
Turning on the lights to sleep is harmful, come and see what is affected?

Are you actively losing weight?

Maybe you don't know that a small detail in life will make your efforts in vain!

Studies have found that turning on the lights or sleeping on the TV set significantly increases the risk of obesity.

There is a light source outside the house or a night light to sleep, the risk is also not small!

Turning on the lights to sleep is harmful, come and see what is affected?

A recent study found that these women had a 17 percent higher risk of gaining more than 5 kilograms of weight compared to those who slept without a light source in their house, and a 22 percent and 33 percent higher risk of sudden overweight or obesity.

After adjusting factors such as sleep time and quality, diet, physical exercise, etc., this correlation still exists strongly in different populations, and it is no accident!

So why does turning on the lights while sleeping affects weight?

Because light can interrupt sleep, reduce sleep time, increase human desire to find high-energy foods, and change the levels of hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, and glucagon.

In addition, light will also directly inhibit the production of melatonin in humans, destroy the biological clock, etc., and the change of the biological clock will increase the risk of obesity.

Turning on the lights to sleep is harmful, come and see what is affected?

Now it seems that turning on the lights to sleep will increase weight, especially the impact of increasing women's weight, which is very suspect.

Maybe many people will turn on the lights or turn on the TV to sleep because of personal habits or other factors, and now it is time to consider changing these habits. For the influence of the light source outside the house, it is very necessary to close the curtains.

Turning on the lights to sleep is harmful, come and see what is affected?

So let's take stock of what are the dangers of turning on the lights and sleeping?

First, it affects sleep

Lighting will inhibit the production of melatonin in the human body and affect the quality of sleep.

Second, reduce immunity

Melatonin can promote thymus hyperplasia, the thymus gland is an important immune organ of the human body, melatonin reduction will affect the function of the thymus gland.

Third, increase the risk of cancer

People are sleeping but the best time to repair, poor quality of rest will affect DNA repair, promote tumor occurrence. For example, in the 2013 American Journal of Epidemiology, there was a significant correlation between sleep disorders and a woman's risk of thyroid cancer.

Turning on the lights to sleep is harmful, come and see what is affected?

Fourth, induce eye diseases

Light will make the pupils unable to relax and rest, easily causing dizziness and decreased vision. Even sore eyes, tears, and vision loss.

Fifth, prone to heart disease and metabolic diseases.

A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is a wake-up call for people who like to sleep with the lights on: Compared to the dark conditions, the presence of lights at night can have a negative impact on cardiovascular function and cause metabolic disorders the next morning.

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