
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

On December 26, 2021, Zhiji Automobile celebrated its first anniversary.

The first 200 beta experience versions of the brand's first masterpiece, the performance flagship True Intelligent Sedan Zhiji L7, were officially delivered at saic's Lingang plant. In the brilliant night of the Bund in Shanghai, the Zhiji L7 Beta Experience Edition national 9-city "urban parade" activity was officially launched, witnessing this important moment with Zhiji users in the form of online conferences, and entering the final stage of zhiji automobile's "pioneering work" of zhiji automobile.

Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

The scene of the North Bund press conference

For Zhiji Automobile, standing at the outlet of electrification to redefine the rules of the game, using intelligent technology to subvert the previous car experience, and creating new consumer and aesthetic needs along the wave of high-end is the trend of the industry and the original intention of a brand.


A car company that is more like a technology company

In just 22 months, Zhiji Automobile has compressed the development cycle by "designing, developing, integrating, and iterating", completed the entire development process at high speed, efficiency and high quality, and interpreted "what a car should look like in the intelligent era" at the speed of Zhiji. Zhiji L7 Beta Experience Edition rolled off the production line, that is, launched the "Urban Parade" activity covering 9 cities across the country, and opened the data-driven full-journey test in the real environment. This is a necessary process of the intelligent car development process in the AI era, and it will use the "golden key" of real scene data to rigorously verify the intelligent performance of deep intelligent vehicles.

Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

Standing at the cusp of the era of AI intelligence, it is not only the automotive industry that has ushered in the new normal. How to ride on the east wind of the times, redefine industry rules, and lead new trends is undoubtedly an opportunity and a challenge for the red and dedicated independent brand Zhiji.

In fact, the development of new energy vehicles has entered an explosive period, which is a matter of the past two years. Of course, this is due to the support of national policies, the inevitable development of science and technology, and the aspirations of the people... Taking advantage of the time and place, ushered in their own best era. Qian Chenyi, a zhiji automobile service provider and deputy director of the brand promotion department of Shanghai Art Design Co., Ltd., said that the way of thinking of traditional automobiles is relatively solidified, and after the accumulation of time, a set of relatively stable operating models and market logic have been formed, correspondingly, there are constraints in developing new things, and the experience of serving automobile brands for many years has made her see all this very clearly. "In fact, Zhiji positioned himself as a technology company, with strength, responsibility, and creativity, their team is very young, dare to think and dare to do, and their thinking is very infectious." Through continuous contact with this brand and platform, our service team's understanding of the automotive industry, brand and service awareness has increased, which is the growth of customers. In the process of communication, it was felt that it was not a traditional car brand, but did a lot of things that other brands did not dare to try, which inspired our team. ”

Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

It is worth mentioning that The team of Shanghai Art Design Co., Ltd., which is composed of 26 people specializing in serving Zhiji Automobile, also has a strong comprehensive ability, and has expert figures in different fields, strong alliance, in order to provide a higher degree of adhesion services for the brand. In order to cope with challenges from different industries and meet the needs of different types of customers, they often look for cross-border talents, jump out of the automotive field to tap talents, and open their eyes and patterns. Only when the pattern becomes larger and the vision is far-sighted, can the thinking be truly expanded, and finally cross-border services for customers in different fields, collide with new sparks, and be innovators in certain fields. "In the future, we will reflect more of our value in terms of auxiliary power and platform resources for customers." Become the person the customer really needs. Qian Chenyi said.


Break the rules and rewrite the rules

How powerful are the current car companies? Taking Zhiji Auto as an example, it has not only established its own in-house content marketing team, but also produced a considerable amount of well-produced content within a controllable cost. On the one hand, this obviously puts forward higher requirements and a sense of crisis that is difficult to hide for service providers, on the other hand, it also helps car brands to upgrade from runners to leaders of self-awareness awakening.

Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

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Art + technology fusion content created by the brand in-house team

(campaign by Mo Zhijie Team)

Mo Zhijie, head of the IMF studio of Zhiji Auto in-house content creative studio, analyzed the marketing prospects of the auto industry for us: from a market perspective, the car is a bulk consumer product other than real estate, unlike FMCG, its attempt cost is very high, and the sales and marketing link is inversely proportional to the cost. Buying a car, a family spends about three months to plan. In addition, this is a Red Sea market, the market is in a highly saturated state, consumers are very sensitive to prices, and the market segments in each field have reached saturation; from the perspective of the industrial chain, the volume of marketing investment by car companies is several times or even dozens of times that of FMCG or other products. Marketing costs are high, but the price-performance ratio is low. This is determined by the entire industry, the entire technology industry.

"The core path of the in-house team is to reduce the cost of communication with suppliers and be sensitive to boundaries – clear boundaries help refine core ideas. All good ideas revolve around the product point, so that the boundaries are narrowed from wide to narrow and finally simplified. This will take many fewer detours than others. We're trying to break with the traditional stereotypes and do things that no one else has done, from the whole strategy to the simple picture. Everything that the brand provides to the user should be correct, good, in line with a certain aesthetic and logic, and the user's maintenance actually occurs every hour and every minute and every second of every day. ”

These reflections guide brands to practice differently from the perspective of marketing. Mo Zhijie is well aware that there is a big difference between advertising and marketing ideas and marketing strategies of different values, and the brand premium of a product that just needs a product naturally includes the connotation value of ideology, which has become an opportunity point for Zhiji to make a breakthrough.


Aesthetic upward: leading the spiritual appeal of the new era

Adhering to the original intention of "aesthetic upwards", Mo Zhijie and his team have done in-depth research, and want to interpret the artistic concept and tonality of an automobile brand with heart in this era of more diversified aesthetics and deeper depth. "Traditional advertising campaign is a very fixed thing, self-talking to stereotype the time period of the user's perception of information. What we want to do is to make niche things more in-depth, give the audience a deeper level of brand recognition and empathy, rather than influencing people with 'shouting' methods or pompous copywriting. In this day and age, technology brings a lot of possibilities, and vision often becomes a very important thing, allowing the implicit inner visualization of brand tonality. ”

People who do technology have their own unique perspective of appreciating art, and the high level of tonality contains the commonality of aesthetics, and when the artistic expression of the brand is carried out, a core technology is still needed to complete the sublimation of the artistic level.

Regarding the significance of brand tonality, Mo Zhijie explained with the lighthouse effect: one is to cater to the market, and the other is to be a lighthouse and lead the trend by standing on a high place. Tonality is the latter, standing on a high place to predict aesthetics and the entire fashion trend, and what Zhiji is doing at the moment is to create some "introductions" and some niche events to trigger the resonance of users on "tonality". He firmly believes that the entire market is nothing more than this, and aesthetics are always in the hands of a small number of people. According to the Twenty-Eight Theory, their sensitivity to beauty and the accumulation of knowledge and prejudgment are much higher than those of the other 80%. "At the end of the day, brand tonality is a vertical relationship, or a gradient relationship, which I personally think may be a relationship that needs to be validated with time."


It has changed with the times and become a brand that users really need

The current marketing game is nothing more than expanding the popularity, enhancing the user's product reputation, and increasing the brand's mental occupation. Zhiji chose the third way. The core of mental occupation is precisely to do things that others have not done, choose different tracks from the strategic level, and choose risky but different solutions from the marketing tactical level. Under the premise of balancing risk and output, the whole team faces the wind and rain together.

"In branding, we pursue a very light and fast but a little bit of a feeling of incompleteness. Let users see me alone in the chaotic and noisy environment of the times. Linda, director of hybrid domain operation and private domain marketing of Zhiji Automobile, said that the current communication is not chain communication, and the current brand promotion is easy to distinguish the efficiency of data, and to identify the effective arrival rate of content, which helps brands better build private domain content. In this era of looking at numbers, there is actually a scientific marketing logic behind it.

She said that although Zhiji Automobile has been founded for one year, the real communication period has not yet begun, and at this stage, it is more appropriate to call it the brewing period: on the one hand, research and development, products including software and hardware departments are working around the clock to manufacture products, on the other hand, the marketing team is also thinking about how to talk to the right people and look at each other. "From the brand landing to the delivery of the Zhiji L7 Beta Experience, the main thing that the team and I are doing is how to align with the company's strategic marketing ideas, such as the private domain operation of the automotive industry and the differentiation of fan fission and FMCG, and how to open this gap. Our team is a role in the marketing system and our partners, producers and operators of content, and data insights. Why do content insights into data, because we need to understand the preferences of our users and their joys and sorrows, to play with seed users, early fans (now in the millions), so that they can participate in the communication from the beginning rather than at the end of the communication. The average age of my team is 27 years old, and they have shown great endurance and persistence in the face of repeated epidemics. ”

2022 is an important time window for Zhiji Automobile, under the premise of adhering to the original intention, it will rise on its own, maintain its tone and sobriety, and use the superior experience to concentrate on serving the first batch of users. This is the determination of zhiyi and the unremitting motivation to move forward.

Audit | Lin Ying, Zhong Yi

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Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring
Zhiji Automobile: Defining New Rules under Industrial Restructuring

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