
Things you don't know about trying to conceive

Modern people have high requirements for themselves in all aspects, especially parents who are preparing for pregnancy, always want to welcome the arrival of the baby in the best state. Get pregnant with a healthy and smart baby and let your child win at the initial starting line. So what do moms and dads who are trying to get pregnant need to do?

Things you don't know about trying to conceive

First, a reasonable diet.

When preparing for pregnancy, both men and women should have a reasonable diet, meat and vegetarian collocation, you can eat some foods that are conducive to pregnancy, for example, you can drink more milk, because the nutritional value of milk is relatively high, which helps the development of follicles, and can reduce the phenomenon of abnormal ovulation of the ovaries; you can eat some almonds in moderation, almonds contain vitamin E ingredients, which can promote women's metabolism, and for men, they can also increase the vitality of sperm, thus playing a role in fertility; in addition, eggs and soy products can also be appropriately eaten. Soy products contain estrogen, which can play a role in repairing the endometrium and are also of great help to pregnancy.

Things you don't know about trying to conceive

Both parties need folic acid supplementation about three months in advance. Folic acid can prevent premature fetal birth and malformations, so during pregnancy, both men and women should supplement folic acid on time, it is recommended to eat until the third month of pregnancy to stop, and supplement one a day.

Things you don't know about trying to conceive

Second, ensure the quality of sleep, do not stay up late!

Staying up late is very harmful to health, often stay up late, easy to lead to physical drowsiness, mental atrophy, for men, staying up late has a great impact on the activity of sperm, only rest well, all aspects of the body can be restored, the quality of sperm and eggs will be high, so the probability of conception will be very large.

Things you don't know about trying to conceive

Third, exercise appropriately and maintain a good state.

For office workers, time is relatively scarce. After work, the energy of the day is almost exhausted, will feel more tired, not willing to exercise too much, this time there is no need for everyone to exercise excessively, as long as you move in moderation after meals, go downstairs to take a walk together, do exercises or practice yoga, exercise for 30-60 minutes a day.

Men should not soak in hot springs and saunas, as high temperatures can affect the quality of sperm.

Fourth, quit smoking and alcohol!

The harm of smoking and drinking believes that everyone knows very well, for men and women who are trying to get pregnant, this item must be quit! Smoking not only harms your own body but also affects others; alcohol can have a big impact on sperm activity. For people who usually like to smoke and drink, they must quit smoking and drinking for three months before having a baby, which is the duty of new parents.

Fifth, keep a good mood.

Things you don't know about trying to conceive

Both parties must keep a happy mood, it is said that the baby born of the husband and wife will be smarter and the temper will be better. It is easy to accumulate mental stress during pregnancy preparation, which will have a certain impact on your body and mind and life. In order not to lose this invisible weight, both men and women need to consciously adjust to help them relieve stress.

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