
The importance of marriage and door-to-door pairs, you must understand


For a relationship, love can be casual, do not need to consider too many things, can follow their own inner thoughts, but marriage must consider the family.

Marriage is very realistic, after all, marriage involves the integration of two families.

A good marriage is often the right door, so that the general situation of each other is consistent, the growth environment is the same, the strength is equal, and many unnecessary contradictions will be avoided.

For marital relationships, it is often the sum of all social relationships, so it is important to be door-to-door.

The importance of marriage and door-to-door pairs, you must understand

Marriages that are right at the door tend to last longer

Why is it that the marriage of the right door is longer? Because in the process of combining with each other, a lot of unnecessary factors have been avoided, and things that are too far apart from each other have been screened. At this time, the two people are equal in everything, and a lot of trouble is avoided.

If the gap between each other is too large, in fact, there is pressure on each other.

Long-term together, the gap will cause a sense of distance between each other, and the person who walks in front will throw off the person behind. Only families that are equal to each other will get along more long.

A good marriage is not only the same step of the two parties, but also the family gap is almost the same, so that the two families together will be more harmonious.

For marriage, it is not only a matter of two people, but also the combination of two families, and the door-to-door pair will maintain a balanced state.

The importance of marriage and door-to-door pairs, you must understand

Marriages that are right at the door are often the most secure

Good marriages are actually evenly matched. To be strong with each other, it is necessary not only for two people to support, but also for two families to maintain.

In a marriage where the door is right, each other's families are more accepting of each other, there will be no other ideas, and they will be more relaxed to get along.

If the family is too good, the natural weak side of the family will feel bottomless, then in the process of getting along, it will feel that there is no self-confidence, and it is impossible to get along for a long time.

If the family is good, you will feel that the other party is trying to figure out your family's money, and the poor family will also feel high, which will cause pressure on the other party.

Those marriages that are really good are all from similar families, they will not compare, they will not show off, no one is worse than anyone, so that they will get along more well, and such marriages will be more stable.

Therefore, marriage depends on the family situation, maintain a state of balance, such a marriage is more stable.

The importance of marriage and door-to-door pairs, you must understand

Marriages with the right door are often the most comfortable

Marriage is more about looking at the feelings of the two families. The marriage of the right door will actually be more comfortable than the average marriage.

Such a marriage, each other maintain the same level, there will be no deviation, so that together will also get along more easily.

If the gap between each other's families is too large, there will be a sense of distance, there will also be pressure, in daily life, words and deeds must be paid attention to, otherwise it will cause pressure on themselves.

Only people who are looking for similar families can resonate and understand more together, and they don't need to show too much.

The so-called door-to-door pair, not only the family conditions are equal, but more is the concept, thought, and general idea of the two families are the same, and there will be no great deviation.

For such two families, both parties can understand and respect each other without too much pleasing and pandering.


A good marriage and a good partner can reduce the suffering of life by half.

On the basis of choosing the other half, we should consider each other's families more, after all, what kind of family will teach what kind of people.

Adult marriage is nothing more than finding a person who is quite and comfortable to get along with, so that it makes sense.

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