
The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

1. Those who love others, people always love; those who respect others, people always respect. - "Mencius Leaving Lou Xia"

[Interpretation] The person who loves the lover is always loved by others, and the person who respects others always respects him. How you treat others, others tend to treat you the same way. If you want to be loved, you must love others. CONSTANT: Often.

2, not to the rules, can not be a square circle. - "Mencius Leaving Lou Shang"

[Interpretation] Without compasses and curved rulers, rectangles and circles cannot be drawn. Our lives and things must follow certain rules and regulations, otherwise, each doing its own thing, the quasi-will be chaotic. Rules: Rules and regulations, two tools for correcting circles and squares.

3. The barn knows etiquette, and the clothing and food are enough to know honor and disgrace. - "Pipe Herder"

[Interpretation] Only when the granary is full can the people understand the etiquette system; only when there is enough food and clothing do the people know honor and shame. Material civilization is the foundation of spiritual civilization. Those who govern the country must first consider the lives of ordinary people. Lǐn: Granary. Real: Fulfilling.

4, the difference is like a millimeter, a thousand miles. - "The Book of Rites and Commentaries"

[Interpretation] There are small mistakes at the beginning of things, and if they are not corrected in time, they will eventually cause big mistakes. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and we must be cautious at the beginning; we must strive for excellence and meticulousness in carrying out scientific research, otherwise we will cause heavy losses. Millimeters: A small unit of measurement, described as minimal or extremely small. MIÙ: Wrong.

5, the ruler is short, the inch is long; the things are insufficient, and the wisdom is unknown. - Warring States Chu Qu Yuan, "Buju"

Although the ruler is longer than an inch, it appears shorter than something longer, and although the inch is shorter than a ruler, it is longer than something shorter; things always have their shortcomings, and the wise always have unwise places. People or things have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they should not seek full blame, but should use their strengths and avoid weaknesses.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

6. There is more help for the way, and less help for the wrong way. - "Mencius Gongsun Ugly"

[Interpretation] If you have the truth, those who are righteous can get more help, and those who violate the truth and are unjust will rarely get help. It tells us that truth and justice are invincible.

7. If you study alone and have no friends, you are lonely and unheard. - "Etiquette and Learning"

[Interpretation] If you just study alone without friends to discuss together, you will be lonely. Learning partners have proven to be beneficial to the progress of learning.

8. The rich and the noble cannot be adulterous, the poor cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be bent. - "Mencius Teng WenGong"

[Interpretation] Wealth cannot confuse his heart, poverty cannot make him change his discipline, and might cannot make his will yield. Only by doing these three things can we be called a big husband. Mencius's words have been passed down through the generations and inspired countless Chinese sons and daughters.

9. The high shore is the valley, and the deep valley is the mausoleum. - "The Book of Poetry: The Turn of October"

[Interpretation] The highlands become valleys, and the deep valleys become mountains. According to scientific speculation, this place in the Himalayas was still a vast ocean 70 million years ago, and the vicissitudes of the sea became mulberry fields, which is a metaphor for the change of the world. It is also a metaphor for how things always transform into their opposite aspects under certain conditions.

10. If a worker desires to do a good job, he must first use it. - "The Analects of Wei Linggong"

[Interpretation] If craftsmen want to do their jobs well, they must sharpen their tools beforehand. It can be seen from this that in order for a person to be competent for the job, he must first learn the skills. Read a good book today, and only in the next day can we make a big show.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

11. Bow down to yourself and blame others. - "The Analects of Wei Linggong"

[Interpretation] Blame yourself more and blame others less. This sentence says that we should be strict with ourselves and be lenient with others. Strict demands on yourself, progress will be fast; tolerance of others, will be away from resentment. Bow: Yourself. The word "responsibility" is omitted after "thick". Blame: Blame, demand.

12, so the wood is straight, and the gold is sharp. - "Xunzi Persuasion"

[Interpretation] After the wood is processed in a straight line by the ink line (woodworking tools) for woodworking, it becomes straight; the metal object can be sharpened after being sharpened on the whetstone. These two metaphors are used to illustrate that after learning and tempering, self-reflection, people will become wise and wise, do not make mistakes, and become stronger and stronger. Lì: Whetstone.

13. The good knows its evil, and the evil knows its beauty. - "Etiquette and University"

[Interpretation] For the person you like, know his shortcomings and not be partial; for the people you hate, know his strengths, and do not erase. We evaluate a person to be objective and fair, not emotional, and not prejudiced because of their own likes and dislikes.

14. Misfortune depends on blessings, and blessings and misfortunes lie down. - "Lao Tzu"

[Interpretation] Disasters depend on happiness, and happiness lurks disasters. It tells us that misfortunes and blessings can be transformed into each other under certain conditions, that we should think of danger in times of peace, and that if we are in adversity, we should not be discouraged. xī: A mood word, equivalent to "ah". Leaning (yǐ): Leaning. Volt: Latent, hidden.

15. Do not do to others what you do not want. - "Analects of Yan Yuan"

[Interpretation] If you don't like it, don't impose it on others. Hunger and cold are not liked by yourself, do not impose it on others; shame is what you do not like, and do not impose it on others. Comparing hearts to hearts, pushing oneself and others, thinking of the interests and harms of others from one's own interests and harms, and thinking more about others is the principle that should be pursued throughout one's life. Desire: Think, hope. Don't (wù): Don't. SS: Add, give.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

16, the beauty of a gentleman's adulthood, the evil of an adult, the villain is the opposite. - "Analects of Yan Yuan"

[Interpretation] A gentleman fulfills the good deeds of others and does not promote the bad deeds of others. Villains are just the opposite. The beauty of adults, the accumulation of good and virtue, becomes a gentleman; the evil of adults, accumulating more and more grievances, is a villain. Gentlemen are respected, and villains are reviled. Gentleman: A person of high personality. Villain: Refers to a person with a despicable personality. The opposite: the opposite of this.

17, gentlemen are frank, villains are often related. - "Analects and Narratives"

[Interpretation] The gentleman's heart is flat and broad, but the villain is often cramped and sad. A gentleman is frank, poor and happy, kind to others, content and happy, so he can be frank. Villains have too many desires, suffer from gains and losses, are worried, complain about the world, and are cramped and uneasy, so they often have relatives. Open-minded: Open-minded and free-spirited. Qi Qi: The look of fear and uneasiness.

18. A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his flesh and qi are undecided, and the precepts are in color; his strength is strong, and his flesh is strong, and his precepts are fighting; and his old age, his flesh and qi are weak, and the precepts are gained. - "The Analects of Ji Shi"

[Interpretation] There are three things in a gentleman's life that should be vigilant and vigilant: when he is young, he is growing muscles and bones, and his qi and blood have not yet been fixed, and he must be vigilant on the issue of men and women; in his prime, he is not weak in strength, his energy is exuberant, and he must be vigilant against unprincipled disputes and fights; in old age, his physical strength and energy are poor, and he must be vigilant against insatiable greed. For teenagers, this sentence raises the question that early love will affect physical and mental health. From today's point of view, Confucius's saying of "abstaining from sex, abstaining from fighting, and abstaining from attaining" still has educational significance for us.

19. The gentleman's connection is like water, and the villain's connection is like li. - "Etiquette and Table"

[Interpretation] Gentlemen make friends as plain as water, and villains make friends like sweet wine (strong and sweet). The friendship of gentlemen does not seek fame and profit and use each other, so it seems plain and natural, so it can be long-lasting; the friendship of villains has the intention of profit and use, so it is inevitable that they will be hypocritical, pretentious, and sweet-talking, so it is difficult to last. Connection: Contact, contact. Li (lǐ): Sweet wine.

20. Reciprocity. Coming and going, not being polite, coming and going, not being polite. - "Etiquette and Qu Lishang"

[Interpretation] Etiquette focuses on mutual exchanges: there is no coming and going, which is not in line with etiquette; there is no coming and going, and it is not in line with etiquette. In interpersonal communication, people should treat each other as equals and help each other. DS: The emphasis is on.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

21, the flow of water is not corrupt, the household center is not beetle. - "Lü's Spring and Autumn"

[Interpretation] The flowing water does not rot, and the door shaft that often rotates will not be eroded by insects. Metaphorically, things that move a lot are not easily eroded and can remain unchanged for a long time. This sentence vividly illustrates the great significance of "movement": life lies in movement, the brain lies in movement, talent also needs to flow, everything in the universe is in motion, and without movement there is no world. Rot: Putrid. Shū: The hinge of the door. Beetle (dù): Decay.

22, full of losses, humble benefits. - "Book of The Great Yu Mo"

Pride and complacency inevitably lead to losses, and modesty and prudence will reap the benefits. Many facts in history have proved the correctness of this famous saying. Tang Taejong was able to humbly listen to the opinions of his subordinates, and the country was well governed, and there was a peaceful and prosperous era of "zhenguan rule"; but in his later years, he became proud and complacent, and failed miserably in the attack on Goryeo (Korea). Tang Xuanzong was also wise in his days when he first ascended the throne as emperor, and after his achievements in politics and economy, he became proud, which led to the "Anshi Rebellion", and the Tang Dynasty declined from then on.

23. Be sensitive to things and be cautious about words. - "Analects of Learning"

[Interpretation] Work diligently and quickly, and speak cautiously. This sentence tells us that we should do more practical things, talk less nonsense, and don't talk nonsense. Min: Diligent and fast. Caution: Caution, prudence.

24, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu, Chapter 64

[Interpretation] The long journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step under the feet. The metaphor of success in everything starts from scratch and accumulates gradually from small to large. Everything is difficult to begin, and there will be no result without a beginning. Everything starts with little things.

25, perseverance and inclusion, decaying wood does not fold; perseverance, gold and stone can be skeletonized. - "Xunzi Persuasion"

[Interpretation] carved a little, then gave up, even the decaying wood also carved it continuously; if it is carved non-stop, even the gold stone can be carved successfully. This metaphor is meant to show that learning and doing things can only be achieved by perseverance; if you stop at nothing, you will achieve nothing. Qiè (qiè), polonium (lòu): engraving.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

26 Man has no faith, and he does not know what he can do. —— "Analects for Government"

[Interpretation] A person who does not talk about credit does not know what he should do. Confucius believed that it is difficult for a person to walk without paying attention to credit. In today's view, a business, a nation, a country is the same. When China joins the WTO, it must also abide by the rules and stress good faith in order to develop in the course of competition.

27, who has no fault, but can change, good is great. - "The Second Year of Zuo Chuan and Xuan Gong"

[Interpretation] Who is not at fault? With mistakes that can be corrected, this is the greatest good thing! During the Spring and Autumn Period, the king of the Jin dynasty, Jin Linggong, was a tyrant. Once, when the cook's bear paws were not cooked enough, he ordered the cook to be killed. The chancellor Shi Ji entered the palace to advise him, but before he could say anything, Jin Linggong said, "I know that I am wrong, and I will definitely correct it in the future." In fact, his words focused on the previous sentence, just wanting to use this sentence to block Shi Ji's mouth, not really trying to correct the mistake. Shi Ji then said, "~, ~, ~." Shi Ji's words focused on the word "change", knowing that mistakes must be changed, and bad things will become good things. Mo Dayan: There is no bigger than this.

28 In a threesome, there will be my teacher. - "Analects and Narratives"

[Interpretation] Three people walking together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. Everyone has relative skills and strengths, there is something worth learning, as long as I learn from others with an open mind, I will definitely find a teacher who can teach myself.

29. Think twice. - "Analects of Gongyechang"

[Interpretation] After repeated consideration, action is taken. This applies to those who act recklessly. Three: Multiple times.

30 A saint will have a thousand worries, and a fool will have a thousand worries, and a fool will have a gain. - "Yanzi Chunqiu Miscellaneous"

[Interpretation] When great people think about problems, it is inevitable that there will be omissions; foolish people may also come up with some useful opinions after careful consideration. Chekhov said that big dogs bark, and small dogs bark, and small dogs should not be afraid to bark because of the presence of big dogs. Fools should not give up their own thinking because of the existence of saints.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

31, eat without words, sleep without words. - "Analects of the Township Party"

[Interpretation] Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep. There are many texts in the Analects that record Confucius's living habits and health methods, and this one is worth learning.

32. There is still a long way to go. - "Analects of Tabor"

[Interpretation] The reader must have great ambitions and a strong will, because he has great social responsibility and has a long way to go. Hongyi: Ambitious and strong-willed. For a person who wants to make a difference, great ambition and strong will are indispensable.

33, the stone of his mountain, can attack jade. - "Poetry Sutra, Xiaoya Heming"

[Interpretation] The stones on other mountains can be used to ponder jade. The talents originally referred to as one country can also be used by another country. Later, the parable borrowed the criticism of others to correct one's own mistakes, or the metaphor used the situation of others as a reference. From the perspective of reading books and doing learning, those who study the liberal arts must read some books on natural sciences; those who study natural sciences must also read some books on the humanities. Ta Shan: Other mountains. Attack: Ponder.

34, the weather is not as good as the location, the location is not as good as the people. - "Mencius Gongsun Ugly"

[Interpretation] The time of heaven is not as good as the land, and the land is not as good as the popularity. Those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world, and this is the case. Weather, climate, weather, cold and heat changes. Geographical advantages. People: unity, win the hearts and minds of the people.

35, Tianxingjian, a gentleman with self-improvement. - "Yi Qian"

[Interpretation] The operation of the celestial body is strong and powerful, and the gentleman should take it as an example, consciously strive upwards, and never stop. The ancients observed the heavens and the earth, mountains and rivers, grass and trees, birds and beasts, insects and fish, and often had their own experiences, which is worth learning. Line: Run, run. Ken: Strong and powerful.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

36. Vote for me with a peach and repay it with a lee. - "Poetry Sutra Daya Dang"

[Interpretation] Someone else gave me a peach, and I repaid him with a plum. How much benefit the other party gives me, I should also return the corresponding benefit to him. People should be polite and reciprocal with each other. Throw: Throw, here is the meaning of giving. Report: Return, rebate.

37. It is not too late to make up for the dead sheep. - "Warring States Ce Chu Ce IV Zhuang Xin Is The King of Chu Xiang"

[Interpretation] It is not too late for the sheep to run away and repair the sheepfold. The original text reads: "The courtiers hear the contemptuous saying: 'When you see a rabbit and take care of a dog, you are not late; if you make up for the dead sheep, you will be late at the end.' "We know that after things fail, it is not too late to remedy them in a timely manner; we are afraid of not learning lessons and not taking remedial measures." Dead: Escape. Prison: Livestock pen. Minister: Zhuang Xin's self-proclamation in front of King Xiang of Chu. Contempt: Colloquialisms. Gu: Look back, look back and summon.

38 I have tasted and thought all day long, and it is better to learn what I have learned. - "Xunzi Persuasion"

Instead of sitting there all day and meditating, it is better to spend a little time to learn and have benefits. Learning and thinking are originally complementary, and if we only focus on one aspect, it will be in vain. Sue: For a moment.

39. Decaying wood shall not be carved, and the wall of dung shall not be carved. - "Analects of Gongyechang"

[Interpretation] Decaying wood, can not be carved, dung erected walls, can not be painted. A man who cannot be made by metaphor does not need to cultivate him. There is not much difference between human intelligence factors, but human emotional factors are very different. Confucius had a student named Zaiyu who slept in the daytime, and Confucius said that there was nothing to blame for such a person as Zaiyu. Because his learning attitude is too poor, he has reached the point of no return. Wū :Tools for painting walls, in this case painting and painting.

40, learn and then know insufficient. - "Etiquette and Learning"

[Interpretation] Continuous learning, so that later you will know your shortcomings. Einstein once compared himself to a large circle and a person with shallow knowledge to a small circle. There are more blank spaces outside the large circle than in the small circle, so the more knowledgeable people are, the more aware of their own lack of knowledge. Knowing their own shortcomings, the harder you can study, the more you try to learn the richer the knowledge.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

41. To learn without thinking is to be reckless, and to think without learning is to perish. —— "Analects for Government"

[Interpretation] Just reading, but not thinking about it, will be confused; just fantasizing and not reading, will be tired and nothing. "Learning" and "thinking" complement each other, and if we only focus on one aspect and ignore the other, we will not achieve good results. Reckless (wǎng): Confused and unobtainable. dài: Tired and unproductive.

42. He who walks a hundred miles is half ninety. - "Warring States Policy, Qin Ce V"

[Interpretation] A hundred miles away, walking ninety miles is only halfway through. This sentence is a metaphor for the more difficult things are to complete in the final stage. Therefore, no matter what you do, you must not relax until the final completion, otherwise you will lose all your achievements and abandon your previous achievements.

43. Look up to the sky, and bow down to people. - "Mencius Devoted"

[Interpretation] Look up to see that you are not ashamed of the sky, and look down to think that you are worthy of others. Be a man of honor and integrity, and have a clear conscience. Gentlemen are frank. Up: Look up. Zuò: Shame.

44, jade is in the mountains and the grass is moist, and the pearls are born and do not dry up. - "Xunzi Persuasion"

[Interpretation] The treasure jade is hidden in the mountains, and even the grass and trees on the mountains appear moist; the pearls are produced in the abyss, and even the shores of the end do not seem to dry up. Knowledgeable and strategically hidden in the chest, they will naturally behave well and have an extraordinary style. If there is no inner talent, even if there is a beautiful appearance, it is just a common man.

45, if you want to be fast, you can't reach it. - "Analects and Zilu"

[Interpretation] If you want to be fast, you can't achieve the goal. Some of Confucius's disciples were officials, and Confucius taught them not to rush to achieve political achievements. The development of things has its regularity, and it is also necessary to study step by step, and if we do not lay a good foundation, we want to conquer cutting-edge science and produce results quickly, but we cannot do it.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

46. When you hear the Word, you can die at night. - "Analects of LiRen"

[Interpretation] Knowing the truth in the morning is worth it even if you die at night. This sentence illustrates the desire for truth. "Life is precious, and love is more expensive." If it is free, both can be thrown away. This poem by the Hungarian poet Petëfi expresses this idea, the persistent pursuit of freedom and truth, which can make people give up their lives.

47. To know is to know, to not know is to not know, is to know. —— "Analects for Government"

[Interpretation] What is known is acknowledged that it is already known, and what is not known is that it does not know, which is wisdom and wisdom. The self-righteous man always regards ignorance as a know. The last "know" (zhì): clever.

48. A benevolent person who has no survival to harm benevolence, and who kills himself to become a benevolent person. - "The Analects of Wei Linggong"

[Interpretation] Zhishi Renren is not willing to be greedy for life and afraid of death and harm Benevolence, they always prefer to sacrifice their lives to fulfill the great righteousness. Since ancient times, the loyal and righteous people regard benevolence and righteousness as more important than life, and Wen Tianxiang is such a benevolent person, "Whoever lives since ancient times has not died, and who has left Dan's heart to take care of Khan Qing" these two poems show that he regards death as a homecoming and sacrifices himself to become a benevolent trace.

49. The Son said, "I have five out of ten and am determined to learn, thirty and standing, forty and not confused, fifty and knowing the destiny of heaven, sixty and obedient, seventy and do not exceed the rules of the heart." ——" The Analects of Government

[Interpretation] I am fifteen years old, interested in learning; thirty years old, (understand etiquette,) speak and do things with confidence; forty years old, (master all kinds of knowledge,) do not be confused; fifty years old, learn the destiny; sixty years old, when I hear the words of others, I can distinguish between true and false, and judge right from wrong; at the age of seventy, I will do whatever I want, and no thought will go beyond the rules. This is a summary of Confucius's lifelong study and cultivation in his later years, indicating that he never studied cultivation uninterruptedly in his life, and every once in a while there was a great progress until he reached the highest state in his old age. For thousands of years, countless people have taken this passage as a motto to encourage themselves. Among them, "standing", "not confused", "knowing fate", and "ear shun" have also become synonymous with thirty, forty, fifty and sixty years old, respectively, and are widely circulated.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

50, hundreds of rivers east to the sea, when to return to the west. The young man does not work hard, and the old man is sad. - "Han Le Fu Long Song Line"

[Interpretation] Time is like a river flowing eastward into the sea, never to return; people do not study hard when they are young, and when they are old, they can achieve nothing, so they have to leave them empty to grieve and regret. Life accumulates days, days and months, and months, which seem to be long-lasting. When I was young, I looked forward to growing up, and I often felt that my life was very slow, and I came to Japan for a long time. In fact, time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, if you let it stumble, then day after day, year after year, you will give up, and finally regret it too late.

51, it is better to hear than to see. ——Han Bangu, "The Book of Han and the Biography of Zhao Chongguo"

[Interpretation] No matter how much you listen to it, it is better to see it with your own eyes. Refers to seeing more reliably than hearing.

52. Sickness enters from the mouth, and evil comes out of the mouth. --Jin Fu Xuan, "Fu Zi Kou Ming"

[Interpretation] The disease is eaten from the mouth, and the evil is spoken from the mouth. This sentence warns people to speak with caution, because not paying attention to speech will bring disaster. The world is forbidden to say more, and more words will be lost. Fu Xuan: (217-278) Western Jin Dynasty philosopher and writer. He is the author of "Fu Zi" and "Fu XuanJi". During the Ming Dynasty, someone collected his works and compiled them into the "Fu Quail Collection". Motto: A motto about the mouth.

53, do not enter the tiger's den, but get the tiger. --Southern Dynasty Song Fan Ye, "Later Han Shu Ban Chao Biography"

[Interpretation] If you don't enter the tiger hole, you can't catch the little tiger. Parables cannot achieve major success without personally entering a dangerous situation. It also means that it is difficult to obtain true knowledge without practice.

54. Born of sorrow and died of comfort. - "Mencius,"

[Interpretation] Man can grow in sorrow and misfortune, or he can perish in comfort and pleasure. The harsh environment can train people and make people stronger to survive and develop; a comfortable life is easy to corrode people, make people decadent and even perish.

The most nurturing classic sentences in ancient China, sentences benefit

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