
Order notes suspected of involve yellow, malicious orders Cargo Lala response: will increase the strength of shielding

Order notes suspected of involve yellow, malicious orders Cargo Lala response: will increase the strength of shielding

Nandu News Reporter Yan Zhaoxin Recently, some Hangzhou netizens broke the news that someone used the lala platform to release an order note "about new tea", and noted a WeChat signal, suspected of being involved in pornography.

Some media reporters have tried to add weChat in the notes, seen videos of girls dancing in uniforms in their circle of friends, and "leave a message on your request, reply one by one later" and other content. Nandu reporter searched for the WeChat id and found that this number no longer exists.

Order notes suspected of involve yellow, malicious orders Cargo Lala response: will increase the strength of shielding

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For the order notes of the goods Lala, nandu reporters randomly interviewed some of the drivers in Shenzhen, the interviewed drivers said that they had seen orders containing pornographic suggestive content, and in addition to pornographic suggestive content, there are often order notes "there is a source of goods" and "there is a private order" and other content ads and leave contact information, attracting drivers to contact them privately to pull goods.

Master Xie, a driver of Shenzhen Lala, told Nandu reporters that he had indeed seen pornographic and suggestive content in the order notes many times. These "garbage" notes are not uncommon, most of the pornographic suggestive content most drivers will not pay attention, but some recruitment notes are more likely to attract drivers, "usually can not receive orders, some drivers will be attracted by this kind of advertising." These ads usually say that they have a large number of supplies or orders in their hands, leaving contact information and asking the driver to contact them. ”

Shenzhen lala driver Master Li was once said to have more sources of goods and orders of advertising attracted, he and the remarks in the contact information to get in touch with the interview, "after talking about their source and order source I can not guarantee, are private channels do not know that it is not formal, did not continue to chat with them." ”

In addition to the suspected pornography, advertising and other content, Master Xie said that the most common thing to see is the note of malicious issuance. "Some people place orders for small models, but in the remarks they ask for large cars to come over, or the notes far exceed the amount of goods that their orders can pull. When the driver grabbed the order, he accidentally received it. ”

For pornographic suggestive content, Lalala told Nandu reporter that Lalala has blocked these orders for the first time and banned relevant users; at the same time, the platform has also contacted the police to call the police and handed over relevant information and evidence to the police. In the future, Lalala will continue to use technical means to increase the shielding of sensitive words and illegal information of orders.

For the situation that the order notes involve advertising and malicious orders, Lalala told nandu reporters that it will continue to improve the interception and shielding technology, and further do a good job in user education, and maintain a good billing environment.

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