
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

In the game Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11, it is very necessary to have a stable large rear. That means you have more resources to deal with the offensive and defensive front, which will undoubtedly greatly increase your winning margin.

Especially in some places where the economic zones of former urban areas are difficult to defend, the supply of the rear city pool is simply a lifeline.

So what conditions are required for the so-called "rear city"?

First, the definition of the rear city pool

In fact, I think in a broad sense, I think that meeting this condition can be regarded as a "rear city", that is, output is greater than consumption.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

For example, Luoyang City is the most typical example.

Luoyang City is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and there are many cities nearby, but Luoyang City is a very perfect rear city in my opinion.

The first is that Luoyang City is very economically developed, the basic income is high, and it also has the most internal land like Chang'an. In addition to the city, there are two ports and one pass under its jurisdiction, each of which can provide an additional 20% of the income.

Luoyang City also has the advantage that there will be almost no enemies on the river. Well, these two ports, including the two sets of economic zones on the shore, are almost never threatened. Two ports are equivalent to two small rear cities, and may even yield about the same amount of money as some smaller cities.

In addition to the high income, Luoyang's geographical location is also particularly good, two passes and one port to protect Luoyang perfectly in the middle, it is simply impenetrable. As long as the barriers on the east and west sides are guarded, it can be ensured that there is no threat to the internal affairs buildings at all.

Therefore, from the perspective of Luoyang, the output is high and the consumption is low, although it is not necessarily not bordering the enemy, but this is even a rear city.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

Similarly, there are such as Zitong, Jinyang, Yong'an, etc., to a certain extent, even if it is bordering the enemy, but because it is very well defended, the consumption is extremely small, and it can also be approximately regarded as a rear city.

In a narrow sense, it is generally a city that does not border the enemy, and is a rear city.

Such a city is more worry-free, because it is better to send a few janitors to engage in law and order, and almost nothing else needs to be taken care of.

In addition, here is another sentence, some friends like to build troops and build armaments in the rear cities, which is not impossible, but it is very inefficient.

In particular, the creation of troops is a very bad loss. Because when you transport troops to the front, the transportation process will consume a lot of your food. Especially when playing with the "Blood Cloak", a mod in which military horses also consume grain, it is even more unfortunate.

For example, if you play blood-colored crown Liu Bang wants to use cavalry, then do you think it is very cost-effective to occupy yunnan horses? It will take half a year to transport it, how much do you have to eat on the way? It's really not as good as local production.

Generally when I play, the rear city pool often does not build anything at all, that is, to build a market or farmland, leave hundreds of soldiers, 3 or 5 people, from time to time to transport some money and food to the front, and then patrol the security.

Unless the rear city pool is a characteristic city of a certain military uniform, the front line does not have and I still use a large amount, I will choose to build some military uniforms in a certain place. Otherwise, they are all produced directly near the front line.

Second, which places are suitable as rears?

There is a stable rear, both offensively and defensively, which is very advantageous.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

For example, Beiping City, when you have a city, you have to face three cities and two directions of attack. If it were not for the narrow route of the attack, the pressure on the defense would still be great.

But once you capture Xiangping City, then the xiangping direction not only does not have to consume manpower and financial resources to defend, but also can continuously transport resources. Under this addition and subtraction, why does the difficulty increase exponentially decrease?

Therefore, for the vast majority of cases, once you occupy a stable rear, it means that you have broken the game.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

So which places are suitable as rear bases? It's actually obvious that it's the four corners on the map.

Let's analyze these four corners, which is the better position.

1. Southwest corner: Yunnan

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

The three cities of Yunnan, Jianning, and Chengdu, the main defensive pressure is on the city of Chengdu. Chengdu City is not only a metropolis, but also has many checkpoints in the north, and there are also ferries on the west side that can be used for defense, which is very conducive to defense.

However, in the rear of Jianning City, there was a trail leading to Jiangzhou, and occasionally there would be enemies attacking from this direction and had to defend.

The biggest problem in this corner of the southwest is that the distance from Yunnan to Jianning to Chengdu is too far. It will take half a year to transport it from Yunnan to Chengdu. So, this is the most suitable for what I said above, that is, to build market farmland, to transport money and grain to the front.

2. Southeast corner: Wuyue

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

Wuyue has three cities, Huiji, Wu, and Jianye. These three cities are slightly better than the three cities in Yunnan.

First, the distance is relatively close, and the second is that each city has a port, and the income from money and grain will be higher.

However, Wucheng's Qu'a Port is almost certainly threatened from the direction of Xia Pi, which is a bit painful. If you are entrusted with the rear two cities, the defense of Qu'a Port is very disgusting, it is better to let the computer AI fight down first, and then you send troops from Jianye to fight back. In this way, although Qu'a Port is still subordinate to Wucheng, the Wucheng Legion cannot operate Qu'a Port and becomes controlled by your direct subordinate legion. It's also easier to defend.

The main city of Jianye, in addition to the need to defend the port of Wuhu below, the main city is also too close to the Yangtze River. If the enemy develops the catapult technology, or the more powerful Thunderbolt technology, then Jian Ye will be very, very dangerous.

If your own water army is not too strong, the enemy may even force the crystal to tear down the damage from you and the defense tower. Then even if you can fight back, the whole economic zone is finished.

Here, the early stage is still good, and it is good to defend the two ports. But it should not be delayed for too long, and when the enemy technology rises, you will cry without tears.

3. Northeast corner: Hebei

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

To a lesser extent, the two cities of Beiping and Xiangping are actually enough. It's not poor, and the defensive posture is particularly good.

But if you want to calculate the bigger point, then if the strategic posture is better, it must include the seven cities in the whole territory of Hebei. At this time, as long as there is external pressure on the two ports of Yecheng and Pingyuan, in addition to some threats to the economic zones along the river, the five cities in the rear will not be threatened at all. Computer AI will not sneak through Xiangping to copy your back road. With the support of the five cities in the back, some economic zones in the first two cities are threatened, and it is a dime a dozen.

However, taking the whole territory of Hebei is already seven cities, and the situation has been completely broken, so it doesn't matter if there is no rear.

4. Northwest corner: West Cool

If Xiliang is said in a small area, Wuwei single city is good. However, if you want to fight out, you need to take down the five cities of Wuwei, Anding, Tianshui, Chang'an, and Hanzhong before you can form a complete whole.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

Among them, there are two forward positions, Chang'an and Hanzhong.

Chang'an only needs to face the pressure of the east, but there are many checkpoints on the east side of Chang'an, and the defense should not be too simple. You must know that the threat of Chang'an mainly comes from the west, and the west is its own, then Chang'an is impregnable.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11: How to define the so-called rear city? Which are the best rear cities?

Hanzhong would be attacked from both the south and the east, but both roads were very narrow and conducive to defense.

If you plan to attack, it is also very convenient, whether it is from Hanzhong to the south of Xichuan, or from Chang'an to Luoyang and Wancheng, and at the same time from the middle of Han to Shangyong, the two roads echo each other, and will not make them face more enemies.

It's a great location to attack and defend.


That's about it.

I am hanging on the hook for a hundred years without change, thank you for your support and reading.

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