's rise, Ma Yun has shown a true master's way. He not only pays attention to the profitability of enterprises, but also pays attention to corporate social responsibility. When Alipay gradually became the hegemon of the domestic payment market, Jack Ma decisively contributed it to the country, making Alipay a part of the country's financial system.

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

This move allows us to see Jack Ma's mind and pattern. He knows that the success of an enterprise is inseparable from the support of the state, and the strength of the country also needs the contribution of the enterprise. Therefore, after the success of Alipay, he chose to dedicate it to the country and contribute to the country's financial security.

Fourth, retire after success

Now, Jack Ma has stepped down from his position as CEO of Alibaba and started his retirement. Yet, his influence is still pervasive. Jack Ma's retirement does not mean his withdrawal. On the contrary, he passed on his life experience and wisdom to more young people with dreams.

Zhou Wenqiang: Ma Yun is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring

Mr. Zhou Wenqiang commented on Ma Yun: "He is the real master, contributing Alipay to the country and retiring." This sentence is not only an affirmation of Ma Yun's life, but also the inheritance of Ma Yun's spirit. In this era full of changes, we need more masters like Jack Ma to use their wisdom and responsibility to contribute to the development of the country.


Jack Ma's life is a chapter full of legends. With his wisdom and responsibility, he has created one business miracle after another and made great contributions to the development of the country. Now, he chooses to retire and contribute Alipay to the country, showing a real master's way.

In this era, let us remember the legend of Jack Ma, inherit his spirit, and contribute our strength to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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