
The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

Reporting by XinZhiyuan


【Introduction to New Wisdom Element】The neural network model is getting bigger and bigger, and it is also becoming more and more expensive. The research team at the Technical University of Berlin did the opposite, building a network of single neurons that can simulate multi-layer neural networks, and the performance is not bad!

What is the most advanced neural network model in the world? That's definitely the human brain.

The human brain has 86 billion neurons, and the neural networks combined with each other not only surpass artificial neural networks in performance, but also consume surprisingly little energy.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

Today's AI systems attempt to mimic the human brain by creating multi-layer neural networks, aiming to cram as many neurons as possible into as little space as possible.

Although this approach has made performance improvements, such a design not only requires a lot of electricity, but also dwarfs the results of the output compared to the human brain.

It is estimated that OpenAI will need about 190,000 kWh of electricity when using Nvidia GPUs to train neural network GPT-3 in Microsoft data centers, equivalent to the electricity used by 126 households in Denmark each year. If converted to the carbon dioxide content produced by fossil fuels, it is equivalent to driving a car from the earth to a round trip to the moon.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

And the number of neural networks, and the amount of hardware needed to train them with huge data sets, is growing. Taking GPT as an example, there are already 175 billion parameters at GPT-3, which is 100 times more than the amount of parameters of the predecessor GPT-2.

This "bigger is better" neural network design is clearly not in line with a sustainable scientific outlook on development.

A multidisciplinary research team from the Technical University of Berlin recently created a new type of neural "network". But calling it a network is still relatively reluctant, because it is new and new, with only one neuron!

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

The researchers propose a new method capable of folding a deep neural network of any size into a single neuron loop with multiple delay feedbacks. This single-neuron deep neural network consists of only a single nonlinear and appropriately adjusted feedback signal that can fully represent a standard deep neural network (DNN), contains sparse DNNs, and extends the concept of DNNs to the implementation of dynamic systems.

The new model, also known as Folded-in-time Fit-DNN, also showed considerable performance in testing benchmark tasks.

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A regular neural network requires multiple nodes to be spatially connected to each other, while a single neuronal model is diffusely connected in the temporal dimension.

The full-time folding method of multilayer feedforward DNNs devised by the researchers requires only a single neuron with a loop of feedback regulatory delay. Through the chronological sequence of nonlinear operations, a DNN of any depth or width can be implemented.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

In traditional neural networks, such as GPT-3, each neuron has a weight value in order to fine-tune the results. But the result of this approach is usually more neurons, producing more parameters, and only more parameters can produce more precise results.

But the team at the Technical University of Berlin found that they could achieve similar functions by weighting the same neuron differently at different times, rather than spatially dispersing differently weighted neurons.

It's like at a banquet, where you can simulate a conversation at the dinner table by quickly switching seats and pretending to be different parts of different guests.

It sounds a bit of a "split personality", but with this expansion of timing, one person (neuron) can also accomplish things that can only be done by multiple people.

Mentioning "fast" switching, the Berlin team said that this statement has been very low-key.

In fact, their system activates time-based feedback loops in neurons via lasers, theoretically reaching speeds close to the limits of the universe — that is, switching neural networks at or near the speed of light.

According to the researchers, this means that for AI, it can significantly reduce the energy costs of training hyperscale neural networks.

To implement the above idea, the researchers hypothesized that the state of the system evolves in continuous time according to the general form of differential equations.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

Here x(t) represents the state of the neuron at time t; f is a nonlinear function whose argument a(t) combines the data signal J(t), the bias b(t) of the time change, and the delay feedback signal x(t-τd) modulated by the function Md(t). Multiple loops of different delay lengths τd can be explicitly considered. Thanks to the feedback loop, the system becomes a so-called delayed power system.

Intuitively, the feedback loop in Fit-DNN causes neurons to reintroduce information that has already passed through nonlinear f, which allows nonlinear f to chain multiple times. Classical DNNs form their trainable representations by using neurons layer by layer, while Fit-DNNs accomplish the same thing by repeatedly introducing feedback signals into the same neuron.

In each pass, the time-varying bias b(t) and modulation Md(t) on the delay line ensure that the time evolution of the system processes the information in the desired way. In order to obtain the data signal J(t) and output y, both variables require an appropriate pre- or post-processing operation.

To further illustrate that Fit-DNN is functionally equivalent to multilayer neural networks, it can be seen that Fit-DNN can convert the dynamics of a single neuron with multiple delay rings into DNNs.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

The temporal evolution of x(t) can be divided into time intervals of length T, each of which simulates a hidden layer. In each interval, select N points. Use an equidistant time grid with a small time interval θ. For a hidden layer with N nodes, it can be concluded that θ=T/N. At each time grid point tn=nθ, the system state x(tn) is used as an independent variable. Each time grid point tn will represent a node, while x(tn) will represent its state. It can be further assumed that the data signals J(t), bias b(t), and modulation signal Md(t) are step functions with a step size of θ.

As a very sparse network, the researchers first applied Fit-DNN to an image denoising task: Adding Gaussian noise with an intensity of variance of 1 to the images in the Fashion-MNIST dataset treated as vectors with values between 0 (white) and 1 (black). The resulting vector entries are then cut at thresholds 0 and 1 to obtain a noisy grayscale image. The task of denoising is to reconstruct the original image from its noisy version.

The experimental results compared the original Fashion-MNIST image, its noisy version and an example of the reconstructed image. You can see that the effect of the recovery is still quite good.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

But the real question for Fit-DNN is whether a single neuron in the time loop can produce the same results as billions of neurons.

To demonstrate the computational power of Fit-DNN and the time state, the researchers chose five image classification tasks: MNIST40, Fashion-MNIST41, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN.

The loneliest neural network: only one neuron, but will "shadow doppelganger"

Experimentally, the performance of Fit-DNN in the number of nodes N=50, 100, 200, and 400 of each hidden layer in the above tasks was compared. From the results, we can see that high accuracy was achieved on individual neurons on the relatively simple MNIST and Fashion-MNIST tasks. But for the more challenging CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN missions, the accuracy rate is lower.

While these results are clearly not comparable to the performance records created by the current sota model, they are achieved on a novel, completely different architecture. In particular, Fit-DNN here uses only half of the available diagonals of the weight matrix. For test tasks, increasing N will obviously lead to an improvement in performance.

With further development, scientists believe the system can be extended to an "infinite number" of neuronal connections in the temporal dimension.

They say such a system is feasible, and it can surpass the human brain to become the most powerful neural network in the world, which is what artificial intelligence experts call "superintelligence."


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