
Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"


Hello everyone, I'm Link. Share games, esports intelligence, raiders and more every day.

We all know what most people like, so do you know what everyone hates? Today I will do a phase of inventory, mainly involving three hairstyles. Of course, it is not absolute, and any hairstyle is unlikely to make the player 100% satisfied. Let's get into the topic, Link hopes that everyone will come together to communicate and rationally share your watch.

Today's topic: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

The first is tweeting.

This hairstyle itself is lolita and cute. As far as hairstyles are concerned, there is no problem. However, in the long-term process, players gradually have a bad impression of tweeting, mainly from some players, or some UP masters, when shooting the plot, deliberately use tweeting to shape the tweet into a "green tea" image. Slowly, in the player's mind, seeing the tweet, the word "green tea" came to mind.

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

The second is the old man.

This does not refer to a hairstyle, but a type of hairstyle. Like the Mediterranean, the bearded and so on. After use, the effect instantly changed from a young man to an old man. The main reason why players hate it is that it is "too ugly". Of course, there are also people who like it, after all, as long as it is dressed, there are two sides. It's just that in the eyes of most people, the old man's hairstyle is not suitable for himself. So it was drawn into the unpopular outfit.

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

Finally, there are oyster mushrooms.

In fact, there are many people who like mushrooms. But there are also many people who hate it. After taking it together, even people who like mushrooms usually dare not use them, why is this? Because after taking it together, when you use oyster mushrooms, if you encounter a white bird, then the problem comes. You may be scolded. The reason behind this is mainly caused by the "white mushroom stem". This also makes Oyster mushrooms, now a street rat, dare not appear near the white bird.

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

Summary for today:

A real-world case. Player A once, with a small black ignition, the other party is a white bird. At that moment, someone told her to sit down and talk. Then she opened her mouth and scolded, saying that player A did not want to face and hooked up with her white bird. Say you can't get used to mushrooms, let her roll away... Link just wants to say that not everyone, when using oyster mushrooms, is a white bird licking dog, and not all like white birds. Do not target oyster mushrooms, please stay rational!

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

Each article is an idea and an opinion that represents Link himself only. Some stories, from the source of fan submissions, please do not enter the seat. Link welcomes everyone, rational exchange and sharing. Please respect each and every one, and those who disagree with you, meet each other because of the light, and warm each other. Remember to follow and share, Link thanks.

Light Encounter: Players hate the outfit, Oyster mushroom actually on the list? Mainly "white mushroom stems"

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